WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.130 In future. 2 00:00:02.290 --> 00:00:06.780 Garth Huber: Okay. recording has started. 3 00:00:08.610 --> 00:00:10.240 Richard Trotta: Okay, let me. 4 00:00:11.740 --> 00:00:13.740 Richard Trotta: okay. So 5 00:00:13.890 --> 00:00:15.030 Richard Trotta: currently. 6 00:00:15.600 --> 00:00:20.280 Richard Trotta: this is just for like you need, and anyone else will look to this. So 7 00:00:20.650 --> 00:00:40.079 Richard Trotta: under my github there's the Lt analysis, and this is just under my test. Now I kind of push everything to the fall, and master get a repository. Obviously, we talk about get get stuff over at our next meeting next week. But that's right. Yeah, that'll be a broader discussion. Yeah. 8 00:00:40.180 --> 00:00:45.330 Richard Trotta: Okay? So the main script that runs is all I'm just gonna go do kind of intro. 9 00:00:45.670 --> 00:00:49.180 Richard Trotta: because there's a lot of different scripts. But 10 00:00:49.300 --> 00:00:56.400 Richard Trotta: pretty much. There's this run production analysis basket, which has. Let's see how long it is. It's like, I think. 11 00:00:56.670 --> 00:01:03.439 Richard Trotta: yeah. So those 2,000 lines. But most of it is just like calling different scripts. This runs everything. 12 00:01:03.460 --> 00:01:06.760 Richard Trotta: pretty much. There's 13 00:01:06.930 --> 00:01:13.810 Richard Trotta: this is the main thing. Yeah, I see. Yeah, you you like doing things this way. I have to admit 14 00:01:14.720 --> 00:01:18.629 I had a different script for every 15 00:01:19.760 --> 00:01:29.559 Garth Huber: kinematic. They were just cut and pasted from the same. But just you have to make so many modifications. But anyways, yeah, fine. 16 00:01:29.570 --> 00:01:55.230 Richard Trotta: Yes, I mean, the main way did. This is just I put wherever I things are hard coded. I hard code them in here. So this is, you can just see, like, for instance, the T range. And like, Yeah, indeed, you have T ranges you have. How many super Hms, angles are available. Now, in your case you only have 2 Epsilons, but, like Vj has 3 and Lt. 17 00:01:55.400 --> 00:02:24.840 Richard Trotta: well, actually, vj, might even have up to 4. I don't remember. Yeah. So I mean, no. 18 00:02:24.840 --> 00:02:35.220 Richard Trotta: so pretty much. You run this the first time, which is like the 0 iteration, and then you run after you run it. After that you use this. I flag when you run it. 19 00:02:35.530 --> 00:03:00.679 Richard Trotta: and that'll run. It was pretty much the 0 Federation. I that's kind of a misnomer. It's more. It runs everything and gets all the root files kind of prepared for the actual iteration, and then you run it with the ice, and it runs a different version of the main script so 20 00:03:00.680 --> 00:03:16.389 Garth Huber: pretty much. You said you like doing these master scripts, whereas I just prefer smaller dedicated scripts. Which are these big Python scripts, which is kind of go through. 21 00:03:16.530 --> 00:03:24.419 Richard Trotta: This is the main, and then there's a main iter, which is the one is for just the like. I said, 0 iteration. And this is for, like iterative ones. 22 00:03:24.490 --> 00:03:34.229 Richard Trotta: but pretty much they go through, and I that they send the comments. But for the most part you have each step of the analysis with that comments and which scripts 23 00:03:34.480 --> 00:03:37.400 Richard Trotta: you're using the kind where they're located. 24 00:03:37.710 --> 00:03:47.220 Richard Trotta: I mean, there's a lot here. But you can. People can go through something around. So the main thing is, when I run this whole main script it'll call 25 00:03:47.670 --> 00:03:54.109 Richard Trotta: the 2 main, the 2 scripts that we care about for now. So the on the zeroth iteration 26 00:03:54.180 --> 00:03:57.959 Richard Trotta: and subsequent ones. It'll always run this 27 00:03:58.230 --> 00:04:14.590 Richard Trotta: Lt twod fit right? And this is the unseparated cross section fitting script which is pretty much, is completely based off of Bill's version of it, every iteration. So it's a little confused about your comment about only the Zeroth iteration. 28 00:04:14.930 --> 00:04:17.790 Richard Trotta: Well, so it this will run. 29 00:04:17.910 --> 00:04:19.589 Richard Trotta: And so 30 00:04:20.490 --> 00:04:26.370 Richard Trotta: but see this one. So when I run through. 31 00:04:26.750 --> 00:04:28.599 Richard Trotta: actually, you know what this might be easier. 32 00:04:29.640 --> 00:04:39.570 Garth Huber: I mean, you have 2 fits. I mean, I'm not sure which one you're referring to. Yeah. Okay. Here, yeah, yeah. You have my slides here. And then for those who aren't aware. 33 00:04:40.000 --> 00:04:46.509 Garth Huber: for getting ready for Lt separations. Yeah, I have 2 sets of slides. They're on the on Red mine. 34 00:04:47.030 --> 00:04:55.250 Richard Trotta: So before. So when I'm talking about the Zeroth iteration here. So before you do this, you would already have ran Simsi 35 00:04:55.280 --> 00:05:03.550 Richard Trotta: and that simcity will have been have been updated with the physics. Physics, iterate script that's in here. 36 00:05:03.870 --> 00:05:06.359 Richard Trotta: And so this in here. 37 00:05:06.730 --> 00:05:10.060 Richard Trotta: You know, we have what our model in here which 38 00:05:10.280 --> 00:05:20.769 Richard Trotta: what I did was. There's a directory in the source file, which is models pretty much a point anytime a model being called. It's going to be in here, and then these 39 00:05:21.180 --> 00:05:25.530 Richard Trotta: on on each iteration. It creates a new directory in bash, which is 40 00:05:25.640 --> 00:05:43.050 Richard Trotta: dated you know, whenever the iteration was ran, and then just saved these in here for each time. So you can kind of just easily check through and see where. Yeah, yeah, indeed, you definitely want that every iteration is stored in a separate parallel sub directory so that you can 41 00:05:43.050 --> 00:05:54.590 Richard Trotta: cross check results. And sometimes you find something funny. And you have to go back to 3 iterations. Yeah, exactly. And so pretty much that, like, I've working on this iterate the 0 iteration, which is just. 42 00:05:54.590 --> 00:06:14.239 vijay: Vijay, if you have a question, go ahead. What changes 43 00:06:14.240 --> 00:06:29.479 Garth Huber: from iteration to iteration is only the things don't change unless you change the code. Right? 44 00:06:30.170 --> 00:06:41.190 Garth Huber: That's right. This was what we are used. Yeah, notice, there's already a difference. So if you look at this T average here, there's these parameters in here this like point 0 7 3 5. 45 00:06:41.250 --> 00:07:03.839 Richard Trotta: I wouldn't call them parameters. But yeah, yeah, I wouldn't. I wanted to use the word parameter for the thing. Iteration modify. Let's just simply call them numbers in here for T average. And so if I look at, for instance, what I have in here, that's already different. I put a little comment here. But yeah, and and to be honest. Vj, if you keep the old ones it it 46 00:07:04.030 --> 00:07:13.109 Garth Huber: probably okay, too. All we care in the end is that you have ratios close to one with no 47 00:07:13.480 --> 00:07:14.150 Garth Huber: God. 48 00:07:14.530 --> 00:07:17.530 vijay: oscillations and things. 49 00:07:17.920 --> 00:07:43.500 Garth Huber: but yeah, I mean, for sure, Richard has very different kinematics and etc., and he sort of do, starting over from scratch with kaons. But yeah. So indeed. So that equation was again, just to give you approximately the average t for every q squared now again like Richard, you have more than don't you have 2 Q squared? W. 50 00:07:43.600 --> 00:07:51.939 Richard Trotta: So that means this, T average equation gave you the same T for those 2 sets. No 51 00:07:52.050 --> 00:08:05.819 Richard Trotta: so the T averages that I use for ones that fit for the for all of the q squared. So this is just the general average for all those. Okay. But but again, just so that you know again, this was simply from what 52 00:08:06.160 --> 00:08:08.649 Garth Huber: I was doing an Fy 2, 53 00:08:08.740 --> 00:08:14.610 and I didn't have a W. Dependence to worry about. So I only had this equation in terms of Q squared. 54 00:08:14.830 --> 00:08:21.900 Garth Huber: In your case, if you want to add a W. Term to this, so that you end up with different T averages for those 55 00:08:22.100 --> 00:08:26.839 Garth Huber: 2 Q squareds which are different, which are the same Q squared, but different. W, 56 00:08:27.050 --> 00:08:37.399 Garth Huber: that's fine, or you simply have an if statement, if the W is this, use T average one equation, and if W is that use T average 2? It doesn't really matter. 57 00:08:37.600 --> 00:08:46.070 Garth Huber: But this number even you probably have to change it. Q squared to Q squared. Right? So I'm a little surprised. 58 00:08:46.100 --> 00:09:06.980 Garth Huber: You have just one equation which works for all. But if it does, that's fine. But again, don't feel that that has to be one equation again, cause I had custom codes, and I would have a different version of this code for every setting, and that means that those 2 numbers would actually change if if I needed to. 59 00:09:07.900 --> 00:09:21.279 Richard Trotta: Craig, I mean, this is just our starting point. I still have to kind of go through right? Okay? But but again, feel, you know, that you have your 6 settings. You could just do if setting one. This equation. If setting 2 use that equation and on and on. 60 00:09:21.820 --> 00:09:25.410 Richard Trotta: Correct. So then the only other thing I changed from 61 00:09:25.830 --> 00:09:30.620 Richard Trotta: vg, again, if you have a question on this just just shout. 62 00:09:32.120 --> 00:09:38.349 Richard Trotta: yeah. So the only thing I had to change from what also is in here. If you look at this, there's 63 00:09:38.740 --> 00:09:47.220 Richard Trotta: well you can't see here, but there's it just defines up to 12 parameters, and that's it. I increase this to 16. Now. 64 00:09:47.320 --> 00:10:17.039 Garth Huber: the caveat with this is that. Yes, it's increased to 16 parameters, but almost all of them are 0 right now. Are you fitting them, or you just you're gonna have in them minuet that they are constrained to 0. Initially, they're they're currently constrained to 0. Make it more easily applicable to what Bill already had in this code. So yeah. But again, Bill's parameterization was for you. Channel 65 00:10:17.070 --> 00:10:21.810 Garth Huber: that's why I was pointing to the parametrization I used for the 66 00:10:22.040 --> 00:10:42.689 Garth Huber: pi minus pi plus analysis, because at least it's T channel. So I'm I'm using these. I'll go through all of the. And and of course, the more parameters. You are the poor constrained they are. So as long as the Iu have sort of fix them to 0 in the fitting algorithm. 