; hms tracking code debug flags. ; when these flags are non-zero, dump routines are called to ; print out the data banks for each event. ; ; hluno fortran lun for output hluno = 66 ; hdebugdumptof Dump timing information for fitting offsets hdebugdumptof = 0 ; hdebugdumpcal Dump calorimeter information for fitting gains hdebugdumpcal = 0 ; number of pedestal events required to overwrite orig. peds. hhodo_min_peds = 500 hcal_min_peds = 500 hcer_min_peds = 500 haero_min_peds = 500 hmisc_min_peds = 500 ; DEBUGGING OUTPUT FLAGS ; ---------------------- ; hdebugprintrawdc Dump HMS_RAW_DC Bank hdebugprintrawdc = 0 ; hdebugprintdecodeddc Dump HMS_DECODED_DC BAnk hdebugprintdecodeddc = 0 ; hdebugflagpsi Dump calculated coordinate positions hdebugflagpsi = 0 ; hdebugflaggeoemtry Dump calculated geometrical parameters hdebugflaggeometry = 0 ; hdebugflagpr Dump intermediate pattern recognition results hdebugflagpr = 0 ; hdebugflagstubchisq Dump chi2 of left-right fits hdebugstubchisq = 0 ; hdebugflagstubs Dump stub fit hdebugflagstubs = 0 ; hdebuglinkstubs Dump linked hits hdebuglinkstubs = 0 ; hdebugtrackprint Dump focal plane track fit results hdebugtrackprint = 0 ; hdebugtartrackprint Dump tracks at target hdebugtartrackprint = 0 ; tof debuging ; ; hdebugprintscinraw Dump HMS_RAW_SCIN hdebugprintscinraw = 0 ; hdebugprintscindec Dump HMS_DECODED_SCIN hdebugprintscindec = 0 ; hdebugprinttoftracks Dump hms_scin_tof hdebugprinttoftracks = 0 ; hdebugprinttracktests Dump HMS_TRACK_TESTS hdebugprinttracktests = 0 ; ; hms calorimeter debug flags ; hlun_dbg_cal lun hlun_dbg_cal = hluno ; hdbg_raw_cal call h_prt_cal_raw hdbg_raw_cal = 0 ; hdbg_sparsified_cal call h_prt_cal_sparsified hdbg_sparsified_cal = 0 ; hdbg_decoded_cal call h_prt_cal_decoded hdbg_decoded_cal = 0 ; hdbg_clusters_cal call h_prt_cal_clusters hdbg_clusters_cal = 0 ; hdbg_tracks_cal call h_prt_cal_tracks hdbg_tracks_cal = 0 ; hdbg_tests_cal call h_prt_cal_tests HMS_TRACK_TESTS hdbg_tests_cal = 0 ; ; hard wired histograms. If these flags .ne. 0 then the histogram ; blocks are filled ; ; hturnon_scin_raw_hist Histogram HMS raw hodoscope data (each block) hturnon_scin_raw_hist = 1 ; hturnon_decoded_dc_hist Histogram HMS_DECODED_DC hturnon_decoded_dc_hist = 1 ; hturnon_focal_plane_hist Histogram HMS_FOCAL_PLANE hturnon_focal_plane_hist = 1 ; hturnon_target_hist HISTOGRAM HMS_TARGET hturnon_target_hist = 1 ; ; Bypass paramters to bypass code elementes in h_reconstruction ; Stored in hmsbypass_switches.cmn ; Code element is bypassed if switch .ne. 0 ; hbypass_trans_dc bypass h_trans_dc hbypass_trans_dc = 0 ; hbypass_track bypass h_track hbypass_track = 0 ; hbypass_targ_trans bypass h_targ_trans hbypass_targ_trans = 0 ; hbypass_dc_eff bypass h_dc_eff and h_dc_eff_shutdown hbypass_dc_eff = 0 ; hbypass_track_eff bypass h_tracking efficiency code hbypass_track_eff = 0 ; hbypass_track_eff_files bypass h_tracking efficiency output files hbypass_track_eff_files = 1 ; hbypass_trans_scin bypass h_trans_scin hbypass_trans_scin = 0 ; hbypass_tof bypass h_tof hbypass_tof = 0 ; hbypass_scin_eff bypass h_scin_eff and h_scin_eff_shutdown hbypass_scin_eff = 0 ; hbypass_trans_cer bypass h_trans_cer hbypass_trans_cer = 0 ; hbypass_cer bypass h_cer hbypass_cer = 0 ; hbypass_cer_eff bypass h_cer_eff and h_cer_eff_shutdown hbypass_cer_eff = 0 ; hbypass_trans_cal bypass h_trans_cal hbypass_trans_cal = 0 ; hbypass_cal bypass h_cal hbypass_cal = 0 ; hbypass_cal_eff bypass h_cal_eff and h_cal_eff_shutdown hbypass_cal_eff = 0 ; hbypass_physics bypass h_physics hbypass_physics = 0