Results of SIMC simulations for 2H(e,e'p) Q2=1.0 GeV2 Ebeam=2.250 Proton is detected in the HMS, Electron in the SHMS All targets are 8cm diameter. Nov 9/10 Cuts Applied: HMS: abs(hsdelta)<8.0 abs(hsxptar)<0.06 SHMS: ssdelta<22.0 ssdelta>-10.0 MM cut at pi0 threshold: mmnuc<1.070 PM bins: Center LL UL -270 -300 -240 -210 -240 -180 -150 -180 -120 -90 -120 -60 -30 -60 0 30 0 60 90 60 120 150 120 180 210 180 240 -270 240 300 0 -100 100 5 proton arm (HMS) settings: PM= 0.250 Omega=0.332 q=1.054 PSHMS=1.918 ThSHMS= 27.85 PHMS=0.804 ThHMS= 58.26 PM= 0.140 Omega=0.401 q=1.077 PSHMS=1.849 ThSHMS= 28.38 PHMS=0.937 ThHMS= 54.68 PM= 0.000 Omega=0.536 q=1.135 PSHMS=1.714 ThSHMS= 29.50 PHMS=1.135 ThHMS= 48.05 PM= -0.140 Omega=0.753 q=1.252 PSHMS=1.497 ThSHMS= 31.62 PHMS=1.392 ThHMS= 38.84 PM= -0.250 Omega=1.019 q=1.428 PSHMS=1.231 ThSHMS= 34.96 PHMS=1.678 ThHMS= 29.62 (e,e'p) MM