; PRELIMINARY ; Charge calibrations from Run 16707; BCM1 in gain pos 1, BCM2 in ; gain position 2 ;gain factors for three cavity monitors gbcm1_gain = .0009586 ; microA/Hz gbcm2_gain = .0002913 ; microA/Hz gbcm3_gain = .0002467 ; microA/Hz gunser_gain = .00025000 ; microA/Hz ;point to scaler indices for BCM's gbcm1_index = 321 gbcm2_index = 322 gbcm3_index = 323 gunser_index = 324 ;zero offsets for BCM s gbcm1_offset = 250690. ; Hz gbcm2_offset = 252048. ; Hz gbcm3_offset = 249243. ; Hz gunser_offset = 272830. ; Hz ;define the threshold current at which beam is "on". (in microamps) g_beam_on_thresh_cur=1. ;point to hardware clock (1MHz scaler, scaler channel 325) gclock_index = 325 gclock_rate = 1.e+6