67 00:10:42.710 --> 00:10:53.590 Garth Huber: That's that's fine. But I wouldn't wanna start off with too many parameters initially, even 12 parameters. Again, it can go through. You have to play some tricks. 68 00:10:54.140 --> 00:11:15.730 Richard Trotta: has high statistics data. But Richard does not. So it means Vj can get away with things that Richard cannot probably so I mean, you probably wanna start initially. 69 00:11:15.980 --> 00:11:18.729 how many parameters are these for Lt and Tt. 70 00:11:19.500 --> 00:11:31.339 Richard Trotta: currently, there's currently there's 12. These are all just set to 0. No, no, no. But how many of these? 16 like, I don't know how many of these are? L, how many? Or t, how many? L, 2. 71 00:11:31.480 --> 00:11:36.439 Richard Trotta: So yeah, let me just pull. Every single parameter has 72 00:11:36.520 --> 00:11:57.550 vijay: 4 4 so initially, and the 3 Sigma, Lt. And one for this and last Tp, which is which is what these functions have in here. Now, the way I have it set up this is again to make it compatible with Bill script, and this is something we could talk about when it gets to that part. But 73 00:11:57.950 --> 00:12:19.569 Richard Trotta: the reason there's 16 is because for Lt. Lt. And Tc. There's 4 parameters for each, but for all the interference terms are all set to 0 right now. So okay, good you probably want to start off particularly Richard again. Vj, because he's doing pi ends, and he can he's already. What 74 00:12:19.950 --> 00:12:33.879 Garth Huber: did an initial look where he just reused my old parameters, and it already worked reasonably good, so VJ, can probably just start with what he was already using. Which would be fine. All we care is that the ratios are close to one. 75 00:12:34.410 --> 00:12:38.340 Garth Huber: but yeah, in case of Richard. 76 00:12:39.160 --> 00:12:47.640 Garth Huber: yeah. So you indeed, probably want, to set indeed, parameters 9 and on all 77 00:12:47.840 --> 00:12:49.640 Garth Huber: to 0 initially. 78 00:12:50.770 --> 00:12:51.600 hmm. 79 00:12:52.350 --> 00:12:53.500 Garth Huber: and 80 00:12:53.830 --> 00:12:55.020 only start 81 00:12:55.340 --> 00:12:57.620 Garth Huber: turning them 82 00:12:57.930 --> 00:13:11.450 Garth Huber: on to allow them to vary in the fitting algorithm after we get their parameters to work, and even then you probably are gonna have to. Also. 83 00:13:12.150 --> 00:13:19.570 Garth Huber: I could go back and look at my notes. Sometimes we turned on. We had the odd numbered parameters. 84 00:13:21.550 --> 00:13:34.019 Garth Huber: So again, what the parameters. 2, 4, 6, and 8 there are is. Again, this is the event by event. Q. Squared, not the central Q squared. Right? 85 00:13:35.020 --> 00:13:40.049 vijay: So what? What this is meant to 86 00:13:40.140 --> 00:13:46.240 Garth Huber: handle. Here is the Q squared dependence within the diamond. 87 00:13:48.710 --> 00:14:05.279 Garth Huber: right? So the the p. One, p. 3, p. 5, and p. 7 are sort of, let's say correspond to say, the middle of the diamond, just to give an example, and then 2, 4, 6, and 8 then correspond to the Q squared variation 88 00:14:06.580 --> 00:14:19.580 Garth Huber: across the diamond, and you could scroll down just so that the others can follow. There's a W. Dependence which is added in later, the W. Factor which is now giving you the W. Dependence across the diamond. 89 00:14:19.640 --> 00:14:25.320 Garth Huber: And again, all your goal is to get ratios reasonably close to one across the diamond. 90 00:14:27.680 --> 00:14:45.759 Garth Huber: But again, I'm just trying to explain sort of the logic here. So if you're if you're doing this initially, you can, in fact, set the odd numbered the even number parameters, and there was sort of a logic, and how this was set, so that, like you say, the odd number parameters are to more important. 91 00:14:46.020 --> 00:14:51.139 Garth Huber: and then the even upper parameters are like a higher sort of correction. 92 00:14:53.600 --> 00:15:07.180 Garth Huber: But but yeah, I would start off with just the odd parameters in your case. Richard, and then, just do one or 2 iterations on that, so that the odd numbered ones are reasonably close. 93 00:15:07.320 --> 00:15:21.450 Garth Huber: and then set P. The even number parameters to some number really close to 0, and then again allow the iteration to find some optimal value, and again the 94 00:15:21.800 --> 00:15:36.719 Garth Huber: the first bracketed term p. One and p. 2, is sort of your general. Q. Square dependence, and then you're the 3 4 term in line 58 is. Now. You have an additional t dependence added to the Q squared dependence. 95 00:15:38.150 --> 00:15:42.399 Garth Huber: and then you also have this ft. Average factor. 96 00:15:42.410 --> 00:15:56.660 Garth Huber: That you were had earlier. Where again, that is a factor that is intentionally was was intended at least to be 0 again at the middle, at some near the middle of the diamond, let's say. 97 00:15:57.230 --> 00:15:59.669 Garth Huber: and then would give you a 98 00:15:59.800 --> 00:16:15.470 Garth Huber: mall correction. Let me see, you can think of. This is sort of like Taylor expansion. Right? You have leading term. And then you have terms which are sort of proportional derivatives. And that's sort of what the the idea is here 99 00:16:15.560 --> 00:16:36.380 Richard Trotta: going through this. There's gonna be 1 point that this is gonna be evidence to make perfect sense. For me. At least, I think once only after you've done it. That's why I'm trying to explain. And then, of course, for the Lte in the Tt. You have this extra, theta center of mass sign of Theta star dependence. 100 00:16:36.480 --> 00:17:01.510 Garth Huber: and yeah, you have to be sure that that's the correct, variable. That again, the interference terms are required to go to 0 in parallel kinematics that's required by physics. And so that is added here in this way to be a hundred percent sure that the parameterization you're using actually does go to 0 in parallel kinematics. 101 00:17:04.510 --> 00:17:05.230 Alright 102 00:17:06.260 --> 00:17:19.340 Richard Trotta: cool. Thank you. Yeah. That's actually a very good intro for the rest of the stuff, too. Okay, good. Good. And then, of course, your 6, 2, 1, 9 in line 70 is then where you're putting this all together, you should recognize that as the Rosenberg equation. 103 00:17:19.690 --> 00:17:30.310 Richard Trotta: Okay? So then the next. So let me just the first script in here. So actually, let me go back to Paris. I can go through this just to. So everyone kind of see where we're at. 104 00:17:30.450 --> 00:17:45.599 Richard Trotta: So the script goes through and you already have your simcity that ran. And then either you know each of these steps, calculate your yield, calculate your ratios, and then from pretty much step 3 to step 4. 105 00:17:45.740 --> 00:17:51.309 Richard Trotta: This part is all done with the for transcription here. So if I go into 106 00:17:52.610 --> 00:17:53.310 okay. 107 00:17:53.520 --> 00:18:04.759 Richard Trotta: back to the source here, you'll see there's these 2 4 transcripts. But there's the average kinematics, right? Which is calculating the average kinematics. Some of your your errors. 108 00:18:04.770 --> 00:18:10.659 Richard Trotta: And then you have this calculate cross section one. and pretty much. This one goes through 109 00:18:10.830 --> 00:18:18.710 Richard Trotta: for the bins and then looks at, you know, grabs the model, and from there is gonna calculate your unseparated cross sections, then 110 00:18:18.920 --> 00:18:26.260 Richard Trotta: and so that's kind of these steps right here you get to the ratios, and then you get to 111 00:18:26.270 --> 00:18:32.069 Richard Trotta: So at this part here, we're next, you know. Next you're getting wait ready to do the unsafe cross section. 112 00:18:32.140 --> 00:18:36.889 Richard Trotta: and that's where this next script comes in. So now you have the set the unseparated cross sections in there. 113 00:18:37.050 --> 00:18:46.900 Richard Trotta: And they're all on these just text files. For bin, and these get read into this script. I should go go over first, then 114 00:18:46.910 --> 00:19:03.870 Richard Trotta: which is going to be this under source. There's I'm probably gonna move this, but for now it's just in here which is d fit And so there's there's a lot in here, but it's a lot of like just repeating the same sort of things. 115 00:19:05.120 --> 00:19:09.829 Richard Trotta: So let me start from word. I guess the question that I quickly have 116 00:19:10.250 --> 00:19:16.589 Garth Huber: is, of course, you have one section, which is the code that does the work. but then we always had 117 00:19:16.680 --> 00:19:44.520 Richard Trotta: that after every single step you had a plotting script so you could get a series of intermediate plots to inspect whether the iteration is progressing correctly. And of course my slides showed large numbers of examples of those. Plus do you have? Did you make similar sets of plots. Correct? Yeah. So if you go in here and the source there's plotting. And so, printers 3 steps 118 00:19:44.690 --> 00:19:52.859 Richard Trotta: throughout this. So there is the first one is kind of just data versus SIM C. Plots, you know, which is your basic ones are used to seeing. 119 00:19:53.320 --> 00:20:05.349 Richard Trotta: And then there's the bin plots as well, which have just your data per ben, which is, gonna have your yields and ratios and everything like that, and also all the stuff is 120 00:20:05.790 --> 00:20:30.220 Richard Trotta: saved as histograms and put into a big root file at the end of each iteration as well. Okay, that's fine. Yeah. We had the post script files for everything. But yeah, that'd be fine. It's it's actually all saved in 2 different forms. So it's saved in. Well, I guess technically different forms, depending on what we're talking. There's the root files, there's a Json file, and there's the Pdf. Themselves. So they're all kind saving there and then the final ones just the 121 00:20:30.230 --> 00:20:44.840 Garth Huber: plotting the cross section which will have the separated and unseparated kind of plots you inspect the your plots, say, in your Pdf. File. 122 00:20:45.120 --> 00:20:47.980 Garth Huber: after running every script 123 00:20:48.070 --> 00:20:53.400 Richard Trotta: even if it's if it's only you. Look at it for a couple of minutes. But, 124 00:20:53.760 --> 00:21:01.350 Garth Huber: You can easily waste lots of time on your iterations, if you you know if if something's going wrong. 