C --- linux_suppl.inc C C g77 does not have intrinsic sind, cosd.... C They have to be declared external C C real*8 sind, cosd, tand C real*8 asind, acosd, atand, atan2d C external sind, cosd, tand C external asind, acosd, atand, atan2d C C linux supplemental fuctions C C sind real*8 function sind (x) implicit none real*8 x real*8 degrad parameter (degrad = 3.141592654 / 180.) sind = sin (degrad * x) return end C C cosd real*8 function cosd (x) implicit none real*8 x real*8 degrad parameter (degrad = 3.141592654 / 180.) cosd = cos (degrad * x) return end C C tand real*8 function tand (x) implicit none real*8 x real*8 degrad parameter (degrad = 3.141592654 / 180.) tand = tan (degrad * x) return end C C asind real*8 function asind (x) implicit none real*8 x real*8 raddeg parameter (raddeg = 180. / 3.141592654 ) asind = raddeg * asin (x) return end C C acosd real*8 function acosd (x) implicit none real*8 x real*8 raddeg parameter (raddeg = 180. / 3.141592654 ) acosd = raddeg * acos (x) return end C C atand real*8 function atand(x) implicit none real*8 x real*8 raddeg parameter (raddeg = 180. / 3.141592654 ) atand = raddeg * atan (x) return end C C atan2d real*8 function atan2d (x, y) implicit none real*8 x, y real*8 raddeg parameter (raddeg = 180. / 3.141592654 ) atan2d = raddeg * atan2 (x, y) return end