real*8 function peepi(vertex,main) * Purpose: * This function determines the kinematics in the PHOTON-NUCLEON center of mass * frame, calculates some of the kinematical variables (s,t, and CM quantities * in the 'main' structure), and returns the pion cross section. * * output: * peepi !d5sigma/dEe'dOmegae'Omegapi (microbarn/MeV/sr^2) implicit none include '' type(event_main):: main type(event):: vertex * NOTE: when we refer to the center of mass system, it always refers to the * photon-NUCLEON center of mass, not the photon-NUCLEUS! The model gives * the cross section in the photon-nucleon center of mass frame. real*8 sigma_eepi real*8 k_eq !equivalent photon energy. real*8 gtpr !gamma_t prime. real*8 fac real*8 tfcos,tfsin !cos/sin of theta between pfermi and q real*8 s ! Variables calculated in transformation to gamma-NUCLEON center of mass. real*8 gstar,bstar,bstarx,bstary,bstarz !beta of boost to C.M. real*8 nustar,qstar,qstarx,qstary,qstarz !q in C.M. real*8 epicm,ppicm,ppicmx,ppicmy,ppicmz !p_hadron in C.M. real*8 ebeamcm,pbeamcm,pbeamcmx,pbeamcmy,pbeamcmz !p_beam in C.M. real*8 etarcm,ptarcm,ptarcmx,ptarcmy,ptarcmz !p_fermi in C.M. real*8 thetacm,phicm,phiqn,jacobian,jac_old real*8 Wgev, Q2gev, E0, cthcm, sig0, fac1 real*8 sig_multipole,sig_blok,sig_param04,sig_param_3000,sig_param_2021 integer final_state, ipi logical first,low_w_flag data first /.TRUE./ cdg data low_w_flag /.FALSE./ !Assume high W kinematics to start * Calculate velocity of PHOTON-NUCLEON C.M. system in the lab frame. Use beta * and gamma of the cm system (bstar and gstar) to transform particles into * c.m. frame. Define z along the direction of q, and x to be along the * direction of the pion momentum perpendicular to q. call transform_to_cm(vertex,main, & gstar,bstar,bstarx,bstary,bstarz, & nustar,qstar,qstarx,qstary,qstarz, & epicm,ppicm,ppicmx,ppicmy,ppicmz, & ebeamcm,pbeamcm,pbeamcmx,pbeamcmy,pbeamcmz, & etarcm,ptarcm,ptarcmx,ptarcmy,ptarcmz, & thetacm,phicm,phiqn,jacobian,jac_old) main%thetacm = thetacm main%phicm = phicm main%pcm = ppicm main%davejac = jacobian main%johnjac = jac_old !approx. assuming collinear boost. ! write (6,*) jacobian,jac_old,100.*(jacobian-jac_old)/jacobian,'%' * calculate some kinematical variables * 'f' and 'fer' indicate fermi momenta. 'star' or 'cm' indicate CM system * Some of the physics calculations (t,epsi,s, etc...) are redundant with * the calculations in event.f. We should use the main.* variables from * complete_ev where possible. WORSE YET, WE CHANGE UNITS OF MAIN.W,... HERE!!! tfcos = pferx*vertex%uq%x+pfery*vertex%uq%y+pferz*vertex%uq%z if( tfsin=sqrt(1.