Physics channels available for analysis:

Updated: 2025-Feb-12

We have an amazing amount of data from the Kaon-LT and Pion-LT experiments over a wide kinematic range. Below is our list of possible physics outputs from the acquired data, and the spokespersons' assessment of their potential physics impact. Names are placed next to some of these items, but many opportunities in our list are still available. And, we are of course open to hear your additional ideas for topics and/or publications using our data.

Interested parties should contact one of the Pion-LT or Kaon-LT spokespersons:
Dave Gaskell (JLab), Tanja Horn (CUA), Garth Huber (Regina), Pete Markowitz (FIU)

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Physics from K+ Channels:

Experiment Paper Topic Kinematics Importance Online Status Person Responsible
KaonLT p(e,e'K+)Λ L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections x=0.25: Q2=2.115, 3.0;
x=0.40: Q2=3.0, 4.4, 5.5
Will be used for Q-n scaling test, and extraction of K+ FF, either in same or subsequent papers. Link here Richard Trotta
KaonLT Q-n-dependence of p(e,e'K+)Λ L/T/LT/TT cross sections at x=0.40, and comparison to QCD-scaling predictions. x=0.40: Q2=3.0, 4.4, 5.5 Will provide first check of QCD scaling expectations for σL, σT. Makes use of above L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections Richard Trotta & Tanja Horn
KaonLT p(e,e'K+)Λ L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections Q2=0.5 Extract K+ form factor and compare to extrapolation of exact form factor values from CERN and Fermilab Link here Abdennacer Hamdi & Garth Huber
KaonLT p(e,e'K+)Λ,Σ global cross section analysis Q2=0.5 to 5.5 Provides an empirical model for feasbility studies and comparisons with theoretical models Makes use of above L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections Tanja Horn
KaonLT K+-pole tests of separated p(e,e'K+) dσL/dt and, if warranted, K+ electric form factor versus Q2. All Q2 >2 GeV2 data. Flagship analysis, likely to be our highest cited KaonLT work. Makes use of above L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections Depending on the results of Richard's L/T-separations, we will decide how best to proceed on this (likely) high impact study. Tanja Horn & Garth Huber.
KaonLT p(e,e'K+)Σ/p(e,e'K+)Λ separated cross section ratios Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 gKNΛ/gKNΣ coupling constant ratio versus t. This is listed as one of our K+-pole tests. Requires extraction of Σ L/T/LT/TT cross sections from calibrated K+ data. Gabriel & Ioana Niculescu
KaonLT Investigation of separated σ(K+Λ) / σ(π+n) ratios at same kinematics Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 These data could be vital in reducing the theoretical uncertainty in the gKNΛ coupling constant. Makes use of the above calibrated data, with different PID cuts and efficiencies. The π analysis is listed separately in the next table. Available
KaonLT p(e,e'K+)Λ beam spin asymmetry 10.6 GeV data at Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 First ever extraction of K+ BSA. Compare to π BSA and to GPD and Regge model predictions. Available
KaonLT p(e,e'K+)Λ(1405)/p(e,e'K+)Λ(1115), p(e,e'K+)Λ(1520)/p(e,e'K+)Λ(1115) unseparated cross section ratios at high ε for various kinematics. Provides some interesting reaction mechanism data, particularly in comparison to Regge models. Likely this will be possible only for the Q2 > 2 GeV2 data. It will depend on which settings have most populated Λ* peaks. Will use the above calibrated data, but the rest of the analysis would be new. No diamond cut will be applied, as we need the full statistics to reliably extract the Λ* yields. Ioana & Gabriel Niculescu. This would make a good MSc project, initial yield ratios could be an undergraduate project.

Physics from π+ Channels:

The PionLT run plan is highly optimized, where most settings have multiple uses in different physics studies. This is summarized in the figure at left, where the symbols have the following meanings:
[red line] Q2 scans at fixed xB=0.1-0.6;
[green square] priority Q-n scaling study;
[yellow square] priority π+ form factor study;
[dashed vertical line] W-scans at fixed Q2, to evaluate dependence of π+ form factor extraction on -tmin;
[black X] points instrumental in the Q2=8.5 pion form factor extraction.
The text indicates the -tmin values and target/SHMS polarities used for each setting.
p(e,e'π+)n L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections
PionLT Setting Studies used in Online Status Initial Assignment (to be reviewed)
LH2 Q2=1.45, W=2.02, -tmin=0.11 x=0.31 scaling [3.7 GeV] [6.4 GeV] Muhammad Junaid & Nathan Heinrich
LH2 Q2=1.6, W=3.08, -tmin=0.03 Fπ [6.4 GeV] [9.2 GeV] [9.9 GeV] Muhammad Junaid
LD2 Q2=1.6, W=3.08, -tmin=0.03 π-+ [6.4 GeV] [6.4 GeV B] [9.2 GeV] Available
LH2 Q2=2.12, W=2.05, -tmin=0.19 x=0.39 scaling [4.6 GeV] [8.5 GeV] Nathan Heinrich
LH2 Q2=2.45, W=3.20, -tmin=0.05 Fπ [8.0 GeV] [8.5 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Muhammad Junaid
LH2 Q2=2.73, W=2.63, -tmin=0.12 x=0.31 scaling [6.4 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Nathan Heinrich
LH2 Q2=3.85, W=2.02, -tmin=0.49 x=0.55 scaling and Fπ [6.0 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Muhammad Junaid & Nathan Heinrich
LH2 Q2=3.85, W=2.62, -tmin=0.21 x=0.39 scaling and Fπ [6.4 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Muhammad Junaid
LD2 Q2=3.85, W=2.62, -tmin=0.21 π-+ [6.4 GeV] [6.4 GeV B] [10.55 GeV] [10.55 GeV B] Available
LH2 Q2=3.85, W=3.07, -tmin=0.12 x=0.31 scaling and Fπ [8.0 GeV] [8.5 GeV] [9.9 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Nathan Heinrich
LD2 Q2=3.85, W=3.07, -tmin=0.12 π-+ [8.0 GeV] [10.55 GeV] [10.55 GeV B] Available
LH2 Q2=5.0, W=2.95, -tmin=0.20 x=0.39 scaling and Fπ [8.0 GeV] [9.9 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Muhammad Junaid & Nathan Heinrich
LH2 Q2=6.0, W=2.40, -tmin=0.53 x=0.55 scaling and Fπ [8.0 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Nathan Heinrich
LD2 Q2=6.0, W=2.40, -tmin=0.53 π-+ [8.0 GeV] [10.55 GeV] [10.55 GeV B] Available
LH2 Q2=6.0, W=3.19, -tmin=0.21 x=0.39 scaling and Fπ [9.2 GeV] [9.9 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Muhammad Junaid
LH2 Q2=8.5, W=2.79, -tmin=0.55 x=0.55 scaling and Fπ [9.2 GeV] [10.55 GeV] Available

