Graduate Students:
One of the top 10 unsolved problems in physics is the nature of the strong
force where quark confinement dominates. I.E. it is poorly understood how
quark and gluon interactions lead to the observed structure of nuclear matter.
We are seeking motivated graduate students to join our experiments, which will
take data with unprecedented accuracy, leading to a better understanding of the
underlying quark-gluon structure of these particles. The research involves
highly-ranked experiments of pion, kaon form factors and studies of backward
angle meson production at Jefferson Laboratory (USA).
We are also contributing detectors for the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device
(SoLID) at Jefferson Lab, and performing studies for a future Electron-Ion
Collider. Our graduate program enables students to quickly start their
research upon admission, acquiring significant computing and hardware skills,
leading to well-rounded scientists, with good critical thinking, leadership and
teamwork skills.
For more details on the many scientific opportunities available, please
see the research page.
Application Information.
- Funding support is available to all successful applicants.
- Interested candidates should forward academic transcripts and a CV
including research experience, scientific interests, career goals and the names
of three referees, to Prof. Garth Huber at the address below.
- Further information on the English proficiency and minimum grade requirements
for foreign applicants is available
For additional information, please contact:
Dr. Garth Huber
Department of Physics
University of Regina
Regina, SK, S4S 0A2, Canada
Tel: +1 306 585 4240
Fax: +1 306 585 5659