-tfcos**2) s = (vertex%nu+efer)**2-(vertex%q+pfer*tfcos)**2-(pfer*tfsin)**2 main%wcm = sqrt(s) ******************************************************************************* * Get photon flux factor (two options, see comments below). * * DJG,2000: Replace targ.Mtar_struck in denominator of gammaflux with more * general efer-pfer*tfcos, for pfer =0 this reverts to old form * k_eq = (s-targ%Mtar_struck**2)/2./(efer-pfer*tfcos) * * JRA,2001: Go back to original version - more consistent with phase space used * in the subroutine (according to DJG - see k_eq = (main%wcm**2-targ%Mtar_struck**2)/2./targ%Mtar_struck CDG - Remove multipole model CDG* Initialize some stuff for the multipole model. CDG if (first) then CDG first = .false. CDG if(which_pion.eq.0 .or. which_pion.eq.10) then !pi+ CDG final_state = 1 CDG else CDG final_state = 2 CDG endif CDG if( CDG write(6,*) 'Using low W multipole pion model...' CDG low_w_flag = .TRUE. CDG endif CDG endif * Get cross section in photon-nucleon center of mass. sigcm1 is blok * fit (default model - can always be evaluated). sigcm2 is multipole, * IF low_w_flag is set. * NOTE: s, t, mtar, and Q2 must be converted to GeV first. c ntup.sigcm1 = sig_blok(thetacm,phicm,main%t/1.e6,vertex%q2/1.e6,s/1%e6,main.epsilon, c > targ%Mtar_struck/1000.,which_pion) CDG Change default to PARAM04 - this works better at larger Q2 c ntup%sigcm1 = sig_param04(thetacm,phicm,main%t/1.e6,vertex%q2/1.e6,s/1.e6,main%epsilon, c > targ%Mtar_struck/1000.,which_pion) CDG Change default to PARAM3000 - this works better at larger Q2 ntup%sigcm1 = sig_param_3000(thetacm,phicm,main%t/1.e6,vertex%q2/1.e6,s/1.e6,main%epsilon, > targ%Mtar_struck/1000.,which_pion) CDG Use Peter Bosted's new fit to world, JLab 6 GeV, and preliminary 12 GeV data c ntup%sigcm1 = sig_param_2021(thetacm,phicm,main%t/1.e6,vertex%q2/1.e6,s/1.e6,main%epsilon, c > which_pion) sigma_eepi = ntup%sigcm1 CDG For lower W, user Peter Bosted's implementation of the MAID model c if( then ! W less than 2.3 GeV if( then ! W less than 2.0 GeV Q2gev = vertex%q2/1.d6 !convert to GeV**2 Wgev = main%wcm/1000.0 ! convert to GeV cthcm = cos(thetacm) E0 = vertex%Ein/1000.0 !convert to GeV ipi = 3 ! pi+ by default if (which_pion.eq.1 .or. which_pion.eq.11 .or. which_pion.eq.3) ipi=4 ! pi- call sigmaid(ipi,Q2gev,Wgev,E0,cthcm,phicm,sig0) ! convert from mub / dOmega* to mub / dt / dphi* ntup%sigcm2 = sig0 / ppicm / qstar / 2. cc smoothly join between W of 1.7 and 2.3 c fac1 = max(0., (Wgev - 1.7) / 0.6) c smoothly join between W of 1.5 and 1.9 fac1 = min(1., max(0.,(Wgev - 1.5) / 0.4)) sigma_eepi = ntup%sigcm1 * fac1 + ntup%sigcm2 * (1 - fac1) endif * For low w, use multipole expansion as default cross section model. CDG if(low_w_flag) then CDG CDG ntup%sigcm2 = sig_multipole(k_eq,efer,qstar,tfcos,ppicm,s/1.e6,thetacm, CDG > phicm,main%epsilon,final_state,vertex%q2/1.e6,targ%Mtar_struck/1000.,pfer,mh) CDG sigma_eepi = ntup%sigcm2 CDG CDG endif ntup%sigcm = sigma_eepi !sig_cm ******************************************************************************* * sigma_eepi is two-fold C.M. cross section: d2sigma/dt/dphi_cm [ub/MeV**2/rad] * Convert from dt dphi_cm --> dOmega_lab using 'jacobian' [ub/sr] * Convert to 5-fold by multiplying by flux factor, gtpr [1/MeV] * to give d5sigma/dOmega_pi/dOmega_e/dE_e [ub/Mev/sr]. * * Note that there is an additional factor 'fac' included with gtpr. This * takes into account