#real raddeg raddeg = 3.14159265/180. ; Offsets in the spectrometer momentum and reconstructed quantaties. hmomentum_factor = 1.000 ; used to be 1.009, but has been taken into account ; by a new magnet setting procedure prior to Fpi ; experiment in 10/97 hdelta_offset = 0. ; (%) (was -0.003087-0.32) htheta_offset = 0. ; (rad) (was 0.00+0.0012) hphi_offset = 0. ; (rad) (was -0.001) smomentum_factor = 1.0 ; sdelta_offset = 0. ; (%) stheta_offset = 0. ; (rad) sphi_offset = 0. ; (rad) (was 0.0018)