; Z position of front of shower counter layers ; guesses, based on the fact that the back scin plane is supposedly at 322.0 ; (add 25 to each from original value) - JRA hcal_1pr_zpos = (350.0-11.31) hcal_2ta_zpos = (361.0-11.31) hcal_3ta_zpos = (372.0-11.31) hcal_4ta_zpos = (383.0-11.31) ; Thickness of shower counter blocks, blocks are 10 * 10 * 70 cm^3 hcal_1pr_thick = 10.0 hcal_2ta_thick = 10.0 hcal_3ta_thick = 10.0 hcal_4ta_thick = 10.0 ; Number of shower counter blocks per layer hcal_1pr_nr = 13 hcal_2ta_nr = 13 hcal_3ta_nr = 13 hcal_4ta_nr = 13 ; X,Y positions of shower counter blocks hcal_1pr_left = 35.0 hcal_1pr_right = -35.0 hcal_1pr_top = (-69.0-1.4) (-59.0-1.4) (-49.0-1.4) (-39.0-1.4) (-29.0-1.4) (-19.0-1.4) ( -9.0-1.4) ( 1.0-1.4) ( 11.0-1.4) ( 21.0-1.4) ( 31.0-1.4) ( 41.0-1.4) ( 51.0-1.4) hcal_2ta_left = 35.0 hcal_2ta_right = -35.0 hcal_2ta_top = (-69.0-1.4) (-59.0-1.4) (-49.0-1.4) (-39.0-1.4) (-29.0-1.4) (-19.0-1.4) ( -9.0-1.4) ( 1.0-1.4) ( 11.0-1.4) ( 21.0-1.4) ( 31.0-1.4) ( 41.0-1.4) ( 51.0-1.4) hcal_3ta_left = 35.0 hcal_3ta_right = -35.0 hcal_3ta_top = (-69.0-1.4) (-59.0-1.4) (-49.0-1.4) (-39.0-1.4) (-29.0-1.4) (-19.0-1.4) ( -9.0-1.4) ( 1.0-1.4) ( 11.0-1.4) ( 21.0-1.4) ( 31.0-1.4) ( 41.0-1.4) ( 51.0-1.4) hcal_4ta_left = 35.0 hcal_4ta_right = -35.0 hcal_4ta_top = (-69.0-1.4) (-59.0-1.4) (-49.0-1.4) (-39.0-1.4) (-29.0-1.4) (-19.0-1.4) ( -9.0-1.4) ( 1.0-1.4) ( 11.0-1.4) ( 21.0-1.4) ( 31.0-1.4) ( 41.0-1.4) ( 51.0-1.4)