pieces in the flux factor that are neglected (=1) in * colinear collisions. The flux factor is |v_1-v_2| * 2E_1 * 2E_2. * For a stationary target, v_2=0 and so velocity term is v_1=1 (electron * beam), and E_2=M_2. For collinear boost, the flux factor can be expressed * in a way that is lorenz invariant, and so can be used for lab or C.M. * For a NON-COLLINEAR boost, there are two changes. First, the |v| term * becomes 1 - (z component of pfer)/efer. Second, E_2 isn't just the mass, * it becomes E_fermi, so we have to remove targ.Mtar_struck (which is used * for E_2 by default) and replace it with efer. Since the flux factor * comes in the denominator, we replace the usual flux factor (gtpr) with * gtpr*fac, where fac = 1/ ( (1-pfer_z/efer)* (efer/mtar_struck) ). fac = 1./(1.-pferz*pfer/efer) * targ%Mtar_struck/efer gtpr = alpha/2./(pi**2)*vertex%e%E/vertex%Ein*k_eq/vertex%q2/(1.-main%epsilon) peepi = sigma_eepi*jacobian*(gtpr*fac) !ub/MeV^2/rad-->ub/sr-->ub/MeV/sr return end real*8 function sig_multipole(nu,efer,qstar,tfcos,ppicm,s_gev,thetacm, > phicm,eps,final_state,q2_gev,mtar_gev,pfer,mh) * Purpose: * This routine calculates p(e,e'pi+)n cross sections from a multipole fit. * The multipole expansion gives dsigma/dOmega_cm. We use dt/dcostheta_cm * to give dsigma/dt/dphi_cm, which is returned as sig_multipole [ub/MeV^2-rad]. implicit none complex*8 H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6 !Helicity amplitudes complex*8 amplitude(7),A1,A2,A3,A4,A12,A34,A1234 complex*8 AT(7,3,8,10) complex*8 gf1,gf2,gf3,gf4,gf7,gf8 complex*8 hnperp,hfperp,hnpar,hfpar,hnlong,hflong complex*8 XL,XT,XTT,XLT real*8 nu,efer,qstar,tfcos,ppicm,s_gev,thetacm,phicm,eps,q2_gev,mtar_gev,pfer,mh real*8 sig219,sig real*8 sigt,sigl,siglt,sigtt !components of dsigma/dt real*8 sintcm,costcm,sinto2cm,costo2cm real*8 root_two,mpi_to_microbarn real*8 CLEB(2,3),qfm,Q2_table(8),nu_table(10),atemp(42) real*8 Q2_high,Q2_low,deltaQ2,nu_high,nu_low,delta_nu,F integer Q2_count,nu_count,multipole,IT1,IT2,IT3,IT4,IT5 integer final_state,isospin logical first data first /.TRUE./ if( then WRITE(6,*) 'LOOK OUT CHEESY POOF BREATH!' WRITE(6,*) 'W IS TOO HIGH FOR THIS MODEL' WRITE(6,*) 'SETTING NU to 499.9' nu=499.9 endif * Initialize some shorthand variables. sintcm = sin(thetacm) costcm = cos(thetacm) sinto2cm = sin(thetacm/2.) costo2cm = cos(thetacm/2.) * DJG Read in multipoles and initialize CG coefficients for low W model. * Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients CLEB(FINAL STATE, ISOSPIN) * 1: PI+ N--------1(IS.1/2) * 2: PI- P--------2(IV.1/2) * --------3(IV.3/2) if(first) then first = .FALSE. root_two = sqrt(2.) mpi_to_microbarn = 197.327/mh CLEB(1,1)=root_two CLEB(1,2)=root_two/3. CLEB(1,3)=-root_two/3. CLEB(2,1)=root_two CLEB(2,2)=-root_two/3. CLEB(2,3)=root_two/3. OPEN(3,FILE='MULTIPOL.file',STATUS='OLD') do Q2_count = 1,8 read(3,202) qfm !q**2 in fm**-2 Q2_table(Q2_count) = qfm*0.0389379 !convert to GeV**2 do nu_count=1,10 read(3,203)nu_table(nu_count) read(3,204)atemp !multipolarity amplitudes, see,eg,table below do multipole=1,7 IT1=multipole+7 IT2=multipole+14 IT3=multipole+21 IT4=multipole+28 IT5=multipole+35 C Multipoles in units of 10**-2 MPI+**-1 C Multipole Amplitude Table: AT(TYPE , ISOSPIN ,-Q**2 , P.EQ.PH.R.) C 1:-----E0+-------0(IS.1/2) C 2:-----M1--------1(IV.1/2) C 3:-----E1+-------3(IV.3/2) C 4:-----M1+ C 5:-----S0+ C 6:-----S1- C 7:-----S1+ AT(multipole,3,Q2_count,nu_count)= > CMPLX(ATEMP(multipole),ATEMP(IT1)) AT(multipole,2,Q2_count,nu_count)=CMPLX(ATEMP(IT2),ATEMP(IT3)) AT(multipole,1,Q2_count,nu_count)=CMPLX(ATEMP(IT4),ATEMP(IT5)) enddo !multipole enddo !nu enddo !Q2 close(unit=3) endif !if first time. * Interpolate multipole amplitudes from table. do Q2_count=1,7 Q2_high=0. Q2_low=0. nu_high=0. nu_low=0. if(( > ( then Q2_high = Q2_table(Q2_count+1) Q2_low = Q2_table(Q2_count) deltaQ2 = (Q2_high-Q2_low) do nu_count=1,9 if(( > ( then nu_high = nu_table(nu_count+1) nu_low = nu_table(nu_count) delta_nu = nu_high-nu_low do multipole=1,7 amplitude(multipole) = 0. do isospin = 1,3 A1 = AT(multipole,isospin,Q2_count,nu_count) A2 = AT(multipole,isospin,Q2_count+1,nu_count) A3 = AT(multipole,isospin,Q2_count,nu_count+1) A4 = AT(multipole,isospin,Q2_count+1,nu_count+1) A12= (A1*(Q2_high-q2_gev) + A2*(q2_gev-Q2_low))/deltaQ2 A34= (A3*(Q2_high-q2_gev) + A4*(q2_gev-Q2_low))/deltaQ2 A1234 = (A12*(nu_high-nu)+A34*(nu-nu_low))/delta_nu amplitude(multipole) = amplitude(multipole) + > CLEB(final_state,isospin)*A1234 enddo * !Convert multipoles to microb^.5 amplitude(multipole) = mpi_to_microbarn*amplitude(multipole) enddo endif !nu check enddo !nu endif !Q2 check enddo !Q2 * Now calculate the Helicity amplitudes * CGLN amplitudes (Chew et. al.,Phys. Rev. 106,1345 (1957).) gf1 = amplitude(1) + 3.*costcm*(amplitude(4)+amplitude(3)) gf2 = 2.*amplitude(4) + amplitude(2) gf3 = 3.*(amplitude(3)-amplitude(4)) gf4 = (0.,0.) * DJG: gf5 and gf6 are not independent of gf7 and gf8,so only use last two. gf7 = amplitude(6) - 2.*amplitude(7) gf8 = amplitude(5) + 6.*costcm*amplitude(7) * DJG WALKER helicity amplitudes (Walker,Phys.Rev. 182,1729 (1969).) H5 = -costo2cm*(gf7+gf8) H6 = -sinto2cm*(gf7-gf8) H4 = (2.*sinto2cm*(gf1+gf2)+costo2cm*sintcm*(gf3+gf4))/root_two H2 = (-2.*costo2cm*(gf1-gf2)+sinto2cm*sintcm*(gf3-gf4))/root_two H1 = (-costo2cm*sintcm*(gf3+gf4))/root_two H3 = (-sinto2cm*sintcm*(gf3-gf4))/root_two * DJG Bartl helicity amplitudes (Bartl,Nuc.Phys.B62,267 (1973).) * key: hnperp -----> photon pol. perp. to scatt. plane,no baryon flip * hfpar -----> photon pol. par. to scatt. plane, baryon flip * hnlong -----> longitudinal photon pol., no baryon flip * hflong -----> longitudinal photon pol., baryon flip * hnpar -----> photon pol. par. to scatt. plane, no baryon flip * hfperp -----> photon pol. perp. to scatt. plane, baryon flip hnperp = (H4+H1)/root_two hfpar = (H3+H2)/root_two hnlong = H5 hflong = H6 hnpar = (H4-H1)/root_two hfperp = (H3-H2)/root_two XT = hnperp*CONJG(hnperp)+hfpar*CONJG(hfpar)+hnpar*CONJG(hnpar)+ > hfperp*CONJG(hfperp) XL = hnlong*CONJG(hnlong) + hflong*CONJG(hflong) XTT = hnpar*CONJG(hnpar)+hfperp*CONJG(hfperp)-hnperp*CONJG(hnperp)- > hfpar*CONJG(hfpar) XLT = hnlong*CONJG(hnpar)+hflong*CONJG(hfpar) F = 2.