c dsigL_pole.f c calculation of pion pole contribution to dsigL/dt c see eqns 3,4 of Huber 2008 paper c gh 16.06.12 implicit none real*8 mpig,mpg,mng,pi,hbarc,eesq real*8 q2g,wg,nug,pgamg,betacm,gammacm,pcmg,epicmg real*8 pgamcmg,nuparcmg,tming real*8 r2_mono,Fpi_mono,r2_dip,Fpi_dip,pmono,Fpi_fit,fpisq real*8 lN,gpole,tt,gpinn,nn,dl_pole real*8 polefactor,fpi,q2fpi2,wfactor,sigl integer itt mpig=0.13957 mpg=0.93827 mng=0.93957 pi=3.14159 hbarc=0.197 ! (GeV-fm) eesq=4.*pi*hbarc/137. write(6,100) 100 format(' Enter Q^2, W in GeV') read(5,*)q2g,wg nug = (wg**2 + q2g - mpg**2)/(2.*mpg) pgamg = sqrt( nug**2 + q2g) c find speed of virtual photon+proton c.m. frame betacm = pgamg/(nug+mpg) gammacm = (nug+mpg)/wg pcmg = sqrt( (wg**2 + mng**2 - mpig**2)**2 - 4.*(wg*mng)**2 ) 1 /(2.*wg) epicmg= sqrt(pcmg**2 + mpig**2) ! calculate t_min pgamcmg = (pgamg-betacm*nug)*gammacm nuparcmg= nug/gammacm-betacm*pgamcmg !p.59 of notes tming = q2g-mpig**2+2.*(nuparcmg*epicmg-pgamcmg*pcmg) !p.105 c fit to experimental Fpi c monoopole+dipole fit eqns 8-10 of Huber 2008 paper c Amendolia fits, units fm^2 r2_mono=0.431 Fpi_mono=1./(1.+(r2_mono*q2g)/(6*hbarc**2)) r2_dip=0.411 Fpi_dip=1./(1.+(r2_dip*q2g)/(12*hbarc**2))**2 pmono=0.85 ! best fit is 85% monopole + 15% dipole Fpi_fit=pmono*Fpi_mono+(1-pmono)*Fpi_dip fpisq=Fpi_fit**2 c g_piNN (monopole) form factor from T. Meissner, PRC 52(95)3386. c lN=0.800 c gpole=13.4 c g_piNN (monopole) form factor used in the Bonn potential c lN=1.30 c g_piNN form factor (central values) in Favart et al, arXiv:1511.04535 c lN=0.50 c gpole=13.3 c g_piNN form factor values from P. Kroll, arXiv:1602.03803 lN=0.44 gpole=13.1 write(6,10) 10 format(/,8x'Q2',11x,'W',10x'-t dsigL_pole',5x, 1 'dsigL %dsigL_pole') do itt=1,30 tt=-tming-0.02*float(itt-1) gpinn=gpole*(lN**2-mpig**2)/(lN**2-tt) c NN (flux factor according to Vanderhaeghen) nn=32.*pi*(wg**2-mpg**2)* 1 sqrt( (wg**2-mpg**2)**2+q2g**2+2.*q2g*(wg**2+mpg**2) ) c BTM calculation of Actor, Korner, Bender, Il.Nuo.Cim 24A(74),369 dl_pole=(4.*hbarc*eesq*(gpinn**2)*q2g*fpisq*(-tt))/ 1 (nn*(tt-mpig**2)**2) c convert from (fm/GeV)^2to mub/(GeV^2) dl_pole=dl_pole*(10**4) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Tanja's sig2006 global fit, including higher Q2 c pion pole term polefactor=abs(tt)/((abs(tt)+mpig**2)**2) fpi=1./(1.+1.77*q2g+0.12*q2g**2) q2fpi2=q2g*fpi**2 sigl =19.8*polefactor*q2fpi2*exp((-3.66*(abs(tt)))) c W rescaling according to 1/(w**2-mp**2)**2 wfactor=8.539/(wg**2-mpg**2)**2 sigl=sigl*wfactor write(6,110)q2g,wg,tt,dl_pole,sigl,dl_pole/sigl*100 110 format(6f12.4) enddo end