real*8 function peep_pizero(vertex,main) c gh - 18.02.04 implicit none include '' C The following two record lines are from SIMC physics_kaon.f type(event_main):: main type(event):: vertex * NOTE: when we refer to the center of mass system, it always refers to the * photon-NUCLEON center of mass real*8 sigma_pi0 real*8 m_p, m_psq real*8 E0 ! Electron beam energy real*8 E_prime ! scattered electron energy real*8 nu ! virtual photon energy real*8 qvec ! virtual photon lab energy real*8 qsq ! 4 momentum transfer of scattered electron real*8 epsilon ! virtual photon polarisation real*8 Ep,Pp real*8 mass ! pi0 mass real*8 invm,Wsq ! invariant mass of hadronic system real*8 tt,uu ! Mandelstam variables real*8 tprime,t_min,t_max,uprime,u_min,uu2,umin2 real*8 e_photCM,e_pi0CM,e_pCM real*8 gamma_T ! flux of transversely polarized virt. photons real*8 Breit_wigner real*8 Jttheta ! Jacobian t-Mx - Ep,theta_p in LAB real*8 Jttheta_fx ! old Jacobian for fixed Mx real*8 tcos ! cos of theta_LAB between Pp and q real*8 vertex_pi0_x,vertex_pi0_y,vertex_pi0_z real*8 P_pi0,E_pi0,ucos,uu3 ! Variables calculated in transformation to gamma-NUCLEON center of mass. real*8 gstar,bstar,bstarx,bstary,bstarz !beta of boost to C.M. real*8 nustar,qstar,qstarx,qstary,qstarz !q in C.M. real*8 epicm,ppicm,ppicmx,ppicmy,ppicmz !p_hadron in C.M. real*8 ebeamcm,pbeamcm,pbeamcmx,pbeamcmy,pbeamcmz !p_beam in C.M. real*8 etarcm,ptarcm,ptarcmx,ptarcmy,ptarcmz !p_fermi in C.M. real*8 thetacm,phicm,phiqn,jacobian,jac_old real*8 sig_pi0gmh real*8 sig1,sig2,sig3 logical first save first data first /.TRUE./ if (debug(2)) write(6,*)' peep_pizero: enter ' call transform_to_cm(vertex,main, & gstar,bstar,bstarx,bstary,bstarz, & nustar,qstar,qstarx,qstary,qstarz, & epicm,ppicm,ppicmx,ppicmy,ppicmz, & ebeamcm,pbeamcm,pbeamcmx,pbeamcmy,pbeamcmz, & etarcm,ptarcm,ptarcmx,ptarcmy,ptarcmz, & thetacm,phicm,phiqn,jacobian,jac_old) C notice that the above symbol "pi" is borrowed from physics_pion C it actually stands for proton. But I am too lazy to change it. C noted by xucc m_p = targ%Mtar_struck m_psq = m_p**2 main%thetacm = thetacm main%phicm = phicm !gh - verified that this is same as main%phi_pq main%pcm = ppicm * main%davejac = jacobian * main%johnjac = jac_old !approx. assuming collinear boost. qsq = vertex%q2 invm = sqrt((vertex%nu+m_p)**2-vertex%q**2) main%wcm = invm Wsq = invm*invm mass = targ%Mrec_struck E0 = vertex%Ein E_prime= vertex%e%E nu = vertex%nu epsilon= main%epsilon qvec = vertex%q c qvec is the momentum of virtual gamma in lab system. Ep = vertex%p%E Pp = vertex%p%P * cos/sin of theta between Pp and q in LAB CDJG tcos = cos(main%theta_pq) C DJG: I changed theta_pq in event.f - need to recalculate tcos tcos = vertex%up%x*vertex%uq%x+vertex%up%y*vertex%uq%y > +vertex%up%z*vertex%uq%z * since here the meson is the recoil particle, t for us is not the same thing as * main%t, so overwrite it * for the + sign I spent 1 hour to check. xucc tt = 2.0*(m_p**2-m_p*Ep) c main%t = tt uu = -qsq +m_psq +2.