#real raddeg raddeg = 3.14159265/180. ; Offsets in the spectrometer momentum and reconstructed quantaties. hmomentum_factor = 1.000 ; Rolf's magic number from comparision of ; x y crossover point for 1,2 3 and 4 pass beam hdelta_offset = -0.00307 ; (%) small htheta_offset = 0.00129 ; (rad)small but noticeable hphi_offset = -0.00476 ; (rad) smomentum_factor = 1.0 ; sdelta_offset = 0.00 ; (%) small stheta_offset = 0.00 ; (rad) sphi_offset = 0.00 ; (rad) Because the SOS is 0.15 degrees out of plane offset ; *****THIS MAY ALREADY BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT ; THRU DETECTOR OFFSETS AND CHAMBER ROTATIONS.***