/* This is the header file that contains the parameters for deeply virtual compton scattering. */ /**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* IMPORTANT : all dimensional quantities in this file */ /* are in units GeV */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ #ifndef dvcs_parameters_h #define dvcs_parameters_h #define ELEC 0.302862 /* electric charge e */ /* with pow(e, 2) / (4 * PI) = 1 / 137 */ #define M_ELECTRON 0.000511 /* 0.000511 for electron */ /* mass of electron in GeV */ #define M_MUON .105658 /* .105658 for muon */ /* mass of muon in GeV */ #define M_ELEC M_ELECTRON /* mass of lepton in GeV */ #define NU_M .93827231 /* .93827231 */ /* nucleon mass in GeV */ #define P_MAGN 2.79 /* magnetic moment of proton */ #define N_MAGN -1.91 /* magnetic moment of neutron */ #define DEL_M 1.232 /* 1.232 */ #define GM_p33 2.80 /* 2.80 */ #endif