*(qvec*Pp*tcos -nu*Ep ) c use momentum conservation to get components of recoil meson vertex_pi0_x = qvec*vertex%uq%x - Pp*vertex%up%x vertex_pi0_y = qvec*vertex%uq%y - Pp*vertex%up%y vertex_pi0_z = qvec*vertex%uq%z - Pp*vertex%up%z P_pi0=sqrt(vertex_pi0_x**2 +vertex_pi0_y**2 +vertex_pi0_z**2) E_pi0=sqrt(P_pi0**2+mass**2) c ucos = vertex_pi0_x/P_pi0*vertex%uq%x c 1 +vertex_pi0_y/P_pi0*vertex%uq%y c 2 +vertex_pi0_z/P_pi0*vertex%uq%z e_photCM = (Wsq - qsq - m_psq)/invm/2. e_pi0CM = (Wsq + mass**2 - m_psq)/invm/2. e_pCM = (Wsq + m_psq - mass**2)/invm/2. c gh - 18.02.04 c although t is single valued (negative), this is not true for u c right at the kinematic endpoint, u turns positive, so umin is positive c even though for most events u is negative. This is surprising, but is c confirmed by checking against s+t+u relation. if ((e_pi0CM**2-mass**2)*(e_photCM**2+qsq).ge.0.) then t_min = -qsq + mass**2 -2.*(e_pi0CM*e_photCM * -sqrt( (e_pi0CM**2-mass**2)*(e_photCM**2+qsq) )) t_max = -qsq + mass**2 -2.*(e_pi0CM*e_photCM * +sqrt((e_pi0CM**2-mass**2)*(e_photCM**2+qsq))) u_min = -qsq + m_psq -2.*(e_pCM*e_photCM * -sqrt( (e_pCM**2-m_psq)*(e_photCM**2+qsq) )) else write(6,*)' physics_pizero: no valid t,u min ' endif c check u using s+t+u relation c uu2=-qsq+2.*m_psq+mass**2-invm**2-tt c umin2=-qsq+2.*m_psq+mass**2-invm**2-t_max tprime = abs(tt-t_min) uprime = abs(uu-u_min) main%tmin=t_min if (abs(tt).lt.abs(t_min)) then write(6,*)' unphysical -t<-t_min ',tt,t_min,tprime endif if (abs(tt).gt.abs(t_max)) then write(6,*)' unphysical -t>-t_max ',tt,t_max,tprime endif if ( then write(6,*)' unphysical -u<-u_min ',uu,u_min,uprime endif c if ( then c write(6,*)' GOOD -u>-u_min ',uu,u_min,uprime,ucos c endif c write(6,*)' tt ',tt,t_min,t_max,tprime ****************************************************************************** * we keep the tradition that ntup.sigcm is d2sigma/dt/dphi_cm [ub/MeV^2/rad] ****************************************************************************** * sig1 = sig_pi0gmh(qsq/1.e6,tt/1.e6,t_min/1.e6,uu/1.e6,u_min/1.e6, 1 invm/1.e3,epsilon,thetacm,phicm,first) ntup%sigcm=sig1 ntup%phicmi=phicm ntup%wcmi=invm/1.e3 ntup%tprimei=tprime/1.e6 ntup%epsiloni=epsilon ntup%ui=-uu/1.e6 c sigma_pizero=ntup%sigcm ******************************************************************************* * Convert from d3sigma/dt/dphi_cm/dMx [ub/MeV^3/rad] * --> d3sigma/dEp/dOmega_lab [ub/MeV/sr] using 'Jttheta' * * Jacobian for fixed Mx. Ep is a function of theta_pq. * J=dt/dcos_LAB [MeV^2]. Jttheta_fx = 2.*m_p*qvec*Pp / ( m_p+nu-qvec*Ep/Pp*tcos ) * Jacobian for varying Mx. Ep and theta_pq are independent since they * are sampled separately. * J=d(t,Mx)/d(Ep_LAB,cos_LAB) [MeV^2]. Jttheta = 2.*m_p*qvec*Pp/mass main%davejac=Jttheta main%johnjac=Jttheta_fx ******************************************************************************* * Convert to 6-fold d6sigma/dOmega_p/dE_p/dOmega_e/dE_e [ub/MeV^2/sr^2] * by multiplying by virtual transverse photon flux factor, gamma_T [1/MeV/sr] * * gh - checked and this agrees with gtpr in physics_pion.f gamma_T = (alpha*E_prime*(Wsq-m_psq))/(4.