; Offsets in the spectrometer momentum and reconstructed quantaties. hmomentum_factor = 0.000 ; best to use hpcentral_offset hdelta_offset = 0. ; (%) htheta_offset = 0. ; (rad) hphi_offset = 0. ; (rad) ;saturation correction flag genable_hms_satcorr = 1 ;(0=disabled) - h_satcorr.f ; a correction to hsdelta for a problem in setting Q3 current. ; There was an unknown zero offset in the Q3 current. ; The magnet setting code field00.f partially fixes this problem. ; So data taken earlier than 2000 should enable the correction. ; field correction genable_hms_fieldcorr = 1 ; (1=disabled) - h_fieldcorr.f ; Need to enable for experiments before 2002. ; hpcentral_offset = 0.0 ; sets hpcentral = hpcentral * ( 1. + hpcentral_offset / 100. ) hthetacentral_offset = 0.00 ; (rad) hphicentral_offset = 0. ; (rad)