/* This is the header file that contains the parameters for kaon photoproduction at high s. */ #ifndef t_kaonprod_regge_h #define t_kaonprod_regge_h #define ELEC 0.302862 /* electric charge e */ /* with pow(e, 2) / (4 * PI) = 1 / 137 */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* ABSORPTION PARAMETERS */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define C_ABS 0.8 /* 2.8 for piN system */ /* 3.1 for KLambda system */ #define A_ABS 6. /* 6. for piN system */ /* 4. for KLambda system */ #define b_ABS 0.1 /* 0.08, 0.2 for piN system */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* KAON */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define K_M 0.4937 /* charged kaon mass (in GeV) */ /* 0.4937 */ #define K0_M 0.4977 /* neutral kaon mass (in GeV) */ /* 0.4977 */ #define KM_M K_M #define ALPHAp_K 0.7 /* 0.7 */ #define G_KNLAM -11.54 /* -11.54 */ /* coupling constant f_knlambda */ /* with pow(f_knlambda, 2) / (4 * PI) = 10.6 */ #define G_KNSIG 4.48 /* 4.48 */ /* coupling constant f_knsigma */ /* with pow(f_knsigma, 2) / (4 * PI) = 1.6 */ #define PSPV_PARAM 0 /* 0 = Pseudo-vector coupling */ /* 1 = Pseudo-scalar coupling */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* K_STAR MESON */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define KSTAR_M 0.892 /* K_star meson mass in GeV */ #define ALPHAp_KSTAR 0.83 /* 0.83 */ #define G_KSTARNLAM -23. /* vector coupling constant g_kstarnlambda */ #define G_KSTARNSIG -25. /* vector coupling constant g_kstarnsigma */ #define KAPPA_KSTARLAM 2.5 /* tensor to vector coupling constant for kstar */ #define KAPPA_KSTARSIG -1. /* tensor to vector coupling constant for kstar */ #define G_KSTARKGA 0.842 /* coupling constant g_kstar-k-gamma */ /* definition, see our NPA, formula (25) */ /* 0.842 */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* NUCLEON */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define NU_M 0.939 /* nucleon mass in GeV */ #define ALPHAp_N 0.97 /* 0.97 */ #define P_MAGN 2.79 /* magnetic moment of proton */ #define F1_p 1. #define F2_p 1.79 /* 1.79 */ #define N_MAGN (- 1.91) /* magnetic moment of neutron */ #define LAM_MNN 1.51 /* cut-off in the M-N-N vertex */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* LAMBDA (1115.7) */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define LAM_M 1.1157 /* Lambda mass in GeV */ #define ALPHAp_LAM 0.9 #define KAPPA_LAMLAM -0.73 #define KAPPA_LAMSIG 1.59 #define LAM_MNLAM 151. /* cut-off in the M-N-LAM vertex */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* SIGMA (1193) */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define SIG_M 1.1926 /* Sigma mass in GeV */ #define ALPHAp_SIG 0.85 #define KAPPA_SIGSIG 1. #define LAM_MNSIG 151. /* cut-off in the M-N-SIG vertex */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* LAMBDA_STAR (1520) */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define LAMS_M 1.520 /* Lambda_star mass in GeV */ #define G_KNLAMS 21.4 /* 21.4 */ /* coupling constant g_knlambda_star in GeV-1 */ /************************************************************************/ /* */ /* P_33 (1232) RESONANCE */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ #define DEL_M 1.232 #define ALPHAp_DEL 0.9 /* 0.9 */ #define M_p33 1.21876 /* delta mass in GeV */ /* 1.21876 relativistic, unitarized background for charged pion channels */ #define F_PINDEL 1.949 /* coupling constant f_pindelta */ /* 1.949 unitarized background for charged pion channels */ #define GM_p33 2.80 /* 2.80 */ #define GE_p33 0.04 /* 0.04 */ #define LAM_MNDEL 1.51 /* 1.5 */ /* cut-off in the M-N-Delta vertex */ #endif