*pi*pi*E0*m_p*qsq* $ (1-epsilon)) ******************************************************************************* * Lab differential cross section * ub/MeV^2/rad-->ub/MeV^3/rad-->ub/MeV/sr-->ub/MeV^2/sr^2 ******************************************************************************* CDJG peep_omega=Jttheta*gamma_T*Breit_wigner*ntup.sigcm C DJG Now we want the "fixed Mx" Jacobian since we are only generating the hadron C DJG angles. No Breit-Wigner now either. C DJG Note to me: If we ever want to extend to deuterium, need to get rid of numerous C DJG hard-wired proton masses above... peep_pizero = Jttheta_fx*gamma_T*ntup%sigcm if (debug(2)) write(6,*)' peep_pizero: end ',peep_pizero return end C+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ real*8 function sig_pi0gmh(Q2_g,t_gev,tmin,u_gev,umin, 1 W_gev,eps,thetacm,phicm,first) c This routine calculates p(e,e'pi0)p cross sections, based on c a parameterization of the Defurne Hall A data and a parameterization c of a calculation by Goloskokov & Kroll c Subroutine calculates dsigma/dt/dphi_cm, which is returned as sig_pi0gmh c [ub/MeV^2/rad]. c gh - 18.02.01 implicit none include '' real*8 t_gev,tmin,tprime,u_gev,umin,uprime real*8 mass,eps,Q2_g,W_gev,wfactor,m_p real*8 Q2hi,Q2lo,delQ2,Q2tmp real*8 Whi,Wlo,Wfac_hi,Wfac_lo real*8 sigThi,sigTlo,sigThiW,sigTloW real*8 sigLhi,sigLlo,sigLhiW,sigLloW real*8 sigTThi,sigTTlo,sigTThiW,sigTTloW real*8 sigLThi,sigLTlo,sigLThiW,sigLTloW real*8 thetacm,phicm,sig_phi0gmh real*8 sig,sigT,sigL,sigLT,sigTT !components of dsigma/dt c use fit parameters for xB=0.36 data+model (nb/GeV2) real*8 Q2tab(4) / 1.75, 3.00, 4.00, 5.50/ real*8 Wtab(4) / 2.00, 2.46, 2.83, 3.26/ c sigT is parameterized in the form p1+p2/(-t) real*8 p1T(4) /1577., 168., 67.4, 24.7/ real*8 p2T(4) /-125., -11.1, -4.6, -1.66/ c sigL is simply constant vs t real*8 p1L(4) / 0., 2.77, 1.16, 0.43/ c sigTT p1+p2/(-t) real*8 p1TT(4) /-674., -141., -57.6, -21.3/ real*8 p2TT(4) / 102., 25.4, 10.4, 3.82/ c sigLT p1+p2/(-t) real*8 p1LT(4) / 156., 12.57, 5.17, 1.97/ real*8 p2LT(4) /-60.0, -2.08, -0.85, -0.32/ integer pcount,ndat,Q2count,Q2c logical first ndat=4 m_p = Mp/1.e3 tprime = abs(t_gev-tmin) uprime = abs(u_gev-umin) c write(6,*)' uprime ',u_gev,umin,uprime Q2tmp = Q2_g if ( then if (pcount.le.500) then write(6,100)Q2tmp 100 format(' WARNING: Q2 extrapolated below model range ',f7.3) pcount=pcount+1 endif Q2tmp = Q2tab(1) elseif( then if ( then write(6,101)Q2tmp 101 format(' WARNING: Q2 extrapolated above model range ',f7.3) pcount=pcount+1 endif Q2tmp = Q2tab(ndat) endif c calculate hi,lo cross sections Q2hi=0. Q2lo=0. delQ2=1. Q2count=0 if( ) then Q2count = 1 Q2hi = Q2tab(2) Whi = Wtab(2) Q2lo = Q2tab(1) Wlo = Wtab(1) delQ2 = (Q2hi - Q2lo) else do Q2c=1,(ndat-1) if( ( ( ) 1 .or. ) then Q2count = Q2c Q2hi = Q2tab(Q2count+1) Whi = Wtab(Q2count+1) Q2lo = Q2tab(Q2count) Wlo = Wtab(Q2count) delQ2 = (Q2hi - Q2lo) endif !Q2 check enddo !Q2 endif if ( then ! t-channel sigThi = p1T(Q2count+1)+p2T(Q2count+1)/(tprime+abs(tmin)) sigTlo = p1T(Q2count) +p2T(Q2count)/(tprime+abs(tmin)) sigLhi = p1L(Q2count+1) sigLlo = p1L(Q2count) sigTThi = p1TT(Q2count+1)+p2TT(Q2count+1)/(tprime+abs(tmin)) sigTTlo = p1TT(Q2count) +p2TT(Q2count)/(tprime+abs(tmin)) sigLThi = p1LT(Q2count+1)+p2LT(Q2count+1)/(tprime+abs(tmin)) sigLTlo = p1LT(Q2count) +p2LT(Q2count)/(tprime+abs(tmin)) if (first) write(6,*)' pi0gmh: t-channel ' first=.FALSE. else ! u-channel c christian weiss recommends the following change for u-channel: c switch u-slope for t-slope, then divide by 10, since back angle peak c is ~10% of forward angle peak (at least for omega electroproduction) sigThi = (p1T(Q2count+1)+p2T(Q2count+1)/(uprime+abs(tmin)))/10. sigTlo = (p1T(Q2count) +p2T(Q2count)/(uprime+abs(tmin)))/10. sigLhi = p1L(Q2count+1)/10. sigLlo = p1L(Q2count)/10. sigTThi = (p1TT(Q2count+1)+p2TT(Q2count+1)/(uprime+abs(tmin)))/10. sigTTlo = (p1TT(Q2count) +p2TT(Q2count)/(uprime+abs(tmin)))/10. sigLThi = (p1LT(Q2count+1)+p2LT(Q2count+1)/(uprime+abs(tmin)))/10. sigLTlo = (p1LT(Q2count) +p2LT(Q2count)/(uprime+abs(tmin)))/10. if (first) write(6,*)' pi0gmh: u-channel ' first=.FALSE. endif c sighi,lo are at different W. scale both to the W needed for the event Wfac_hi= ((Whi**2-m_p**2)**2) / ((W_gev**2-m_p**2)**2) Wfac_lo= ((Wlo**2-m_p**2)**2) / ((W_gev**2-m_p**2)**2) sigThiW = sigThi*Wfac_hi if ( then write(6,*)' pizero: sigThiW<0 ',sigThiW,uprime,abs(tmin) sigThiW=0. endif sigTloW = sigTlo*Wfac_lo if ( then write(6,*)' pizero: sigTloW<0 ',sigTloW,uprime,abs(tmin) sigTloW=0. endif sigLhiW = sigLhi*Wfac_hi if ( then write(6,*)' pizero: sigLhiW<0 ',sigLhiW,uprime,abs(tmin) sigLhiW=0. endif sigLloW = sigLlo*Wfac_lo if ( then write(6,*)' pizero: sigLloW<0 ',sigLloW,uprime,abs(tmin) sigLloW=0. endif sigTThiW = sigTThi*Wfac_hi c SIGN(A,B) returns the value of A with the sign of B if (abs(sigTThiW).gt.sigThiW) sigTThiW=sign(sigThiW,sigTThiW) sigTTloW = sigTTlo*Wfac_lo if (abs(sigTTloW).gt.sigTloW) sigTTloW=sign(sigTloW,sigTTloW) sigLThiW = sigLThi*Wfac_hi if (abs(sigLThiW).gt.sigThiW) sigLThiW=sign(sigThiW,sigLThiW) sigLTloW = sigLTlo*Wfac_lo if (abs(sigLTloW).gt.sigTloW) sigLTloW=sign(sigTloW,sigLTloW) c interpolate to get cross section at Q2 needed for the event if( Q2count.le.(ndat-1) .and. .and. 1 ) then sigT = ( sigTloW*(Q2hi-Q2tmp)+ sigThiW*(Q2tmp-Q2lo))/delQ2 sigL = ( sigLloW*(Q2hi-Q2tmp)+ sigLhiW*(Q2tmp-Q2lo))/delQ2 sigTT = (sigTTloW*(Q2hi-Q2tmp)+sigTThiW*(Q2tmp-Q2lo))/delQ2 sigLT = (sigLTloW*(Q2hi-Q2tmp)+sigLThiW*(Q2tmp-Q2lo))/delQ2 c write(6,*)' T1 ',Q2tmp,sigt,sigTloW,sigThiW elseif ( ) then sigT = sigThiW+ (sigThiW-sigTloW) /delQ2 sigL = sigLhiW+ (sigLhiW-sigLloW) /delQ2 sigTT = sigTThiW+(sigTThiW-sigTTloW)/delQ2 sigLT = sigLThiW+(sigLThiW-sigLTloW)/delQ2 c write(6,*)' T2 ',Q2tmp,sigt,sigTloW,sigThiW elseif (Q2tmp.le.Q2tab(1) ) then sigT = sigTloW- (sigThiW-sigTloW) /delQ2 sigL = sigLloW- (sigLhiW-sigLloW) /delQ2 sigTT = sigTTloW-(sigTThiW-sigTTloW)/delQ2 sigLT = sigLTloW-(sigLThiW-sigLTloW)/delQ2 c write(6,*)' T3 ',Q2tmp,sigt,sigTloW,sigThiW else write(6,*)' Q2tmp error ',Q2tmp,Q2count endif sig = sigt +eps*sigl +eps*cos(2.*phicm)*sigtt * +sqrt(2.*eps*(1.+eps))*cos(phicm)*siglt sig_pi0gmh = sig/2./pi*1.e-09 !dsig/dtdphicm in microbarns/MeV^2/rad return end