; Number of planes installed in SOS detector setup sdc_num_planes = 12 ; Number of chambers installed in SOS detector setup sdc_num_chambers = 2 ; Z positions of various planes in SOS chambers ; sdc_n_zpos is the surveyed Z position of the center of chamber n. sdc_1_zpos = (-24.76+31.01) sdc_2_zpos = ( 24.76+31.01) ; sdc_3_zpos =(247.50+31.01) sdc_zpos = sdc_1_zpos - 1.5875 sdc_1_zpos - 0.9525 sdc_1_zpos - 0.3175 sdc_1_zpos + 0.3175 sdc_1_zpos + 0.9525 sdc_1_zpos + 1.5875 sdc_2_zpos - 1.5875 sdc_2_zpos - 0.9525 sdc_2_zpos - 0.3175 sdc_2_zpos + 0.3175 sdc_2_zpos + 0.9525 sdc_2_zpos + 1.5875 ; Angle alpha of wires in wire chamber planes (.051,.045 degrees roll in dc1,2) sdc_alpha_angle = ( 30-.051)*raddeg ( 30-.051)*raddeg ( 90-.051)*raddeg ( 90-.051)*raddeg (150-.051)*raddeg (150-.051)*raddeg ( 30-.045)*raddeg ( 30-.045)*raddeg ( 90-.045)*raddeg ( 90-.045)*raddeg (150-.045)*raddeg (150-.045)*raddeg ; Angle beta of wires in wire chamber planes sdc_beta_angle = -0.052*raddeg -0.052*raddeg -0.052*raddeg -0.052*raddeg -0.052*raddeg -0.052*raddeg -0.182*raddeg -0.182*raddeg -0.182*raddeg -0.182*raddeg -0.182*raddeg -0.182*raddeg ; Angle gamma of wires in wire chamber planes sdc_gamma_angle = -0.070*raddeg -0.070*raddeg -0.070*raddeg -0.070*raddeg -0.070*raddeg -0.070*raddeg -0.257*raddeg -0.257*raddeg -0.257*raddeg -0.257*raddeg -0.257*raddeg -0.257*raddeg ; Pitch sdc_pitch = 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 ; Number of wires per plane sdc_nrwire = 48 48 64 64 48 48 48 48 64 64 48 48 ; X,Y position of center of wire chamber ; The given value is subtracted from the position of the wire (i.e. ; the sign is opposite of the actual center position of the chamber). ; Increasing dc2 coordinates increases dpos histograms. ; Values are from jan17, 1996 survey memo. values ARE corrected for ; 18 degree (optical axis) vs 17.85 degree (survey axis) discrepensy. sdc_xcenter = (8.488-3.982) (-1.822+1.825+0.35) sdc_ycenter =(+0.007+.388+0.2) (-0.197+0.379+0.2) ;; sdc_xcenter = 8.488 ;; -1.822 ;; sdc_ycenter =+0.007 ;; -0.197 ; ; sdc_ycenter(2) was -.197 from survey. -.087 is DD's correction ; based on (e,e'p) data (centering Em,Pm). ; ; Wire number of center of wire chamber ; Note the convention : x : low number = -x , u,v : low number = "-x" ; x1 and x2, u1 and u2, v1 and v2 are offset by half a cell length ; assume 1st wire of 1st dc of a set is closest to edge where counting starts sdc_central_wire = (24.75+.008+.0019) (24.25-.008+.0064) (32.75-.001-.0105) (32.25+.001+.0021) (24.25+.003+.0019) (24.75-.003+.0075) (24.75-.001-.0019) (24.25+.001-.0078+.0120) (32.75+.002-.0104-.0067) (32.25-.002-.0007-.0053) (24.25-.003-.0008-.0015) (24.75+.003-.0081+.0131) ; with shifts to make resiudals line up with each other. ; sdc_central_wire = (24.75+.008) ; (24.25-.008) ; 32.75 ; 32.25 ; (24.25+.002) ; (24.75-.002) ; 24.75 ; 24.25 ; (32.75+.003) ; (32.25-.003) ; (24.25-.003) ; (24.75+.003) ; nov95 online values ; sdc_central_wire = (24.75+.008) ; (24.25-.008) ; (32.75-.009) ; (32.25+.009) ; 24.25 ; 24.75 ; (24.75-.005) ; (24.25+.005) ; 32.75 ; 32.25 ; (24.25-.006) ; (24.75+.006) ; s_chamber_planes array giving the chamber number for each plane sdc_chamber_planes = 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ; The hms readout numbers some planes in reverse order. ; I (SAW) think that the SOS readout numbers are always in forward order ; The following array is a flag on the order number. ; If sdc_wire_counting(plane) = 0 ; the wire center is at (wire - sdc_central_wire) * pitch ; If sdc_wire_counting(plane) = 1 ; the wire center is at ( sdc_nrwire + 1 - wire - sdc_central_wire) * pitch sdc_wire_counting = 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 ; The velocity correction is the distance from the center of the wire divided ; by the velocity of propagation times sdc_drifttime_sign(pln). +/-1 ; for disc. card at +/- coord. (i.e. top = -x direction, so top readout is +1) ; ; THESE ARE NOTHING BUT BAD GUESSES AT THE MOMENT!!!! ; sdc_drifttime_sign = +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 ; Names of each wire plane ; sdc_plane_names = 'sos1u1' ; 'sos1u2' ; 'sos1x1' ; 'sos1x2' ; 'sos1v1' ; 'sos1v2' ; 'sos2u1' ; 'sos2u2' ; 'sos2x1' ; 'sos2x2' ; 'sos2v1' ; 'sos2v2' ; 'sos3u1' ; 'sos3u2' ; 'sos3x1' ; 'sos3x2' ; 'sos3v1' ; 'sos3v2'