125 00:21:01.450 --> 00:21:21.139 Richard Trotta: And so the whole point of spending some time to look at the Pdfs after every single script is is actually in the end, it actually saves your time. Yeah. So I have in here, just because if sometimes you don't want to look them all. I have this flag, which is this debug flag, which is just kind of hard code to false in here. So if you just set that to true. You can see 126 00:21:21.330 --> 00:21:45.209 Richard Trotta: what this function is called show pdf, with the events. So that's really what it does. It just splashes the Pd, the Pdf on screen, which is fine. Yeah, something that you look at. And indeed, if it pops up automatically, sort of just in a similar fashion to the 50 K replay in an experiment, then that forces you to look at it. So that would be a good habit. Yeah, yeah. So that that's on there and splashes right now. Turned off because I've been 127 00:21:45.270 --> 00:21:57.090 Garth Huber: Yeah, you're debugging you, but you'll want it on when you're running good. And the other thing I would recommend, because I found that until I got used to this, I was 128 00:21:58.120 --> 00:22:10.950 Garth Huber: by mistake skipping steps in iteration, and then I have to go back and and redo work is. So I actually have. like an actual list, like a little flow chart 129 00:22:12.470 --> 00:22:24.719 Garth Huber: pointing out, you need to run this script. Then you look at this plot, then you run this script. Then you look at that plot, you know, and and actually made a little flow chart for me to follow 130 00:22:25.240 --> 00:22:33.920 Garth Huber: when doing an iteration to guarantee that I either don't skip any steps, or that I do the skips in the correct order. 131 00:22:34.030 --> 00:22:36.479 Garth Huber: because there's a lot of 132 00:22:36.520 --> 00:22:56.419 Richard Trotta: things to keep track of, and it's just the more brainless you make it. So that's why I said these main scripts, because then you can literally follow down. And so, for instance, you could say, Step one, and then this is just running the analysis cuts, which is done kind of before this. So just in telling you which script it runs from. 133 00:22:56.990 --> 00:23:01.460 and step 2 is the diamond cut. So then here's the diamond script. 134 00:23:01.480 --> 00:23:06.100 Richard Trotta: and your different parameters. And then you have in. 135 00:23:06.180 --> 00:23:26.440 Richard Trotta: Yeah, this is all the time cuts, and then you have step 3. And so this is applying RAM subtraction to the data and dummy, and then it runs through this script, and you can just go to each one of these scripts and see which state is going on. But you have, like one master script, which is running all of these sequentially. And let's say, I move not exactly thrilled with that 136 00:23:27.140 --> 00:23:37.860 Garth Huber: I would rather that you run each script manually inspect the output coming from the diagnostic plots and then go to the next script. 137 00:23:38.000 --> 00:23:53.459 Richard Trotta: Well, I mean in essence. That's how it'll work, except, I mean, it is just one script. So when you get to this for each one of these steps, that's when the plot show up, then will it do a pause until you hit something on the terminal or something like a return? 138 00:23:53.610 --> 00:24:04.690 Richard Trotta: I mean, I could make it more dynamic like that pretty much. I just, I just do a control C on it and just cancel the script. And then, yeah, you you couldn't ask for like a terminal prompt 139 00:24:04.830 --> 00:24:09.300 Garth Huber: before it, moving on to the next step. Yeah. 140 00:24:09.880 --> 00:24:13.470 Garth Huber: Vijay, feel free to ask questions. 141 00:24:14.230 --> 00:24:20.029 vijay: or if you'd rather, you can share your screen after and ask your own set of questions. Either way, it's fine. 142 00:24:22.610 --> 00:24:36.120 Richard Trotta: Alright and then one other thing I should note, actually, I didn't say before cause this is gonna be important for Pyon and Fijian. We have already time brought this up is the way that the bash script is set up, is, it'll run this main script first for low epsilon. 143 00:24:36.270 --> 00:24:44.189 Richard Trotta: then it'll run it for high epsilon. and so depending on which epsilon is certain scripts will run 144 00:24:45.690 --> 00:24:53.100 Richard Trotta: So, for instance. Okay, yes. Let me explain that a little more. So, for instance. 145 00:24:53.310 --> 00:25:05.609 Richard Trotta: the this script right here, right the lte fit script could only run when you have run both high and low, epsilon. So when I when it runs through the main script. 146 00:25:05.630 --> 00:25:17.129 Richard Trotta: it's and if it's since it's low epsilon first, which I run low, epsilon that are on high epsilon since low epsilon, first, it won't run the script, but then on the second, the second loop, which is the high 147 00:25:17.560 --> 00:25:29.930 Richard Trotta: which is the high epsilon. It'll run it because you need both the low and high epsilon unseparated cross section. Data to run the on the separated cross section scripts. 148 00:25:30.360 --> 00:25:33.130 Garth Huber: Well, here, I mean. 149 00:25:34.240 --> 00:25:44.449 Garth Huber: okay, a little confused as your answer there. So I mean. First, of course, you compute your yields, and for that, indeed, you need to do high epsilon and lipson separately 150 00:25:44.750 --> 00:25:54.069 Richard Trotta: correct. and then you need to combine everything. So then, you need to combine your different super Hms settings together at each epsilon. 151 00:25:54.530 --> 00:25:57.659 Garth Huber: Right? That's the next step. 152 00:25:59.990 --> 00:26:16.080 Richard Trotta: Yeah. And that was in this old average ratiosf, which I guess is now somewhere in this script, somehow. Yeah, so that one gets run. So first I run the yield and ratio. Let me show you. There's actually another 153 00:26:16.110 --> 00:26:20.720 Richard Trotta: script inside of these scripts. Script section. So there's 154 00:26:21.010 --> 00:26:30.929 Richard Trotta: in this main script. Sorry I calculate for high and low epsilon, the yield ratio and average kinematics for each bin, as you can see. 155 00:26:31.140 --> 00:26:41.599 Richard Trotta: And so these all get saved in dictionaries in Python, which is just a really nice way to organize all all the information. and these all get output it to eventually. Json file and root files like I was saying. 156 00:26:41.760 --> 00:26:54.069 Richard Trotta: then it saves the root files for each one, and then if I scroll down here, you'll see just so after. So it knows it's high upline, and it ran those stages for the so now you have the high and low yields, and everything 157 00:26:54.150 --> 00:27:14.059 Richard Trotta: run this right here, which is another bash script which is in here, and this script itself is another, another bash script, and this one, what it does is it'll actually run the 4 transcripts. But it in here. Hard code. It is the high and low epsilon values. And where did you get these epsilon values from? 158 00:27:14.270 --> 00:27:21.760 Richard Trotta: These ones, I believe? And is there consistent with what I have in previous? I'm pretty sure these are all just from the 159 00:27:21.810 --> 00:27:23.010 Richard Trotta: the run plans. 160 00:27:23.190 --> 00:27:27.419 Garth Huber: I think. At least, yeah. 161 00:27:28.930 --> 00:27:33.350 Richard Trotta: Okay, so these are based on the central kinematics. Correct. 162 00:27:33.790 --> 00:27:47.819 Richard Trotta: But I mean, this is just just for mostly for organization sake. But so this isn't the values that were actually used. I guess it says, Well, no, no, they probably are. When you when you apply the Rosenbluth formula, those probably. 163 00:27:47.880 --> 00:27:58.629 Richard Trotta: Yeah. The reason I say that is because so this runs all the 4 transcripts. But, for instance, there is a model calculated 164 00:27:59.200 --> 00:28:00.820 Richard Trotta: epsilon here as well. 165 00:28:01.300 --> 00:28:05.989 Richard Trotta: or it might be one of these. I think it might be in this cross section that calculated 166 00:28:06.830 --> 00:28:19.380 Richard Trotta: which is, which is the one that saved cause. That's just how it is. I mean in principle, I mean, I doubt if it makes much difference to be honest. But in principle you want to use the corrected beam energy. 167 00:28:20.360 --> 00:28:36.470 Richard Trotta: Correct? Yeah, correct? Which is, yeah, which is not the number in the run plan number in the run plan doesn't even use energy measurement. It was using. 168 00:28:37.770 --> 00:28:48.729 Richard Trotta: I'm just gonna go into the output real quick. Which is, hey? This looks familiar 169 00:28:49.280 --> 00:28:58.489 Richard Trotta: here. Okay, so here's the output. This is this just for reference when I'm talking about these 2 scripts here, right? This unseparated cross section scripts. 170 00:28:58.560 --> 00:29:18.779 Richard Trotta: These are the outputs that I generate from this for Transcript. And there's the real Cross section here, the Model Cross section, and then there's the Epsilon model in here as well data model. And then your Phi. T. Team and W. And keywords 171 00:29:18.850 --> 00:29:26.039 Garth Huber: need to include things like the statistical uncertainty in the beam current. It beam charge 172 00:29:26.300 --> 00:29:30.030 Garth Huber: the uncertainty in the tracking 173 00:29:30.080 --> 00:29:50.470 Garth Huber: right. It's not just the statistics coming from the number of events and data. And Monte Carlo we had some discussion with Vijay, I think, was just barely before Christmas that you that he needs that, and he did after made the modification that you can't ignore the statistics in the Simc. 174 00:29:50.790 --> 00:29:56.999 In all of these ratios you have to propagate not only the statistical uncertainty in the data. 175 00:29:57.010 --> 00:30:05.170 Garth Huber: you also have to propagate the statistical uncertainty in Simc. And if that Simc statistical uncertainty is 176 00:30:06.010 --> 00:30:17.509 Garth Huber: more than oh, let's say a third of the size of the experimental data. You simply need to run more, Simc, because you don't want that your statistical uncertainties are coming from Simc. 177 00:30:17.680 --> 00:30:19.639 Garth Huber: You just run it longer. 178 00:30:19.930 --> 00:30:31.929 Garth Huber: but you can't ignore the Simc uncertainties, because there are. But you also cannot ignore the fact that, say you have a certain number of PCM. Counts. 179 00:30:32.170 --> 00:30:38.619 Garth Huber: and that means there's a statistical uncertainty in that separate from the systematic uncertainty. 