; what it is different from Jones's version ; seems that it is only some new modifications of hdc positions. ; in the future , we need to check carefully what is correct constants ; and take the correct ones from those calibration fellows ; (who of course makes a lot of bread from it) ; xucc Mar.5, 2003 ; Number of planes installed in HMS detector setup hdc_num_planes = 12 ; Number of chambers installed in HMS detector setup hdc_num_chambers = 2 ; Names of each wire plane ; ; Z positions of various planes in HMS chambers ; hdc_n_zpos is the surveyed Z position of the center of chamber n. hdc_1_zpos = (-40.611-11.312+0.003) hdc_2_zpos = (+40.611-11.312-0.008) hdc_zpos = hdc_1_zpos - 3.6000 hdc_1_zpos - 1.8000 hdc_1_zpos - 0.0000 hdc_1_zpos + 1.8000 hdc_1_zpos + 3.6000 hdc_1_zpos + 5.4000 hdc_2_zpos - 3.6000 hdc_2_zpos - 1.8000 hdc_2_zpos - 0.0000 hdc_2_zpos + 1.8000 hdc_2_zpos + 3.6000 hdc_2_zpos + 5.4000 ; Angle alpha of wires in wire chamber planes hdc_alpha_angle = (90. - 0.071 + 0.1262)*raddeg (0.0 - 0.071 + 0.1262)*raddeg (74.925 - 0.071 + 0.1262)*raddeg (105.075 - 0.071 + 0.1262)*raddeg (0.0 - 0.071 + 0.1262)*raddeg (90.0 - 0.071 + 0.1262)*raddeg (89.90814 - 0.153 + 0.0835)*raddeg (0.01611 - 0.153 + 0.0835)*raddeg (74.85 - 0.153 + 0.0835)*raddeg (105.05 - 0.153 + 0.0835)*raddeg (0.01611 - 0.153 + 0.0835)*raddeg (89.90814 - 0.153 + 0.0835)*raddeg ; hdc_alpha_angle = ( 90.1541 - 0.071)*raddeg ; ( -0.0408 - 0.071)*raddeg ; ( 75.1267 - 0.071)*raddeg ; (105.1267 - 0.071)*raddeg ; ( -0.0408 - 0.071)*raddeg ; ( 90.1541 - 0.071)*raddeg ; ( 90.1095 - 0.153)*raddeg ; ( -0.0370 - 0.153)*raddeg ; ( 75.0904 - 0.153)*raddeg ; (105.0904 - 0.153)*raddeg ; ( -0.0370 - 0.153)*raddeg ; ( 90.1095 - 0.153)*raddeg ; ; Angle beta of wires in wire chamber planes hdc_beta_angle = -0.041*raddeg -0.041*raddeg -0.041*raddeg -0.041*raddeg -0.041*raddeg -0.041*raddeg +0.054*raddeg +0.054*raddeg +0.054*raddeg +0.054*raddeg +0.054*raddeg +0.054*raddeg ; Angle gamma of wires in wire chamber planes hdc_gamma_angle = +0.0376*raddeg +0.0376*raddeg +0.0376*raddeg +0.0376*raddeg +0.0376*raddeg +0.0376*raddeg -0.145*raddeg -0.145*raddeg -0.145*raddeg -0.145*raddeg -0.145*raddeg -0.145*raddeg ; Pitch hdc_pitch = 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 1.000252 ; Number of wires per plane hdc_nrwire = 113 52 107 107 52 113 113 52 107 107 52 113 ; X,Y position of center of wire chamber ; increasing dc2 coordinates decreases dpos histograms. hdc_xcenter = (1.670 - 0.0155) (2.758 - 0.0155) ; hdc_xcenter = 1.670 + 0.15 + 0.0155 ; 2.758 + 0.16 + 0.0155 ; Y CENTER CHANGED TO MATCH OPTICS DATA(offset of 1.1 cm in y) hdc_ycenter = (1.443 - 0.1699 - 0.0279 + 0.0171) (2.753 - 0.1699 + 0.0279 + 0.0188) ; hdc_ycenter = 0.343 + 1.1 - 0.12 + 0.1699 + 0.0279 ; 1.653 + 1.1 - 0.22 + 0.1699 - 0.0279 ; hdc_ycenter = 0.343 THESE ARE THE ORIGINAL Y CENTERS FROM SURVEY DATA ; 1.653 ; hdc_xcenter = 0.0 ; 1.22 ; hdc_ycenter = 0.0 ; 1.24 ; Wire number of center of wire chamber ; assume 1st wire of 1st dc of a set is closest to edge where counting starts hdc_central_wire = 57.257, 26.240, 54.001, 53.999, 26.760 , 56.743 57.244, 26.242, 53.998, 54.002, 26.758 , 56.756 ; hdc_central_wire = 57.25, 26.245, 54.0, 54.0, 26.755 , 56.75 ; 57.24, 26.245, 54.0, 54.0, 26.755 , 56.76 ; hdc_central_wire = 57.25, 26.25, 54.0, 54.0, 26.75 , 56.75 ; 57.24, 26.25, 54.0, 54.0, 26.75 , 56.76 ; hdc_chamber_planes array giving the chamber number for each plane hdc_chamber_planes = 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ; The hms readout numbers some planes in reverse order. ; The following array is a flag on the order number. ; If hdc_wire_counting(plane) = 0 ; the wire center is at (wire - hdc_central_wire) * pitch ; If hdc_wire_counting(plane) = 1 ; the wire center is at ( hdc_nrwire + 1 - wire - hdc_central_wire) * pitch hdc_wire_counting = 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 ; The velocity correction is the distance from the center of the wire divided ; by the velocity of propagation times hdc_drifttime_sign(pln). +/-1 ; for disc. card at +/- coord. (i.e. top = -x direction, so top readout is +1) hdc_drifttime_sign = -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1