/* This is the header file that contains the parameters for pion photoproduction. */ #ifndef t_piprod_parameters_h #define t_piprod_parameters_h #define COUPLING 2 /* 1 : G1, G2 coupling */ /* 2: GM, GE coupling */ #define PI_M 135.0 /* pion mass (in MeV) */ /* 139.6 */ #define PIO_M 135.0 /* neutral pion mass (in MeV) */ /* 135.0 */ #define PIM_M 138. /* pion mass (in MeV) used in resonant multipoles */ /* 139.6 */ /* 138. averaged mass when working with neutral pions */ #define NU_M 939. /* nucleon mass in MeV */ #define DEL_M 1218.76 /* delta mass in MeV */ /* 1218.76 relativistic, unitarized background for charged pion channels */ /* 1218.02 relativistic, unitarized background for neutral pion channels */ #define M_p33 DEL_M #define OMEGA_M 782. /* omega meson mass in MeV */ #define RHO_M 770. /* rho meson mass in MeV */ #define ELEC 0.302862 /* electric charge e */ /* with pow(e, 2) / (4 * PI) = 1 / 137 */ #define CONV 1. /* CONV = 1. turns ON the convection part in the nucleon born diagrams, CONV = 0. turns OFF the convection part in the nucleon born diagrams */ #define ANTI_NUCL 1. /* ANTI_NUCL = 1. turns ON the antinucleon contribution, ANTI_NUCL = 0. turns OFF the antinucleon contribution */ #define P_MAGN 2.79 /* magnetic moment of proton */ #define N_MAGN (- 1.91) /* magnetic moment of neutron */ #define F_PINN 1.00265 /* coupling constant f_pinn */ /* with pow(f_pinn, 2) / (4 * PI) = 0.08 */ /* 1.00265 */ /* 0.97 */ #define G_OMEGANN 15.85 /* coupling constant g_omegann */ /* with pow(g_omegann, 2) / (4 * PI) = 24.9 */ /* 17.7 */ /* 15.85 */ #define G_OMPIGA 0.314 /* coupling constant g_omega-pi-gamma */ /* 0.314 */ #define G_RHONN 2.63 /* vector coupling constant g_rhonn */ /* with pow(g_omegann, 2) / (4 * PI) = 0.55 */ /* 2.63 */ #define KAPPA_RHO 3.71 /* tensor to vector coupling constant for rho */ /* 3.71 */ /* 6.1 */ #define G_RHONPIGA 0.131 /* coupling constant g_rho-pi-gamma */ /* 0.131 */ #define G_RHOCPIGA 0.103 /* coupling constant g_rho-pi-gamma */ /* 0.103 */ #define LAMBDA_PINN 13000. /* 1200. */ /* pion-nucleon-nucleon vertex cut-off */ #define LAMBDA_OMEGANN 2000. /* 2000. */ /* omega-nucleon-nucleon vertex cut-off */ #define LAMBDA_PINDEL 2000. /* 2000 */ /* cut-off at the crossed pi_nucleon-delta vertex */ #define LAMBDA_DEL 2000. /* 2000 */ #define F_PINDEL 1.949 /* coupling constant f_pindelta */ /* 1.949 unitarized background for charged pion channels */ /* 1.821 unitarized background for neutral pion channels */ #define G_piNp33_off 0.0 /* 0.0 */ #define G_GANDEL_M 2.75 /* magnetic coupling constant g_gandelta */ /* 3.10 nonrelativistic, nonunitarized background */ /* 2.75 relativistic, unitarized background */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* P_11 (1440) RESONANCE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define M_p11 1463. /* 1463. */ /* p11 resonance mass in MeV */ #define Width_p11 245. /* 245. */ #define F_PINp11 0.374 /* 0.374 */ #define G_piNp11_off 0.0 /* 0.0 */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* D_13 (1520) RESONANCE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define M_d13 1516. /* 1516. */ /* d13 resonance mass in MeV */ #define Width_d13 106. /* 106. */ #define F_PINd13 1.58 /* 1.58 */ #define G_piNd13_off 0.0 /* 0.0 */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* S_11 (1535) RESONANCE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define M_s11 1525. /* 1525. */ /* s11 resonance mass in MeV */ #define Width_s11 103. /* 103. */ #define F_PINs11 0.11 /* 0.11 */ #define G_piNs11_off 0.0 /* 0.0 */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* S_31 (1620) RESONANCE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define M_s31 1620. /* 1620. */ /* s31 resonance mass in MeV */ #define Width_s31 147. /* 147. */ #define F_PINs31 0.168 /* 0.168 */ #define G_piNs31_off 0.0 /* 0.0 */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* D_33 (1700) RESONANCE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define M_d33 1690. /* 1690. */ /* d33 resonance mass in MeV */ #define Width_d33 285. /* 285. */ #define F_PINd33 1.36 /* 1.36 */ #define G_piNd33_off 0.0 /* 0.0 */ #endif