180 00:30:38.920 --> 00:30:45.899 Garth Huber: And similarly, in your drift chamber. As an example, you have a certain number of 181 00:30:46.270 --> 00:30:56.320 Garth Huber: events that was used to calculate that, and that hopefully, is being propagated from the report files or wherever it's coming from, but that gets included 182 00:30:56.350 --> 00:31:02.580 Garth Huber: separately from the systematic uncertainty in the tracking. And again, similarly, 183 00:31:03.070 --> 00:31:08.979 Garth Huber: if I recall, Vj. Is simply applying a standard 2% uncertainty to Edm. 184 00:31:09.990 --> 00:31:20.280 Garth Huber: which probably what we'll have to do for K. And Lt, but otherwise in Pi and Lt, you want to use the actual number of Edt Edm events 185 00:31:20.400 --> 00:31:35.150 Garth Huber: to again propagate the statistical uncertainty in oh, I understand what you did. We just have. To be sure, it is clear in both your thesis and the eventual paper. 186 00:31:35.650 --> 00:31:40.719 Garth Huber: but in Pi and Lt. We shouldn't have this issue. So there we should do it properly. 187 00:31:40.790 --> 00:31:54.750 Ali Usman: Can can I ask a quick question? So just to clarify when you say let's say you talked about briefly about tracking. So you said, statistical from the tracking and systematic from the tracking. 188 00:31:54.850 --> 00:32:00.590 Ali Usman: Could you? Could you elaborate what does? Because right? So when you calculate a yield 189 00:32:00.630 --> 00:32:08.899 Garth Huber: right again, you have the formula number of counts divided by, you know your efficiencies. You have to do a full statistical propagation on that formula. 190 00:32:09.390 --> 00:32:35.829 Ali Usman: Everything in that formula has uncertainties. Yes, but I mean that uncertainty itself, like the the uncertainty on the tracking efficiency itself, is from the statistics right? No. There is, in addition, a systematic uncertainty which will have to be applied separately. There'll have to be like a table. Both VJ. And Richard, I think, are aware that they will need to have these tables, and and will have to evaluate. 191 00:32:36.430 --> 00:33:01.199 Garth Huber: And indeed it will be a good point, for no, but but the systematic would be. For example, one of the systematic that that I understand. And sorry if I'm not getting this accurately is is, let's say, a uncertainty from like a cut dependence. Right? For example, if we briefly change the coin, time cut, the accounts would slightly change, and we do it well, that's a cut to spend. That's a cut dependent, systematic uncertainty. But we also have. 192 00:33:01.480 --> 00:33:08.930 Okay, let's say in the BCM. Right? You have, indeed your statistical uncertainty. But there's also the uncertainty in the calibration 193 00:33:08.960 --> 00:33:22.729 Ali Usman: which gives rise to a systematic uncertainty independent of the statistics. So when you say this, so that means that all the detectors will have systematic uncertainties, and that would come from the calibration 194 00:33:24.000 --> 00:33:26.100 Garth Huber: are well for the BCM. For sure 195 00:33:26.220 --> 00:33:40.570 vijay: we can understand how much systematic we can. 196 00:33:40.570 --> 00:34:00.170 vijay: No, but no, but the tracking is done run by run. So all set of runs, right data that we analyze, separate, separate, and from Tedplar, we can understand if you see my, I don't know. I posted the track. I put that tracking plot 197 00:34:00.210 --> 00:34:14.110 vijay: for this whole both queue squared data. So we had slightly some fluctuation. Right? So from that, we can understand, okay, this 1% or 2% of half percent, we can apply Christine. 198 00:34:14.130 --> 00:34:23.510 Richard Trotta: Okay? So, Richard, since you're, I think you're the one at the pen. So can you underneath. Now expand the equation for Qe. Yes. Hi. 199 00:34:23.520 --> 00:34:29.029 Richard Trotta: yeah. So so the point II. So if you can do that, I think then I we can better answer Elise. Question. 200 00:34:29.790 --> 00:34:31.199 Richard Trotta: yeah, 201 00:34:31.460 --> 00:34:36.009 Garth Huber: so will be Q now divided by the 202 00:34:36.350 --> 00:34:38.440 efficiencies. 203 00:34:38.750 --> 00:34:48.630 Richard Trotta: So we have the uncertainty of this, which includes, just for first of all, just write the equation for Qe, just go a little further down. We have lots of room there. 204 00:34:49.020 --> 00:34:53.200 Richard Trotta: and I just they're racing on a there it is. 205 00:34:53.260 --> 00:34:58.199 Richard Trotta: I know what happened to the eraser. There it is. Don't worry about 206 00:34:58.850 --> 00:35:03.319 Richard Trotta: alright. This. Yeah. Q. Alright. 207 00:35:03.460 --> 00:35:06.410 Richard Trotta: right. The effect of this is so. This is Q. 208 00:35:07.780 --> 00:35:32.090 Ali Usman: No. Qe stands for. 209 00:35:33.720 --> 00:35:53.009 Garth Huber: So put an E there and then on the right side now. But it'd be better if you have that 210 00:35:53.460 --> 00:36:04.780 Garth Huber: one by one. But, anyways, that's fine. Yeah. So the thing is what you do, Allee, is that you calculate Qe separately for each run. 211 00:36:05.100 --> 00:36:22.700 Garth Huber: using the efficiency for that run. You also calculate now the uncertainty in the Qe. For that run, and then you as when you sum up to get the total statistics for that setting, you similarly sum up 212 00:36:22.700 --> 00:36:51.780 Ali Usman: the Qe. For that setting, and you propagate in quadrature the uncertainty in Qe. For that setting where you were doing were your first step was to calculate, run by run with the queue effective and the uncertainty in the queue effective. So does that answer your question? No, it does not, because I mean that is what is being done. So when you say No, no, but separately. 213 00:36:51.780 --> 00:36:55.249 Garth Huber: okay. But so far you're now assuming the calibration is perfect. 214 00:36:55.370 --> 00:37:13.450 Ali Usman: In addition, Dave Mac has, say, evaluated, say, a 1% uncertainty in the Bcm calibration. To give an example that is now a systematic, independent of the statistics that's now added in the systematic uncertainty table. 215 00:37:13.450 --> 00:37:26.769 Garth Huber: Right? So the systematic uncertainties. There will be a long table, you know. You can look at various theses like bills or Tanya's or whatever, and and you'll have this big table of all your systematic uncertainties, and how they propagate into the final results. 216 00:37:27.100 --> 00:37:38.160 Ali Usman: Sure. But okay, that I understand. But what I'm not understanding is is, how do you get systematic for tracking? 217 00:37:39.680 --> 00:37:41.650 It'll be small. 218 00:37:42.090 --> 00:37:46.439 Ali Usman: But and yeah, you probably are going to use a 219 00:37:46.930 --> 00:37:55.209 Garth Huber: cuts to. Probably in the case of tracking. Yeah, you will use a cut dependence to determine that. But let's say it's a half a percent that we evaluate. 220 00:37:55.700 --> 00:38:08.009 Ali Usman: Yeah, okay, no, that I understand. Okay, okay, that's that's what I started with. Okay, Ali, I'm gonna say this, I think we had half this conversation. We still have to have the second half of this conversation at some point. 221 00:38:08.030 --> 00:38:15.490 Richard Trotta: talk about pretty much just this part of the equation, which is all the sis statistical 222 00:38:15.490 --> 00:38:44.109 Ali Usman: uncertainties. There are any efficiencies right which then just hit multiply into the charge. Statistics are properly propagated. You will be handled completely separately. 223 00:38:44.680 --> 00:38:58.579 Garth Huber: Cause. There we have to be more careful. This statistical ones are at least are uncorrelated. So you just know, you add in quadrature. But systematics are not necessarily uncorrelated. And so you have to figure out 224 00:38:59.730 --> 00:39:05.619 Garth Huber: how they're correlated, and and and then from there, how do you apply them to the data. 225 00:39:05.690 --> 00:39:11.250 Richard Trotta: Yes, just to bring up so a little context for this script as well. 226 00:39:11.440 --> 00:39:13.219 Richard Trotta: Actually, I think they're under. 227 00:39:13.890 --> 00:39:22.470 Garth Huber: So we have some systematic uncertainties which don't depend on Epsilon, for example, they just move everything up and down. 228 00:39:22.710 --> 00:39:37.169 Garth Huber: We have other ones which actually are different at high epsilon compared to epsilon. So that actually change now changes the slope in the rose and blues formula, and so that gives rise to a different kind of propagation. So we have to. 229 00:39:37.250 --> 00:39:44.640 Richard Trotta: Even cart dependents will have different effects from different Epsilons. 230 00:39:44.890 --> 00:39:59.539 Garth Huber: Well, hopefully, not. Hopefully. We'll find we'll hopefully, you'll find that sufficiently similar that we can just apply a blanket scale. But we have to evaluate that and figure out. Yes, yes, it's currently the way I have it set up is, you have your total efficiency here. 231 00:39:59.710 --> 00:40:08.450 Richard Trotta: Which is calculated. and then you have your total your air efficiency in here. Yeah. 232 00:40:09.610 --> 00:40:20.139 Richard Trotta: I guess the next step was applying this uncertainty which I was assuming. It was through propagation, by addition. 233 00:40:20.850 --> 00:40:28.369 Garth Huber: no propagation of what, by addition it should be by multiplication. Well, propagation of what? 234 00:40:28.980 --> 00:40:30.149 Richard Trotta: Of the air? 235 00:40:30.160 --> 00:40:32.770 Garth Huber: No, no, no. Are these random errors? 236 00:40:32.870 --> 00:41:02.309 Garth Huber: Yeah. Well, that means there random errors. So if you just add them, you will have a vast overestimate of the error. Yeah, you need a I mean random errors quadrature, right? Because you can have a random means that say, one will be slightly high, the next error slightly low. So some partial cancellation hopefully. And so you add in quadrature to hopefully encapsulate this random partial cancellation. 237 00:41:02.630 --> 00:41:29.169 Garth Huber: whereas adding means that they go coherently and the ones that are higher, all high. So you have to add them. Okay. But just wanted on the nice equations that you had written by hand there, just wanna make sure it's clear, cause it's not explicit. 238 00:41:53.910 --> 00:41:58.240 Garth Huber: No, you. So you have to double check that 239 00:41:58.580 --> 00:42:04.729 Richard Trotta: because he is where I'm doing that. So that's currently all the the efficiencies. 240 00:42:04.780 --> 00:42:08.360 Richard Trotta: So the statistical uncertainties on those I'm doing my multiplication. 241 00:42:08.670 --> 00:42:32.180 Garth Huber: But then, when I implement them, for instance, for the heap. I'm doing it through. Yeah, here through. Oh, no, no, okay. So you have to think carefully about this in the way. And and I would like to encourage you to the correct terminology, because that actually will will actually change a little bit how you think about it. You need to think about error, the errors correlated or uncorrelated. 