; !!!! IN PROGRESS for T20.!!!! ; ; This is the target parameter file. Numbers 1-9 are solid targets, ; and 11-16 will always be the cryotargets(H 4.5cm and 12.4cm, He 4cm and 15 cm, ; and D 4.4 cm and 12.4cm). Some of the solid targets don't exist any more (one ; of the Fe, the C_sl and Au_6%, the dummy-15) ;The target order is: ; ; Fe_2% Fe_6% Au_6% ; C C_sl BeO ; --- --- --- ; dummy-15 ; H 4.5cm H 12.4cm ; He 4cm He 15cm ; D 4.4cm D 12.4cm ; dummy-4 ; quintar(all layers) ; quintar z=0cm, z=+6cm, z=+3cm, z=-3cm, z=-6cm ; ; non-existant targets have A=Z=M=...=0 ; empty/dummy cells have A=Z=M=...= SAME AS DEUTERIUM. ; ; As of now (7/13/96) the values for the BeO are guesses gtarg_z = 26.0 , 26.0 , 79.0 6.0 , 6.0 , 12.0 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 13.0 1.0 , 1.0 1.0 , 1.0 1.0 , 1.0 13.0 8.8 ;this is averaged z: 2x Al, 3x C 6.0 , 6.0 , 13.0 , 13.0 , 6.0 gtarg_a = 56.0 , 56.0 , 197.0 12.0 , 12.0 , 25.0 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 27.0 1.0 , 1.0 2.0 , 2.0 2.0 , 2.0 27.0 18.0 ;this is averaged z: 2x Al, 3x C 12.0 , 12.0 , 27.0 , 27.0 , 12.0 gtarg_mass = 55.847 , 55.847 , 196.9665 12.011 , 12.011 , 25.0 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 26.98 1.00727647 , 1.00727647 1.876 , 1.876 2.01355322 , 2.01355322 26.98 17.9986 ;this is averaged z: 2x Al, 3x C 12.011 , 12.011 , 26.98 , 26.98 , 12.011 ; Next is the radiation length in percent... gtarg_lrad = 1.5 , 5.7 , 5.7 2.0 , 5.7 , 1.0 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 0.528 0.52023 , 1.43353 0.528 , 1.982 0.58124 , 1.63804 2.2472 3.8429 ;added the radiation lengths of all five layers 0.53191 , 0.53191, 1.1236 , 1.1236 , 0.53191 ; Next is the thickness of the target in g/cm^2... gtarg_thick = 0.2129 , 0.8034 , 0.376 0.89 , 2.50 , 0.2 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 0.54 0.324 , 0.8928 0.648 , 2.430 0.7128 , 2.088 0.54 1.215 0.225 , 0.225 , 0.27 , 0.27 , 0.225 ; Finally, the density of the target in g/cm^3. These are estimates based ; on the nominal thickness (cm) of the targets which can be off by ~5% ... gtarg_dens = 7.87 , 7.870 , 19.1 2.265 , 2.265 , 2.0 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 2.7 0.072 , 0.072 0.162 , 0.162 0.162 , 0.162 0.162 2.7 2.25 2.25 , 2.25 , 2.7 , 2.7 , 2.25 ;general target energy loss parameters. Vansyoc Mar.98 ;target cell**************** gcell_radius = 3.3655 gz_cell = 13.0 ga_cell = 27.0 gcell_den = 2.70 gwall_thk = 0.03429 gend_thk = 0.03429 gfront_thk = 0.020574 ;Air cap between the chamber and the entrance window gair_dens = 0.00121 gair_thk = 0.018 gair_a = 14.68 gair _z = 7.32 ;HMS******** ; HMS scattering chamber window specs.********** hscat_win_thk = 0.109728 hscat_win_den = 2.70 hscat_win_z = 13.0 hscat_win_a = 27.0 ; HMS entrance window specs.******************** hdet_ent_thk = 0.049098 hdet_ent_den = 0.878636 hdet_ent_z = 2.67 hdet_ent_a = 4.67 ;SOS******** ; SOS scattering chamber window specs.********** sscat_win_thk = 0.054864 sscat_win_den = 2.70 sscat_win_z = 13.0 sscat_win_a = 27.0 ; SOS entrance window specs.******************** sdet_ent_thk = 0.016421 sdet_ent_den = 0.862 sdet_ent_z = 2.67 sdet_ent_a = 4.67 ;eloss debug 0 = off,1 = on gelossdebug = 0