*((efer-pfer*tfcos)/1000.)*sqrt(s_gev)*(ppicm/1000.)/ > (s_gev-mtar_gev**2)/mtar_gev sigt = F/2.*XT sigl = F*XL sigtt = F/2.*XTT siglt = 2.*F*REAL(XLT) siglt=siglt/2. !Divide siglt by 2 because Henk uses !a different convention when adding !the four terms together. DJG sig219=(sigt+eps*sigl+eps*cos(2.*phicm)*sigtt > +sqrt(2.0*eps*(1.+eps))*cos(phicm)*siglt)/1.e0 * DJG: sig219 is dsig/dOmega_cm - convert to dsig/dtdphi_cm * DJG: using dt/dcos_cm = 2*ppicm*qcm sig = sig219/ppicm/qstar/2. sig_multipole = sig 202 format(/11X,f5.1/) 203 format(11X,f5.0) 204 format(6(/9X,7f8.3)) return end real*8 function sig_blok(thetacm,phicm,t,q2_gev,s_gev,eps,mtar_gev,which_pion) * Purpose: * This routine calculates p(e,e'pi+)n cross sections from a fit to the data of * Brauel et al., Z.Phys.C. 3(1979)101. * Fit gives dsigma/dt/dphi_cm, which is returned as sig_blok [ub/MeV^2-rad]. implicit none include '' real*8 sig219,sig real*8 sigt,sigl,siglt,sigtt !components of dsigma/dt real*8 mrho_emp real*8 fpi,fpi2 real*8 thetacm,phicm,t,q2_gev,s_gev,eps,mtar_gev integer which_pion * Fits to p(e,e'pi+)n cross-sections * HPB: cross sections for pi-fits to Brauel's n(e,e'pi-)p * HPB: dsigma/dt cross sections at W=2.19 and Q^2=0.70 MODIFIED BY HAND!!! sigl = 27.8*exp(-11.5*abs(t)) sigt = 10.0*(5.*abs(t))*exp(-5.*abs(t)) siglt= 0.0*sin(thetacm) sigtt= -(4.0*sigl+0.5*sigt)*(sin(thetacm))**2 if (which_pion.eq.1 .or. which_pion.eq.11 .or. which_pion.eq.3) then !pi- sigt =sigt *0.25*(1.+3.*exp(-10.*abs(t))) sigtt=sigtt*0.25*(1.+3.*exp(-10.*abs(t))) endif * GMH: Now scale sigl by Q2*pion_formfactor * HPB: parametrization of pion formfactor in the region 0.5 +sqrt(2.0*eps*(1.+eps))*cos(phicm)*siglt)/1.e0 * GMH: Brauel scaled all his data to W=2.19 GeV, so rescale by 1/(W**2-mp**2)**2 * HPB: factor 15.333 therefore is value of (W**2-mp**2)**2 at W=2.19 sig=sig219*15.333/(s_gev-mtar_gev**2)**2 sig=sig/2./pi/1.d+06 !dsig/dtdphicm in microbarns/MeV**2/rad sig_blok = sig return end real*8 function sig_param04(thetacm,phicm,t,q2_gev,s_gev,eps,mtar_gev,which_pion) * Purpose: * Fit that reproduces Fpi1 results pretty well, but is nicely behaved at * larger Q2 * Fit gives dsigma/dt/dphi_cm, which is returned as sig_blok [ub/MeV^2-rad]. implicit none include '' real*8 sig219,sig real*8 sigt,sigl,siglt,sigtt !components of dsigma/dt real*8 fpi,q2fpi2,q2fpi,polefactor real*8 thetacm,phicm,t,q2_gev,s_gev,eps,mtar_gev integer which_pion fpi=1./(1.+1.77*q2_gev+0.05*q2_gev**2) q2fpi=q2_gev*fpi q2fpi2=q2_gev*fpi**2 polefactor=abs(t)/((abs(t)-0.02)**2) sigL =350.0*q2fpi2*exp((16.0-7.5*alog(q2_gev))*(-t)) sigT =4.5/q2_gev+2.0/q2_gev**2 sigLT=(exp(0.79-3.4/sqrt(q2_gev)*(t)) > +1.1-3.6/q2_gev**2)*sin(thetacm) sigTT=-5.0/q2_gev**2*polefactor*sin(thetacm)**2 CDG For now assume sigL(pi+)=sigL(pi-) if (which_pion.eq.1 .or. which_pion.eq.11 .or. which_pion.eq.3) then !pi- sigt =sigt *0.25*(1.