242 00:42:32.900 --> 00:42:44.430 vijay: But yeah, you're correct. VJ. But again, you think about is that statistical errors are random. 243 00:42:45.050 --> 00:42:50.230 Garth Huber: They're uncorrelated. That means you get partial cancellation. 244 00:42:51.590 --> 00:42:56.720 Garth Huber: And so that's why we use addition and quadrature because they're random errors. 245 00:42:56.950 --> 00:43:10.140 Garth Huber: But the reason why I want you to think about it carefully is because if you sort of train your mind to think about it correctly for the statistical errors that'll help you. Then, when you come to the systematic errors which are not guaranteed to be random. 246 00:43:10.280 --> 00:43:14.989 Garth Huber: and then you have to think much more carefully. How do I propagate this error? 247 00:43:15.340 --> 00:43:32.910 Garth Huber: Because if you assume it's random when it's not, you underestimate your error. And that's the tricky part, the statistical. At least, it's okay. Guaranteed to be random. Yeah, okay, that makes that makes a lot of sense. But coming back to your blue equation here. So it's not explicit in your Qe. 248 00:43:33.040 --> 00:43:42.629 Garth Huber: so can you just squeeze in between the equal sign and the queue. A a sum, a capital. Sigma. 249 00:43:42.790 --> 00:43:43.820 vijay: yeah. 250 00:43:45.260 --> 00:43:47.200 Richard Trotta: yeah. Sorry. Where's my independent? 251 00:43:49.830 --> 00:43:57.250 vijay: Yeah. And you're you're summing over the runs. Yeah. 252 00:43:57.430 --> 00:44:23.269 Richard Trotta: And you do this course separately for high and low, even run by run. Because again, the error in one run is not correlated with the statistical error in another run. Yes, correct. Okay. 253 00:44:23.270 --> 00:44:27.579 Garth Huber: Okay. Nasser has his hand up, which is great, just. But you just shout out, Don't be so formal. 254 00:44:28.170 --> 00:44:31.079 Nacer: Oh, yes, I have a very nice discussion er 255 00:44:31.200 --> 00:44:48.089 Nacer: so just from my experience before. So for the I mean for the systematic, of course, you have statistical and systematic statistical. You just basically, you just propagate simple. Yeah, you can then add them square root 256 00:44:48.420 --> 00:44:52.919 Nacer: But for the uncertainties, I mean systematic ones. Again, like. 257 00:44:52.930 --> 00:45:08.450 Nacer: I think. Ali also mentioned is that you vary your usually your cards, or there's variation in the calibration, or whatever systematic, from some detector model, or whatever the the gas model or something. There's always efficiencies that come from different kind of things. And then 258 00:45:08.530 --> 00:45:20.899 Nacer: then the the thing is that it depends actually on the experiments. Actually, some experiments. They add them quite rich in quadrature, like they do for statistical. I mean, they are usually also there are some correlations. 259 00:45:21.150 --> 00:45:34.140 Nacer: So what they do, usually they also, there's another way that you take just the maximum one or you take, for example, the like when you, one is dominating. And you just basically take that one. Or you take the average. They can take the 260 00:45:34.140 --> 00:45:56.820 Nacer: you take, you sum them, and you just divide. And you take every experiment actually deals with them different. So there's like, no way no, no, there's no yeah. There's no fixed formula, because it's experiment specific. Because if they are correlated, how is then you can do them? I mean, there's no no, no, no, okay. 261 00:45:56.860 --> 00:46:14.040 Garth Huber: understand what you say. Very good. Can you go to the Rosen? I was just gonna ask you to go to the slides. Can you go to the Rosen Blue from there we go. Okay. So the thing, master, right is, we're doing this rose and blue separation, as you see written in the red box 262 00:46:14.550 --> 00:46:16.380 on the 263 00:46:16.680 --> 00:46:20.819 Garth Huber: top there, right? And so what we're doing 264 00:46:20.920 --> 00:46:37.290 Garth Huber: is that this? Okay, so not giving the full a sort of method here. But you have, of course, the data at High Epsilon, which, of course, is shown here in the Blue Points, and you have the data in low epsilon shown in the black points. Right? So you have 2 sets of data. 265 00:46:37.850 --> 00:46:54.260 Garth Huber: and each of which has, of course, their separate system, statistical uncertainties, and they have systematic uncertainties. But now what we need to do is we need to separate out this longitudinal and transverse part. Let's just ignore the interference terms for now. 266 00:46:54.500 --> 00:46:59.830 Garth Huber: and just concentrate on the L and the t, and the thing is that 267 00:47:00.390 --> 00:47:09.620 Garth Huber: The transverse part is common to both the high and the low epsilon, whereas the longitudinal depends on the difference between them. 268 00:47:10.440 --> 00:47:18.109 Garth Huber: And so the thing is what you need to do when you evaluate them. So first of all, you evaluate your systematics 269 00:47:18.190 --> 00:47:29.150 Garth Huber: separately, at high and low epsilon. And then so you can then look and see. Was the systematics almost the same number for both Epsilons? 270 00:47:29.190 --> 00:47:33.170 Garth Huber: Or was it bigger for one epsilon compared to the other. 271 00:47:33.790 --> 00:47:45.829 Garth Huber: and if it's more or less the same for both, then it's just a scale factor which applies. But if it's different from one epsilon compared to the other, then it affects 272 00:47:46.140 --> 00:47:53.240 Garth Huber: the difference between them differently. And so that means you propagate differently. 273 00:47:53.630 --> 00:47:58.090 Garth Huber: The systematic of that applies more to the L term 274 00:47:58.510 --> 00:48:00.220 Garth Huber: compared to the T term. 275 00:48:01.390 --> 00:48:17.809 Garth Huber: So anyways, we can get more into that later. But my point is is simply, it's because in our experiment, we're specifically doing this rose and blue separation, and where the longitudinal depends on the difference of some cross sections. 276 00:48:19.530 --> 00:48:25.720 Garth Huber: whereas the transverse is sort of just like the what the cross section at Epsilon equals 0 was. 277 00:48:28.280 --> 00:48:33.279 Garth Huber: And and so we're sensitive to how they propagate in that slope. 278 00:48:37.460 --> 00:48:56.699 Nacer: And so at the end. How do you then get the total error like that was error bars? Do they include statistical S squared plus the systematic square, the total square root, or how do you? No, no, because again, it depended on whether the systematic so the systematics which were random. 279 00:48:56.980 --> 00:48:58.459 Garth Huber: where, like you said. 280 00:48:58.820 --> 00:49:12.199 Garth Huber: you just use this standard quadrature. They get added in quadrature to the statistical errors and just included in the error bars the other ones which don't follow that there's an error bat 281 00:49:12.300 --> 00:49:15.140 Garth Huber: that is calculated and shown separately. 282 00:49:15.470 --> 00:49:21.040 Richard Trotta: There's also a good table in here. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Good. Yeah. He's going to show you. 283 00:49:21.720 --> 00:49:39.620 Garth Huber: Yes, projected uncertainties. We did only projected. We have to see what they actually are in the experiment. But yeah, so these are all the st systematic uncertainties, and the question is at the first line, point to point 284 00:49:39.920 --> 00:49:49.350 Garth Huber: that row. Those are the ones that indeed are random, and they can be added in quadrature to the statistical uncertainties. 285 00:49:50.580 --> 00:50:00.330 Garth Huber: Then we have those that depend from one T bin to another. and that's the next line, the T correlated. 286 00:50:01.050 --> 00:50:12.100 Garth Huber: And then we have the ones that now everything. It's not added in quadrature, but rather it's a scale factor that is applied uniformly to everything 287 00:50:12.600 --> 00:50:20.839 Garth Huber: and simply the earlier means for our earlier experiments and later means. For you know, when we understand the data detectors 288 00:50:21.220 --> 00:50:22.220 Garth Huber: better 289 00:50:23.890 --> 00:50:36.710 Garth Huber: that we would expect that contribution to. And so and so my question is that then, for T. Correlated, do you take the maximum value there? No, you'll see. We added them in quadrature. So this bottom line is total. 290 00:50:36.750 --> 00:50:42.799 Nacer: But the point is that we keep track of them separately. So we still just 291 00:50:42.820 --> 00:50:46.810 Garth Huber: added them in quadrature separately. 292 00:50:46.890 --> 00:50:50.580 Garth Huber: But that is just. We're not adding them to the point to point. 293 00:50:52.190 --> 00:50:58.469 Garth Huber: So the point to point, which was point 6%. That was added then 294 00:50:59.030 --> 00:51:18.629 Garth Huber: separately to all of the statistical uncertainties, and then these other ones are instead included in error bands. Hey, Garth, you actually really helped me understand a lot to why these are so much bigger than this one. Just thinking about the propagation by addition versus multiplication. Honestly like. 295 00:51:18.680 --> 00:51:39.930 Garth Huber: okay. But indeed, if you, this is really good, I'm glad you brought that up, because again, this the equation. For if you just to point that so this just again nasty, this just goes through, shows you how the longitudinal cross section really depends on the difference of these 2 cross sections at Epsilon, one compared to Epsilon 2. 296 00:51:39.930 --> 00:51:57.529 Garth Huber: And so just wanna pointing out that we're. We're very sensitive to how accurately we can measure this difference. And that depends not only on statistical uncertainties, but whether sorry the systematic uncertainty 297 00:51:57.910 --> 00:52:07.919 Garth Huber: sorry. In. In Sigma one is the same as in Sigma 2, or is bigger or smaller, because then that also affects that difference in equation 4. 298 00:52:08.410 --> 00:52:25.630 Richard Trotta: Yeah, it tells you up here, too. That's a reason why the if the po polarize, you know the epsilon here, the reason they pick 2 high, you know, very different values, for that is because it's gonna minimize that kind of point to. And that's what equation 5 is. That's the 299 00:52:25.780 --> 00:52:28.820 Garth Huber: fractional uncertainty in Sigma. L, 300 00:52:28.930 --> 00:52:46.949 Garth Huber: yeah, which is kind of what we're talking about with the statistical errors there. Yeah. So that would be this, both the statistical and the point to point systematic. All random errors propagate that way, whereas the scale uncertainties do not. They do not get magnified 301 00:52:48.810 --> 00:52:54.109 Garth Huber: because they're in common at both epsilons, and so it does not get magnified. 