Physics study using L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections
Experiment Paper Topic Kinematics Importance Person Responsible
PionLT p(e,e'π+)n L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections Q2=0.375, 0.425 Extract π+ form factor and compare to extrapolation of exact form factor values from CERN and Ackerman (indirect) Vijay Kumar & Garth Huber
KaonLT p(e,e'π+)n L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections Q2=0.50 In principle we can do the same comparison with exact form factor values using the KaonLT data. Uses same data sample as Nacer's K+ analysis, but with different PID cuts and efficiencies. Available
PionLT Fπ test vs changing -tmin Q2=1.60: W=3.08, W=2.22 (Fpi-2), W=1.95 (Fpi-1) Form factor reliability check at Q2=1.60 Muhammad Junaid
PionLT Fπ test vs changing -tmin Q2=2.40: W=3.20, W=2.22 (Fpi-2) Form factor reliability check at Q2=2.40 Available
PionLT Fπ test vs changing -tmin Q2=3.85: W=3.07, 2.62, 2.02 Form factor reliability check at Q2=3.85 Available
PionLT Fπ test vs changing -tmin Q2=6.00: W=3.19, 2.40 Form factor reliability check at Q2=6.00 Available
PionLT Fπ over a wide Q2 range Q2=1.60, 2.45, 3.85, 5.00, 6.00 Our flagship measurement, likely to be the most cited paper from PionLT Requires full set of L/T/LT/TT-separated data and well understood systematic uncertainties. Full kinematic range means this would be a later paper. Available
PionLT Fπ at highest Q2 Q2=8.50 Requires π-pole tests from other kinematics in Fig 1 Tests using other L/T/LT/TT-separated data means this is would be a later paper. Available
KaonLT p(e,e'π+)n L/T/LT/TT-separated cross sections x=0.25: Q2=2.115, 3.0;
x=0.40: Q2=3.0, 4.4, 5.5
These data can feed into the scaling and pion form factor reliability tests listed in other parts of this table. Ali Usman
PionLT p(e,e'π+)n global cross section analysis Q2=0.38 to 8.5 Uses above L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections in an empirical model useful for feasbility studies and comparisons with theoretical models. Tanja Horn
KaonLT Fπ with higher statistics, but worse systematic uncertainties than PionLT Q2 > 2.0 Could be used for additional π-pole tests since these data will be at slightly higher -tmin than PionLT. Ali Usman
KaonLT p(e,e'π+)X unseparated cross sections at high and low ε x=0.25: Q2=2.115, 3.0;
x=0.40: Q2=3.0, 4.4, 5.5
Analysis of SIDIS channel e+p->eπ+X at high z, as a function of ε. Constrains the high z SIDIS model and provides a check on KaonLT unseparated exclusive π+ channel results. Preliminary results at: Peter Bosted
KaonLT x=0.25 scaling test Q2=2.115, 3.0 Uses same data as Richard's K+ study above, but with different PID cuts and efficiencies. Available
PionLT x=0.31 scaling test Q2=1.45, 2.73, 3.85 Check hard-soft factorization at x=0.31 Nathan Heinrich
PionLT x=0.39 scaling test Q2=2.12, 3.85, 5.0, 6.0 Check hard-soft factorization at x=0.39 Nathan Heinrich
KaonLT x=0.40 scaling test Q2=3.0, 4.4, 5.5 Uses same GeV data as Richard's K+ study above, but with different PID cuts and efficiencies. Available
PionLT x=0.55 scaling test Q2=3.85, 6.0, 8.5 Check hard-soft factorization at x=0.55 Available
PionLT π-/π L/T/LT/TT-separated ratios Q2=1.60, 2.45 (Fpi-2), 3.85, 6.00 σL: π-pole dominance test; σT: hard-soft factorization test Available
KaonLT p(e,e'π+0/p(e,e'π+)n ratios at low and high ε Q2 > 2.0 Probably statistics will only allow a normalized yield ratio at low and high ε. Online results indicate these two channels have very different L/T ratios. Would provide helpful information for transition GPD models and studies of the Δπ reaction mechanism. Ali Usman
KaonLT and PionLT p(e,e'π+)n beam spin asymmetry at Low Q2 Q2=0.375, 0.425, 0.50 Someone needs to take a quick look at the data to see if the asymmetry is large enough to be interesting. Available. It might make a good undergraduate project.
KaonLT p(e,e'π+)n beam spin asymmetry 10.6 GeV data at Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 Compare to CLAS BSA and to GPD and Regge model predictions. Paper submitted. Alicia Postuma
KaonLT p(e,e'π+0 beam spin asymmetry 10.6 GeV data at Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 Compare to CLAS Δπ BSA and our π BSA Ali Usman
PionLT π+ beam spin asymmetries over a wide kinematic range Q2=1.60, 2.45, 3.85, 5.00, 6.00 An extension of the KaonLT π BSA analysis. Statistics will be lower than KaonLT for some settings. Available

Physics from p Channels:

Experiment Paper Topic Kinematics Importance Person Responsible
KaonLT p(e,e'p)ω L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections x=0.25: Q2=2.115, 3.0;
x=0.40: Q2=3.0, 4.4, 5.5
Will be used for L/T ratios versus -u, investigation of backward angle peak, and Q-n scaling test, either in same or subsequent papers. Alicia Postuma
KaonLT Q-n-dependence of p(e,e'p)ω L/T/LT/TT cross sections at x=0.40, and comparison to QCD-scaling predictions. x=0.40: Q2=3.0, 4.4, 5.5 Makes use of above L/T/LT/TT separated cross sections. Compare to Bill's check of QCD scaling expectations for σL, σT. Alicia Postuma
KaonLT p(e,e'p)ω beam spin asymmetry 10.6 GeV data at Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 Compare to π BSA and to GPD and Regge model predictions. Requires extraction of Σ L/T/LT/TT cross sections from π+ calibrated data. Alicia Postuma
KaonLT p(e,e'p)ρ0/p(e,e'p)ω separated cross section ratios Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 TDA models have made specific predictions for these ratios versus u for our kinematics. Requires the reliable separation of the ρ missing mass peak from the uncorrelated 2π phase-space underneath. Statistics should be much better than for PionLT high Q2 settings. Available
KaonLT p(e,e'p)φ/p(e,e'p)ω separated cross section ratios Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 u-channel φ production is uniquely sensitive to the s-sbar content of the proton wave function. Due to the greater statistics, this is likely our only chance of φ data, in comparison to PionLT high Q2 settings. Available
KaonLT p(e,e'p)η and p(e,e'p)η' cross sections at high and low ε Q2=0.5, 2.115, 3.0, 4.4, 5.5 See studies in Michael Hladun's UofR B.Sc. Honours thesis. Available