+3.*exp(-10.*abs(t))) sigtt=sigtt*0.25*(1.+3.*exp(-10.*abs(t))) endif sig219=(sigt+eps*sigl+eps*cos(2.*phicm)*sigtt > +sqrt(2.0*eps*(1.+eps))*cos(phicm)*siglt)/1.e0 * GMH: Brauel scaled all his data to W=2.19 GeV, so rescale by 1/(W**2-mp**2)**2 * HPB: factor 15.333 therefore is value of (W**2-mp**2)**2 at W=2.19 sig=sig219*8.539/(s_gev-mtar_gev**2)**2 sig=sig/2./pi/1.d+06 !dsig/dtdphicm in microbarns/MeV**2/rad sig_param04 = sig return end *********************************************************************************************** real*8 function sig_param_3000(thetacm,phicm,t,q2_gev,s_gev,eps,mtar_gev,which_pion) * Purpose: * Fit that reproduces Fpi1 (larger Q2)and Fpi2 and Brauel separated xsec data. * while reproducing Bebek unseparated data. * The Fpi1 low Q2 data isn't fit terribly well, but not so bad (mostly, sigma_l is * a little big). * Fit gives dsigma/dt/dphi_cm, which is returned as sig_param_3000 [ub/MeV^2-rad]. implicit none include '' real*8 sig219,sig real*8 sigt,sigl,siglt,sigtt !components of dsigma/dt real*8 mrho_emp real*8 fpi,fpi2,q2fpi2,q2fpi,polefactor real*8 thetacm,phicm,t,q2_gev,s_gev,eps,mtar_gev integer which_pion fpi = 1.0/(1.0+1.77*q2_gev+0.12*q2_gev**2) q2fpi2=q2_gev*fpi**2 sigL = 19.8*abs(t)/(abs(t)+0.02)**2*q2fpi2*exp(-3.66*abs(t)) sigT = 5.96/q2_gev*exp(-0.013*q2_gev**2) sigLT=(16.533/(1.0+q2_gev))*exp(-5.1437*abs(t))*sin(thetacm) sigTT=(-178.06/(1.0+q2_gev))*exp(-7.1381*abs(t))*sin(thetacm)**2 CDG For now assume sigL(pi+)=sigL(pi-) if (which_pion.eq.1 .or. which_pion.eq.11 .or. which_pion.eq.3) then !pi- sigt =sigt *0.25*(1.0+3.0*exp(-10.0*abs(t))) sigtt=sigtt*0.25*(1.0+3.0*exp(-10.0*abs(t))) endif sig219=(sigt+eps*sigl+eps*cos(2.0*phicm)*sigtt > +sqrt(2.0*eps*(1.0+eps))*cos(phicm)*siglt)/1.0d0 * GMH: Brauel scaled all his data to W=2.19 GeV, so rescale by 1/(W**2-mp**2)**2 * HPB: factor 15.333 therefore is value of (W**2-mp**2)**2 at W=2.19 sig=sig219*8.539/(s_gev-mtar_gev**2)**2 sig=sig/2.0/pi/1.0d+06 !dsig/dtdphicm in microbarns/MeV**2/rad sig_param_3000 = sig return end CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC subroutine sigmaid(Ipi,q2,w,e0,costh,phi,sig0) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c get exclusive pion cross sections and target c asymmetries from MAID 2007. c inputs: ipi = 1, 2, 3, 4 for pi0 p, pi0 n, pi+ n, pi- p c q2 in GeV2. For Q2>5, extrapolation is done c W in GeV. For W>2, extrapolation is done c E0 beam energy in GeV c costh cos(th*) (from -1 to 1) c phi phi* (in radians, from 0 to 2pi) c outputs: cross section dsigma/dOmega in the N-pi c c.m. system, in mub/sr c sigma = sig0 + Pt * sigz + Pb * Pt * sigez c where Pb and Pt are beam and target polarization ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none integer i,Ipi,iq,iw,ith,j,k real*8 q2,w,e0,costh,phi,sig0,sigz, sigez, sige real*8 maidtbl(4,25,46,23,18) real*8 wfact, ST, SL, STL, STT, STLZ, STTZ, STLP real*8 STLPZ, STTPZ, CSF, SNF, CS2F, SN2F, CST,SNT real*8 