302 00:52:57.560 --> 00:53:02.870 Garth Huber: So it's not necessarily that it's bigger or smaller. It's just that you have to propagate it appropriately. 303 00:53:05.090 --> 00:53:22.859 Garth Huber: But thank you for being up this table. I'm not. Hopefully, I didn't scare everyone. So anyways, how we determine those in case you're wondering is is we simply are. Gonna look at, how does the systematic uncertainty 304 00:53:22.870 --> 00:53:35.030 Garth Huber: bury with T. Bin? And then we'll just C, okay, is it correlated with T, or is it independent of T, and then then just goes in the appropriate row. And you see, in some cases that actually it divides up 305 00:53:35.170 --> 00:53:41.449 Garth Huber: right? So you have some of the uncertainty. It depends on T. Some of it is just a scale factor. 306 00:53:42.270 --> 00:53:54.010 Garth Huber: Some of it was some random. And so, like the tracking efficiency you have, you have contributions in all of the roles. It's one study. They're not separate studies, one study. But you're just looking. How does the 307 00:53:54.560 --> 00:54:25.759 Garth Huber: systematic uncertainty in the tracking efficiency vary, because, like you, you're saying Ali, with the say, cut dependence. And now you're just seeing how does the cut dependence vary bin to bin and it. If it's the same for all bins, then it goes in the scale column. You find that maybe there's a little bit of random variation inhibition to that so that could go in the point to point. And then you also find that okay, it depends slightly on the TB. So then it goes a little bit in that other one, too. But you can see in in this case. Here, you're expecting to be mostly just a scale factor. 308 00:54:25.870 --> 00:54:26.760 Garth Huber: Okay. 309 00:54:27.820 --> 00:54:36.860 Garth Huber: in this case, apparently one and a half per cent. So you see, it's one of our largest uncertainties. The Kaon decay is also a pretty large uncertainty, too, apparently. 310 00:54:39.120 --> 00:54:42.250 Garth Huber: and the radiative corrections again, that's just gonna 311 00:54:43.250 --> 00:54:59.959 Garth Huber: yeah. I'm not sure how we're going to evaluate that yet. Given the issues we have with this radiative tail on the pion, for example. So we'll have to figure that out. And the Monte Carlo model. Now this is going to be. This is coming from this. These iterations. 312 00:55:01.630 --> 00:55:03.670 Garth Huber: basically. 313 00:55:05.320 --> 00:55:09.080 Garth Huber: sort of how close to ratios of one do we get? 314 00:55:10.940 --> 00:55:18.630 Garth Huber: So you can see there that it was dominantly dependent on which T. Bin we were in, so the T correlated was the larger contribution. 315 00:55:20.460 --> 00:55:27.489 Garth Huber: But again, this is sort of evaluated. The very last step you're just simply looking. How do? How do these things vary? 316 00:55:27.950 --> 00:55:28.990 Is? It 317 00:55:29.040 --> 00:55:40.799 Garth Huber: did very randomly. So it would just point to point. Do. Is everything affected the same. So it's a scale, or does it correlated in some way with either T or Epsilon or something? Yeah. 318 00:55:44.680 --> 00:55:56.070 Richard Trotta: okay, hopefully, I was helpful hopefully, didn't scare away people, either. But let let me know. If you have questions on that 319 00:55:56.070 --> 00:56:15.009 Richard Trotta: like I, said Ali, and I thought to go through and kind of discuss this these sort of things, anyway. So we're never gonna have another meeting on this. No, not in in this topic. Bio question. Other thing on this? Ltc. 320 00:56:15.160 --> 00:56:19.230 vijay: forget this last part iterating 321 00:56:19.470 --> 00:56:25.929 vijay: So, yeah, is this before? 322 00:56:26.510 --> 00:56:29.110 vijay: Yeah, here. So 323 00:56:29.430 --> 00:56:36.249 vijay: yeah, so let's say, after this doing or yield ray. So and then we have cross section. Right? 324 00:56:36.530 --> 00:56:44.129 Garth Huber: Okay? So let's yeah. Okay. So let me try to explain. And hopefully, I just made your question, if not? Yes. So let's just go back. One slide again, Richard. 325 00:56:44.880 --> 00:56:53.109 Garth Huber: Okay. So again, from the yield ratios. And can you bring up that equation from the block paper. It's just probably one slide earlier. 326 00:56:53.130 --> 00:56:54.360 Richard Trotta: Yeah. 327 00:56:54.540 --> 00:57:03.549 Garth Huber: there you go. Okay. So here we have this big equation, right? So you have your yield ratio, which is the ratio, the 2. Y's if you can just highlight that, Richard. 328 00:57:04.420 --> 00:57:07.120 Richard Trotta: Now. yeah. 329 00:57:07.990 --> 00:57:18.790 Garth Huber: there you go. That's the. There's your yield ratio which we want to be close to one, but it will vary bin by bin, and we take that in account. Then you evaluate the 330 00:57:19.110 --> 00:57:22.479 Garth Huber: the Mont, the Simsi model 331 00:57:22.680 --> 00:57:30.450 Garth Huber: using those parameters. But now you evaluate this, and I assume, Richard, do you have a separate standalone code to do that? 332 00:57:31.040 --> 00:57:33.429 Richard Trotta: Sorry. Do you repeat that last part. 333 00:57:33.440 --> 00:57:37.980 Okay, the Sigma Mc. So now, what you're going to do 334 00:57:38.490 --> 00:57:47.420 Garth Huber: right is that you have a separate code where you're gonna use exactly the same formula that you have in SIM C. 335 00:57:47.880 --> 00:57:50.960 Garth Huber: And you have your parameters. 336 00:57:51.190 --> 00:58:01.860 Richard Trotta: And but now you evaluate it specifically. At these kinematics listed in the argument. W. Bar, Q. Squared bar. T. Phi, Theta Bar and Epsilon Bar. 337 00:58:03.070 --> 00:58:08.979 Richard Trotta: Correct? Yeah, that's part of the part of the binning script before the yields are calculated. 338 00:58:09.630 --> 00:58:11.230 Garth Huber: Okay? 339 00:58:11.510 --> 00:58:13.020 Or 340 00:58:13.030 --> 00:58:19.219 Garth Huber: yeah, it's fine wherever you calculate it. But the point is, you actually are only calculating this at a point you're not 341 00:58:19.290 --> 00:58:21.189 Garth Huber: aggregating over the bin. 342 00:58:22.330 --> 00:58:30.040 Garth Huber: This is not an average over the bin. This is calculating at one coins in the bin. 343 00:58:33.250 --> 00:58:37.550 Garth Huber: Okay? So what we're doing here is this accomplishes our bin centering. 344 00:58:37.620 --> 00:58:47.560 Garth Huber: So you account. You calculate the Sigma Mc. At 1 point the yields, because, you see, with the 345 00:58:47.930 --> 00:59:00.060 Garth Huber: brackets around them, those are evaluated over the whole bin. But then, what this gives you is the unseparated cross section not averaged over the bin. But at that 346 00:59:00.320 --> 00:59:01.410 Garth Huber: point. 347 00:59:04.230 --> 00:59:17.899 Garth Huber: okay, is that is that clear to everyone? It's an important little subtlety here that that the yields, indeed, are averaged over the bin. But the Sigma Mc. Is not averaged over the bin. 348 00:59:18.160 --> 00:59:29.790 Garth Huber: That would be a different cross section, because we quote our cross sections for specific kinematics, and how we do that is by evaluating Sigma Mc. At the Cross, at the kinematics we will quote. 349 00:59:29.860 --> 00:59:37.879 Garth Huber: and then that gives us the experimental error. Sorry, not not error. The experimental cross section at that point. Now. 350 00:59:39.230 --> 00:59:40.669 Richard Trotta: you know, I have to think. 351 00:59:45.030 --> 00:59:45.760 Garth Huber: And 352 00:59:49.120 --> 00:59:51.349 Richard Trotta: yeah, this is something I might have to check. 353 00:59:51.400 --> 01:00:08.390 Garth Huber: You do need to check. This is an important point. This is, this was done as a separate standalone code in the earlier scripts. So be sure you haven't introduced an error here. This is not bin. This is calculated at that 354 01:00:08.790 --> 01:00:09.850 Garth Huber: point. 355 01:00:10.590 --> 01:00:14.319 Garth Huber: and so in Calc. Xf, dot, F, 356 01:00:14.580 --> 01:00:17.490 Garth Huber: I believe, is where this was done. 357 01:00:17.760 --> 01:00:28.369 Richard Trotta: Okay, yeah. If as long as it's in the 4 transcripts, because that's why I thought previously, I'm just double checking that. Yeah, you should double check both of you. To be sure, you want to follow this formula. 358 01:00:28.570 --> 01:00:41.469 Garth Huber: this formula, I take it from the block there, because this is actually the only place, unfortunately, where we actually clearly indicate what we're doing. It's kind of buried in this formula, but it is explicit. 359 01:00:41.740 --> 01:00:44.600 Garth Huber: Then, if you can go on to the next slide. 360 01:00:44.710 --> 01:00:54.260 I will eventually get to Vijay's question. But I want to explain this step by step. So what? The blue and black points are now calculated from that formula. 361 01:00:55.420 --> 01:01:04.959 Garth Huber: So now all of the blue and black points are at that exact t that is listed in each plot. 362 01:01:05.550 --> 01:01:12.730 Garth Huber: Right? Because these points are not average. These these are cross sections at those specific points 363 01:01:12.880 --> 01:01:19.360 Garth Huber: where we have a cross section for each Phi bin. But T and Q squared are now fixed. 364 01:01:19.920 --> 01:01:29.299 Richard Trotta: Sorry? Yeah, I just wanted to bring this up. So so people know that part of the code that was here is in this. 365 01:01:29.430 --> 01:01:31.539 Richard Trotta: Yeah, you see, call X model 366 01:01:31.700 --> 01:01:36.000 Richard Trotta: call X model. Yeah. So this is it right here? 367 01:01:36.880 --> 01:01:57.580 Garth Huber: Yeah. But just go up to call Xmodal online 1 70. That is where that model Cross section Sigma Mc. In that formula should be called exactly. And so calculating again using the formula, it must be absolutely the same formulas in SIM C. Otherwise everything's wrong. You must be using the correct 368 01:01:58.780 --> 01:02:08.579 Richard Trotta: pretty much 369 01:02:08.620 --> 01:02:17.679 Richard Trotta: by another script here. Which is in models. It it's called it when you run it. It's called model underscore active. 