; Offset in the spectrometer momentum. hmomentum_factor = 0.000 ; leave 0 so it will have no effect ; use hpcentral_offset if one needs to offset central momentum ; ; The hdelta_offset,htheta_offset,hphi_offset effect the ; reconstructed target quantities. Used in h_targ_trans.f ; For transport x is in the dispersive direction with + down ; y is in the horizontal + towards small angles. ; z is along the central optics axis. ; In transport coordinates phi = hyptar = dy/dz and theta = hxptar = dx/dz ; but for unknown reasons the yp offset is named htheta_offset ; and the xp offset is named hphi_offset ; Do not to change these values, since these are the zero order ; CMOP matrix elements. If you do change then your hms sieve ; plots will be screwed up. hdelta_offset = 0. ; (%) hdelta_tar = hdelta_tar + hdelta_offset htheta_offset = 4.83e-5 ; (rad) hyp_tar = hyp_tar + htheta_offset hphi_offset = -4.73e-3 ; (rad) hxp_tar = hxp_tar + hphi_offset ; ;saturation correction flag genable_hms_satcorr = 2000 ;(0=disabled) - h_satcorr.f ; set: 1999 - old fit ; set: 2000 - new fit (2003, fpi2) ; set: 94110 - fit based on e94-100 data ; a correction to hsdelta event by event ; for a problem in setting Q3 current. ; There was an unknown zero offset in the Q3 current. ; The magnet setting code field00.f partially ; fixes this problem. ; So data taken earlier than 2000 should enable the correction. ; central field correction genable_hms_fieldcorr = 1 ; (1=disabled) - h_fieldcorr.f ; Need to enable for experiments before Jan 2002 . ; experiments using field02 and field03 should disable. ; ; The following offsets are applied to the central kinematic variables ; in h_apply_offsets.f . These might be modified by an experiment ; after doing calibration with elastic ep ; ; Fpi2 offsets from 2003: hpcentral_offset = -0.1284 ; sets hpcentral = hpcentral * ( 1. + hpcentral_offset / 100. ) ; ; hpcentral_offset = -0.150 ; sets hpcentral = hpcentral * ( 1. + hpcentral_offset / 100. ) ; Dave's NEW/OLD xem offsets: ; hpcentral_offset = -0.100 ; sets hpcentral = hpcentral * ( 1. + hpcentral_offset / 100. ) ; hpcentral_offset = 0.0 ; sets hpcentral = hpcentral * ( 1. + hpcentral_offset / 100. ) ; when using field03 HMS setting program this should be set to zero ; experiments earlier than April 2003 ; should use about -0.3 which is the best ; estimate based on several previous experiments. ; Fpi2 Offset from 2003 hthetacentral_offset = 0.0 ; (rad) ; ; Dave's NEW/OLD xem offsets: ; hthetacentral_offset = -0.0006 ; (rad) ; hthetacentral_offset = -0.001 ; (rad) ;htheta_lab=htheta_lab + hthetacentral_offset/degree ; hphicentral_offset = 0.0 ; (rad) hphicentral_offset = 0.0011 ; (rad) ;hphi_lab = hphi_lab + h_oopcentral_offset/degree ; h_oopcentral_offset = 0.0 ; (rad) h_oopcentral_offset = 0.0011 ; (rad) ;hphi_lab = hphi_lab + hphicentral_offset/degree