STLPY,STTPX,SLY,STY,STLX,sthe,pt,pl,pn REAL*8 STLY,STTX,STTY,STLPX real*8 x, eps, am/0.9383/, nu, ep, sin2 real*8 cthmin(6)/-0.20, 0.20, 0.44, 0.63, 0.78, 0.90/ real*8 cthmax(6)/ 0.20, 0.44, 0.63, 0.78, 0.90, 1.0/ logical first/.true./ ! Read in the MAID tables generated by ! ~bosted/eg1c/MAID/targetall.f using code ! provided by Lothar Tiator (MAID group) if(first) then first = .false. do i=1,4 if(i.eq.1) open(unit=9,file='maidpi0p.dat') if(i.eq.2) open(unit=9,file='maidpi0n.dat') if(i.eq.3) open(unit=9,file='maidpipn.dat') if(i.eq.4) open(unit=9,file='maidpimp.dat') do iq=1,25 do iw=1,46 do ith=1,23 read(9,'(f11.6,18f8.4)') > (maidtbl(i,iq,iw,ith,j),j=1,18) enddo enddo enddo close(unit=9) enddo endif ! Initialize answers sig0 = 0. sigz = 0. sigez = 0. st = 0. sige = 0. if( return ! get epsilon nu = (w**2 - am**2 + q2) / 2. / am if(nu .gt. e0) return ep = e0 - nu sin2 = q2 / 4. / e0 / ep if(sin2.le.0.0 .or. 1.) return eps = 1./(1. + 2. * (1. + nu**2 / q2) * sin2 / > (1. - sin2)) ! tHIS IS sin(theta_electron) sthe = 2. * sqrt(sin2) ! this is sin(theta_q) pt = ep * sthe / sqrt(q2 + nu**2) ! this is cos(theta_q) (target b-field along q) pl = sqrt(1. - pt**2) ! This is normal component of target b-field pn = -pt * sin(phi) ! This is now the in-plane component pt = pt * cos(phi) ! Get nearest bin in Q2, W, and costh iq = int((q2 + 0.1)/0.2) iq = min(25,max(1,iq)) iw = int((w-1.090)/0.020) iw = min(46,max(1,iw)) ith=0 do i=1,6 if( ith=i enddo ith = min(6,max(1,ith)) ! Get sigma_t in mub/sr, as well as sigm_l, ... wfact = 1. if( wfact = (w -1.132)/0.100 ST = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,1) / max(0.2,q2) / wfact SL = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,2) * ST STL = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,3) * ST STT = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,4) * ST STLZ = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,5) * ST STTZ = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,6) * ST STLPZ= maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,7) * ST STTPZ= maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,8) * ST STLP = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,9) * ST STLX = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,10) * ST STLY = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,11) * ST STTX = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,12) * ST STTY = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,13) * ST STLPX= maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,14) * ST STLPY= maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,15) * ST STTPX= maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,16) * ST SLY = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,17) * ST STY = maidtbl(Ipi,iq,iw,ith,18) * ST ! get cos(phi), etc. CSF =COS(phi) SNF =SIN(phi) CS2F=COS(2.*phi) SN2F=SIN(2.*phi) CST =costh SNT =SQRT(1.-costh**2) ! Get sigma_0, etc. sig0 = ST + EPS * SL + > sqrt(2.*EPS*(1.+EPS))*CSF*STL + > EPS*CS2F*STT sigz = sqrt(2.*EPS*(1.