370 01:02:17.860 --> 01:02:19.849 Richard Trotta: Now, the way that this is 371 01:02:20.220 --> 01:02:41.490 Richard Trotta: cause I like to. I don't like the hard code things, so it's called X model on it for active and so depending. If you're running what your models are in here and your polarity. That's what this is going to be based off of. So, for instance, for for me, right, it's going to be kon plus right. And then there's also this is was already in here. But this is the pi and minus. If anyone's curious to see that one. 372 01:02:41.550 --> 01:03:01.319 Richard Trotta: So if I go here now? Now, it'll have the exact code that we just were looking at earlier. And this is what is in Simc as well. But yeah, to make sure this, this matches what's in simcity, right? But instead of Max model K on what you need to have is if KX model K on plus is, you need to have X model K on lambda and X model K on Sigma. 373 01:03:01.380 --> 01:03:22.550 Richard Trotta: That's true. Yeah, that would. Yeah. You do need to modify. This is just like for for pipe analysis. Yeah, we have pi plus and pi minus for all the hydrogen pie. And it's you only have one. That's that's actually a a broader thing. I need to eventually implement because I know Lee's going to need this as well. 374 01:03:22.710 --> 01:03:28.700 Richard Trotta: Currently, just this is just across the board the way I have it set up. And this is something 375 01:03:29.490 --> 01:03:44.629 Richard Trotta: again. This is one of those things that it'll make everyone's lives easier. But I just need to actually implement this yeah, but you instead of KK, plus you want K on L and K on s, so again, in that bash script that I showed earlier. 376 01:03:44.640 --> 01:04:06.910 Richard Trotta: This production analysis one in here you define, like I said, this particle type. Now, the way I'm going to do this in the future. It's not currently set up like this. Just because I'm only use looking at one channel is when I say particle type, I'm probably gonna change the name for this just as more clear. But it'll be, you know, pretty much pro like Particle channel. And in this case I'll probably put K. Lambda. 377 01:04:06.910 --> 01:04:24.599 Garth Huber: Yeah, you yeah. K, on L and Kns, or something like that. And and just so that you are forewarned, as you know, your your Sigma statistics are, gonna be bad, which means your parameterization for K. Sigma is gonna have to be 378 01:04:25.050 --> 01:04:26.120 Garth Huber: simpler. 379 01:04:26.430 --> 01:04:28.259 Richard Trotta: Exactly. Yeah, then, kay launder. 380 01:04:28.990 --> 01:04:35.929 Richard Trotta: But yeah, the reason I bring that up just because across the board now we, instead of it being count, it'll be K. Lambda. And so, for instance. 381 01:04:35.930 --> 01:05:00.410 Garth Huber: this part, this, you know, these names of this where it says, K, plus will be calendar plus. It's just something I haven't done yet, because I'm only yeah, you don't need plus cause you always have plus just make calendar and then case channels in there. So okay, now, let's go back to the slides and and finish dealing with. No, no, no, that was all relevant. 382 01:05:00.590 --> 01:05:09.910 Garth Huber: Okay. So again, I just wanted to. That's why I wanted to go back to that previous slide, though things sound like there was helpful. So again, these blue and black points 383 01:05:10.090 --> 01:05:16.070 Garth Huber: were calculated from that previous step. So these are now the unseparated cross-sections. 384 01:05:18.080 --> 01:05:26.110 Garth Huber: and so on. This equation at the top. What we've done is we've determined from the experiment. The left hand side. 385 01:05:26.210 --> 01:05:33.090 Garth Huber: right. So don't have this equation inverted in your head. What we've determined is the left hand side. 386 01:05:33.300 --> 01:05:46.429 Garth Huber: Now, what this next step is. You're gonna fit that equation, and you're gonna fit the the right hand side of the equation to the data which were the left hand side of the equation. Okay? 387 01:05:46.530 --> 01:05:53.569 Garth Huber: And so, indeed, the difference between the high and low Epsilon gives you primarily Sigma L. 388 01:05:54.370 --> 01:06:05.689 Garth Huber: The the offset in the equation gives you Sigma T, and the variation with Phi the Wiggles gives you the interference terms. 389 01:06:06.230 --> 01:06:18.590 Garth Huber: So you have for each plot a separate 4 parameter fit. Right? You have in this case 32 data points, 16 high Epsilon, 16 low epsilon. 390 01:06:18.920 --> 01:06:24.809 Garth Huber: and you do a 4 parameter fit. Those 4 parameters gives you LTLT. And TT. 391 01:06:25.400 --> 01:06:36.080 Garth Huber: Okay. And then the red curves are simply what the jaant is not. Jan minewud gives you, as that was the best fit. 392 01:06:36.650 --> 01:06:39.530 Where? What is varying is 393 01:06:39.550 --> 01:06:42.600 Garth Huber: simply these 4 terms in that equation. 394 01:06:43.000 --> 01:06:49.870 Richard Trotta: Okay, it's actually no. Okay, that's clear. Now, we'll finally go on to the next 395 01:06:49.970 --> 01:06:55.260 Garth Huber: page where Vijay had his question. So now, what is shown in green 396 01:06:55.310 --> 01:07:10.630 Garth Huber: is now again, you fit each T bin separately right? There were 6. Just go back for a second. There should been 6 T. B's. Yes, 6 plots, 6 TB. 6 l's 6, t's 6 lts. And 6 tts. Right 397 01:07:11.530 --> 01:07:13.730 Garth Huber: now we go to the next page. 398 01:07:14.040 --> 01:07:26.749 Garth Huber: Now you're plotting those. Those are the green points where you have the 6, the 6 ls. In upper left, the 6 t's and upper right, 6 lts. And t t's. Now, what you do is now you fit 399 01:07:27.460 --> 01:07:38.540 Garth Huber: your parameterization to this to get best fit parameters in your parameterization. Okay? 400 01:07:38.850 --> 01:07:42.760 Garth Huber: And that results in the red curve 401 01:07:42.810 --> 01:07:48.170 Garth Huber: you see, far from a perfect fit. That's why this is not the last iteration. 402 01:07:49.550 --> 01:08:12.420 Garth Huber: and those. And then that gives you the new parameters which are given in the black box, and then you start the whole process all over again. And once you get, you know, some iterations. This thing becomes reasonably self consistent, and the red lines and the green dots. Well, they'll never perfectly agree will get closer. 403 01:08:12.980 --> 01:08:21.939 vijay: So just to yeah, just to clear this explanation. So we started from Simcity. 404 01:08:46.850 --> 01:08:58.190 Garth Huber: that's right. That was what was fit at that step is, these equations are fit, and the and then the the gives you these fit parameters. 405 01:08:58.830 --> 01:09:04.139 Richard Trotta: Okay, so actually, this is a pretty good segue. So 406 01:09:04.270 --> 01:09:19.000 Richard Trotta: just so everyone knows. Cause I was going through these scripts. So this part of the script right here, this one where you're doing this fitting and kind of getting the separation for each component here that is in scripts. This 407 01:09:19.010 --> 01:09:30.399 Richard Trotta: Lt twod fit one that's here, which we will go over right? Because it takes in, as Garth said. Here, right the unseparated cross sections here, which was this side of the equation right? 408 01:09:30.630 --> 01:09:36.580 Richard Trotta: And then. So this reading these in from the previous calculations that that that the script did. 409 01:09:36.700 --> 01:09:54.439 Richard Trotta: And then from here. It's gonna read these in and then go. It's we'll go through this because it's pretty intense, but it will go through all the fitting parameters of this and then the second part of this right. So then, this script right, and this part is to get the better fitting parameters, that is part of the script here. 410 01:09:54.440 --> 01:10:09.479 Richard Trotta: which is in the models. There's this X underscore x fit in t fit in T. Yes, that's exactly what it was called before just now. It's python, yeah. And so and we'll go through this as well, because this one I have the most questions about this one is 411 01:10:09.580 --> 01:10:21.760 Richard Trotta: some of the equations. I'm not 100%, sure enough, sure on. But that's that's pretty much so everyone knows. Kind of like this slide, you know. Step 6. Here. Slide 11 corresponds to this. 412 01:10:21.920 --> 01:10:24.990 Richard Trotta: this script. Lt. 2D. Fit, and then 413 01:10:25.370 --> 01:10:36.700 Garth Huber: this step, step 7. Slide 12 corresponds to X, right? Right? So again. So there's 2 separate fits on the previous slide. 414 01:10:36.860 --> 01:10:47.419 vijay: Here, you're fitting. Yeah, we'll let you ask questions in a second. But so let me clarify this for everyone. So in this step you're fitting the rose and blues equation. 415 01:10:47.710 --> 01:10:49.419 Garth Huber: Okay, this is one 416 01:10:50.260 --> 01:10:53.450 Garth Huber: set of fits. Then in the next slide. 417 01:10:55.490 --> 01:11:14.139 Garth Huber: Go move to next slide. Yeah. Now you. You have done the rows and blue fit. That's the green points. And now you're fitting indeed, that parameterization that'll depend on what parametrization you have in Simc and like for you. Channel, of course, will be a completely independent parameterization compared to T. Channel. Yes. Now. VJ. 418 01:11:14.670 --> 01:11:29.619 vijay: So if we have this? No, no, no, no, you do. No, no, but that's a much earlier step. Go back again to the formula from the block equation. 419 01:11:30.470 --> 01:11:37.310 Garth Huber: This is this is where the yield equation is used. Go to next slide 11 420 01:11:37.330 --> 01:11:54.970 Garth Huber: where the blue and black points were were determined using those yield equations and the evaluation of the model at the center at the center of the bin. Okay? Does. 421 01:11:55.480 --> 01:11:59.139 vijay: That's the only place where you use. Yield ratio. 422 01:11:59.680 --> 01:12:05.200 Garth Huber: You don't use the yield ratio for these steps. You've already used it. 423 01:12:05.830 --> 01:12:18.379 Richard Trotta: Uhhuh. But for the next you will need to reevaluate the yield ratio, because the model will change. Yeah. So just to kind of clarify this. Right? You have your initial parameter file, which looks like this 424 01:12:18.410 --> 01:12:25.150 Richard Trotta: right? And that'll go. That's what's fed into back here, the simcity right that you run. 425 01:12:25.170 --> 01:12:30.870 Richard Trotta: and then you can run through all this and your yield ratio might not be one yet. 426 01:12:30.890 --> 01:12:46.160 Garth Huber: Ratio. 427 01:12:46.250 --> 01:12:52.189 Garth Huber: Right? Okay. So the yield ratio. I guarantee you will never. 428 01:12:52.960 --> 01:12:55.690 Garth Huber: It's going to vary bin by bin 429 01:12:56.360 --> 01:13:05.970 vijay: it will never be one everywhere for every iteration the Y exp will not change. 430 01:13:05.980 --> 01:13:07.910 Garth Huber: but the Y. SIM will. 431 01:13:07.930 --> 01:13:12.440 Garth Huber: because you're changing the parameters in the model. 432 01:13:12.720 --> 01:13:16.319 Garth Huber: And so then you have to reevaluate the Y SIM. 433 01:13:16.370 --> 01:13:21.169 Richard Trotta: we'll get to. Now this question a second. Just can you go back one previous slide? 