+EPS)) * > (PT * SNF * STLX + > PN * CSF * STLY + > PL * SNF * STLZ) + > EPS * > (PT * SN2F * STTX + > PN * CS2F * STTY + > PL * SN2F * STTZ) + > PN * (STY + EPS * SLY) sigez = sqrt(2.*EPS*(1.-EPS)) * > (PT * STLPx * CSF + > PN * STLPy * SNF + > PL * STLPZ * CSF) + > sqrt(1.-EPS**2) * > (PT * STTPx + > PL * STTPZ) sige = sqrt(2.*EPS*(1.-EPS))*SNF*STLP ! change sign of sigez to agree with DIS convention ! in which Delta has negative A_LL sigez = -1.0 * sigez ! also change sign of sigz so agrees with our results for c W>1.4. Note: this was *not* done for eg1c! sigz = -1.0 * sigz return end real*8 function sig_param_2021(thcm,phicm,t,q2,wsq,eps,which_pion) ! April 2021 fit to exclusive pi+ and pi- data from ! fpi1, fpi2, CT, pt-SIDIS, CSV-SIDIS, and KLT ! q2, t, and wsq should be in gev**2 ! thcm and phicm should be in radians ! Peter Bosted, from output of ~bosted/ptc/ptb.f implicit none real*8 thcm,phicm,t,q2,wsq,eps real*8 sigl,sigt,sigttv,sigltv,sigexcl3 integer which_pion common/excmn/sigl,sigt,sigttv,sigltv real*8 pp(17)/ > 1.60077, > -0.01523, > 37.08142, > -4.11060, > 23.26192, > 0.00983, > 0.87073, > -5.77115, > -271.08678, > 0.13766, > -0.00855, > 0.27885, > -1.13212, > -1.50415, > -6.34766, > 0.55769, > -0.01709/ real*8 pm(17)/ > 1.75169, > 0.11144, > 47.35877, > -4.69434, > 1.60552, > 0.00800, > 0.44194, > -2.29188, > -41.67194, > 0.69475, > 0.02527, > -0.50178, > -1.22825, > -1.16878, > 5.75825, > -1.00355, > 0.05055/ if (which_pion.eq.1.or.which_pion.eq.11.or.which_pion.eq.3) then call exclfit(t,thcm,phicm,q2, > wsq,eps,sigl,sigt,sigttv,sigltv,sigexcl3,pm) else ! pi+ call exclfit(t,thcm,phicm,q2, > wsq,eps,sigl,sigt,sigttv,sigltv,sigexcl3,pp) endif sig_param_2021 = sigexcl3 return end subroutine exclfit(t,thetacm,phicm,q2_gev, > s_gev,eps,sigl,sigt,sigtt,siglt,sig,p) implicit none real*8 p(15),t,thetacm,phicm,q2_gev,s_gev,eps,sigl real*8 sigt,sigtt,siglt,sig,mtar_gev/0.938/ real*8 fpi,q2fpi2,sig219 fpi = 1. / > (1.0 + p(1)*q2_gev + p(2)*q2_gev**2) q2fpi2 = q2_gev * fpi**2 cxx sigL = p(3) * abs(t) / sigL = (p(3) + p(15)/q2_geV) * abs(t) / > (abs(t) + 0.02)**2 * q2fpi2 * > exp(p(4) * abs(t)) c sigL = sigL / s_gev**p(11) sigL = sigL / (s_gev**p(11) + sqrt(s_gev)**p(17)) sigT = p(5) / q2_gev * exp(p(6) * q2_gev**2) c sigT = sigT / s_gev**p(12) sigT = sigT / (s_gev**p(12) + sqrt(s_gev)**p(16)) sigT = sigT * exp(p(14) * abs(t)) sigLT=(p(7) / (1.0 + p(10) * q2_gev)) * > exp(p(8) * abs(t)) * sin(thetacm) sigLT = sigLT / s_gev**p(13) sigTT=(p(9) / (1. + 1.0 * q2_gev)) * > exp(-7.0 * abs(t)) * sin(thetacm)**2 sig219 = (sigt + > eps * sigl + > eps * cos(2.0*phicm) * sigtt + > sqrt(2.0 * eps * (1.0+eps)) * > cos(phicm) * siglt) / 1.0d0 * GMH: Brauel scaled all his data to W=2.19 GeV, so rescale by 1/(W**2-mp**2)**2 * HPB: factor 15.333 therefore is value of (W**2-mp**2)**2 at W=2.19 c BUT, in param_3000, everything got scaled to W=1.96 sig = sig219 *8.539 / (s_gev - mtar_gev**2)**2 sig = sig / 2.0 / 3.1415928 / 1.0d+06 !dsig/dtdphicm in microbarns/MeV**2/rad return end