434 01:13:21.290 --> 01:13:33.269 Garth Huber: Ok, or maybe even one more slide. So these are now again diagnostic plots where you're inspecting the yield ratios, and you can see that these yield ratios. 435 01:13:34.450 --> 01:13:35.660 Very 436 01:13:36.110 --> 01:13:52.570 Garth Huber: this is, we have high epsilon on the right and low epsilon at the left. We have our 60 bins, but separately, for low and high epsilon, and again, we only have full Phi coverage at one epsilon. 437 01:13:52.580 --> 01:14:02.800 Garth Huber: That's why, in the very most upper left plot you see some bins which are missing. That's fine. We're only required to have full fi coverage 438 01:14:02.950 --> 01:14:22.650 Richard Trotta: at one epsilon. It's preferable to have full fly coverage at both. But that's not always possible. Yeah, let me. Actually, I have a big plot for this. So, for instance, here is from some of my data, from 2.2 squared 2. So you can see here, right. You can see the same sort of trend here, but you can see, because I haven't iterated through this 439 01:14:22.710 --> 01:14:27.750 Richard Trotta: yet. You'll have some. Yeah, I still have some bins right there, you know. 440 01:14:27.760 --> 01:14:52.020 Garth Huber: and then that's an exceptionally large plotting scale. If you go back to my plot you'll see that now this ratio range is quite a bit smaller, and this is the difference, you know this is iteration 11 versus, you know. But yes. But now Vijay's question is to just go back to that plot, I think what Vijay's question is, okay, when do you stop? 441 01:14:52.020 --> 01:14:57.899 vijay: So again, we we don't require the ratio to be one everywhere that will be 442 01:14:58.540 --> 01:15:19.140 Garth Huber: that is too demanding. We do not demand that. On the other hand, what you see is like where I have that red arrow, you can see that there is a dip there. Right? So that is so. What we're looking at is, are the ratios randomly fluctuating around one? Or are there systematic trends. 443 01:15:19.140 --> 01:15:28.870 Garth Huber: So in this case, just to give an example, you can see that if we simply look at the high epsilon data. 444 01:15:29.450 --> 01:15:35.480 Garth Huber: the lowest t bin, which is the upper left one on the right. 445 01:15:35.720 --> 01:15:44.149 Garth Huber: Maybe. Richard, if you can just put your arrow there one up above that. Yeah. So in that one you can see it's reasonably flat. 446 01:15:44.210 --> 01:15:58.810 Garth Huber: and it's reasonably close to one. Now, if we go to the one underneath that that's T bin number 3. Now you can see that we have a larger fluctuation. It's still reasonably close to one, but there's a fluctuation there which is indicating that the interference term 447 01:15:59.090 --> 01:16:00.910 vijay: is being 448 01:16:01.090 --> 01:16:03.959 Garth Huber: underestimated, or at least it's 449 01:16:04.140 --> 01:16:11.220 Garth Huber: wrong in the model compared to the data. If they were the same in both model the data, then the ratio would be flat. 450 01:16:11.450 --> 01:16:21.689 Garth Huber: And so the fact that the ratio itself has a bi-dependens is telling you that the interference term is wrong. But on average, it's looking 451 01:16:21.770 --> 01:16:32.069 Garth Huber: fairly good. But now, if you go down to the plot beneath this, you can see that indeed, that not only is there fluctuation, but the mean is below one. 452 01:16:32.370 --> 01:16:36.649 Garth Huber: So that means, indeed, you can see there's a systematic dependence that 453 01:16:36.790 --> 01:16:47.819 Garth Huber: the model does not have the same t dependence as the data. The ratio changes with T. So what you want again, we don't require R to be one everywhere. That's that's 454 01:16:48.270 --> 01:17:12.379 Garth Huber: too hard of a demand. But you do want that the ratios are reasonably close to one with reasonably few variations. Again, I'm only using the word reasonably. It will not be possible to get rid of all the fluctuations and all of the trends. But that's why. Now, if you go back to the form in the block paper, there's some text there. 455 01:17:14.150 --> 01:17:15.390 Richard Trotta: Yep, sorry 456 01:17:16.200 --> 01:17:35.129 Garth Huber: there. Okay, and that's bottom sentence, which was cut off. The fitting procedure was iterated until Sigma experiment changed by less than a prescribed amount, typically a percent. But that will depend on your statistical errors. So that will be more demanding. VJ. Probably one Richard. 457 01:17:35.130 --> 01:17:46.730 Garth Huber: probably larger. But once the right left hand side is not varying very much iteration to iteration. You can stop. 458 01:17:48.390 --> 01:17:52.890 Garth Huber: Does that answer your question? Vijay. Okay. 459 01:17:54.530 --> 01:18:12.059 Garth Huber: so yes. Preliminary cross sections would be. Maybe that things are haven't fully settled down. So you would have us as a larger uncertainty, you'd have to quote. But then the final cross sections would we publish would be, you know, a few more iterations or or 460 01:18:12.670 --> 01:18:18.679 Garth Huber: and and what you you find sometimes, if you go back to those ratio plots 461 01:18:19.780 --> 01:18:40.829 Garth Huber: is that sometimes what you find is okay. So maybe the equation I have in the Simc isn't quite right. I should. Maybe I need to put a quadratic dependence on T instead of a linear dependence on T, or whatever the data demand. And so that means, of course, you have to modify all of the corresponding sections of the code. 462 01:18:41.040 --> 01:18:50.429 Garth Huber: not only in SIM C, but in the Python script, so that the code is all self consistent. you know, save with a different version, number everything. 463 01:18:50.450 --> 01:19:05.539 Garth Huber: and and then reiterate again, you don't have to rerun Simc, but you do have to reiterate, and and sometimes you have to do that to get your final cross section. But preliminary cross-sections you know, will have a 464 01:19:05.900 --> 01:19:10.359 Garth Huber: a larger criterion on there! Then, file 465 01:19:12.240 --> 01:19:26.630 Garth Huber: did add, answer your questions, Vijay. Okay. Now Nasser did have his hand up, but then he lowered it, so I assume I answered it. But feel free. Nasser, you probably wanna ask a supplemental question. 466 01:19:28.000 --> 01:19:34.420 Nacer: Yes, I mean, you are discussing something also very interesting here is that you're saying that 467 01:19:34.550 --> 01:19:49.319 Nacer: usually here. You, for example, in this slide, you got to the iteration number 11 was also worried that it may be that you're forcing, and you're fitting so much that you're overfitting. Then you forcing basically to fit 468 01:19:49.620 --> 01:19:52.079 Nacer: to produce something closer to one. 469 01:19:52.270 --> 01:20:05.499 Garth Huber: But that's all. Okay. But the re, okay, you ask a good question. So go back to again the equation in the block paper. Okay? So the thing is again, we evaluate the cross section at a point 470 01:20:05.570 --> 01:20:18.100 Garth Huber: whereas these yields are evaluated over the whole bin. This process only works. If the Monte Carlo 471 01:20:18.620 --> 01:20:25.780 Garth Huber: is reproducing the data. And so I guess I would say. 472 01:20:27.840 --> 01:20:36.990 Garth Huber: yeah, we. We have to force the ratios to be close to one again. It's not like it's not that we're publishing the model. 473 01:20:37.130 --> 01:20:45.930 Garth Huber: right? We we we don't publish the Sigma Mc. On the right hand side. We still correct it by whatever is the residual ratio? 474 01:20:46.850 --> 01:20:53.269 Garth Huber: Right? So if you have a ratio that okay, it's a 1 point all 5 instead of one. 475 01:20:53.460 --> 01:21:05.369 Garth Huber: Then that means we correct the Monte Carlo Cross section by that 1 point O 5 in this formula to give the Sigma experiment. And then that is what is used to generate the Rosenblith equation. 476 01:21:09.830 --> 01:21:19.949 Nacer: Yeah, it's still kind of puzzle in how I guess of someone coming you to this. Cm. Dot sigma, you're trying to find Sigma XP. Equals Sigma Mc, which is yeah. 477 01:21:20.090 --> 01:21:34.650 Garth Huber: Well, but that's well. But well, no, but we will not have them equal. But we do want that. The Monte Carlo properly describes the variation of the cross section across the acceptance 478 01:21:35.200 --> 01:21:38.120 Garth Huber: right, because, after all, the Y's 479 01:21:38.240 --> 01:21:52.230 Garth Huber: are varying across the acceptance of a bin, it's not the full acceptance of the detector, even though we already have compared to your experience. Small acceptance detectors. But again, we subdivide that acceptance in T and Phi. 480 01:21:54.940 --> 01:22:07.489 Garth Huber: and and and of course that's a complicated binning, because those are not the experimental variables. These are Lorentz and variant quantities that we've been in. 481 01:22:07.650 --> 01:22:13.619 Richard Trotta: Kind of. What said about the point is actually why you said at some point, too. Right? So each one of these values 482 01:22:13.700 --> 01:22:26.760 Richard Trotta: is the average per bin. Right? You're averaging that. So you're kind of smoothing it out right? So any kind of that noise of what we're fitting is kind of just taken to account by the averages. And then you're looking at the one single point. So you don't really worry about it then. 483 01:22:26.870 --> 01:22:27.740 Garth Huber: Yes. 484 01:22:29.690 --> 01:22:41.959 Garth Huber: So each T. Bin will have a slightly different Q squared and W. And that will be published in the published data. Where we actually tabulate. 485 01:22:41.970 --> 01:22:47.310 Garth Huber: let's say, for essential kinematics of Q squared equals this and W equals that. 486 01:22:47.450 --> 01:22:52.450 Garth Huber: We then show our actual t values 487 01:22:53.230 --> 01:23:03.500 Garth Huber: where for each of those W. And Q squared varies slightly, and although theorists tend to ignore that, to compare 488 01:23:03.780 --> 01:23:18.660 Richard Trotta: Reggie model or Gpd. Model to our cross-sections in the model is supposed to be evaluated at those exact W's and Q squared. 489 01:23:18.680 --> 01:23:25.769 Richard Trotta: The point of this kind of Monte Carlo is, is you you want the functional form and the parameterization to be such 490 01:23:25.790 --> 01:23:44.899 Richard Trotta: that the cross section is described. Robust enough, that robust enough in a sense that you can, you know. Fiddle with it a little bit, and it shouldn't, you know, go off into crazy directions at that point you can. You can save, even if you're overfitting right? As long as the Cross section model is properly describing the data. 491 01:23:44.900 --> 01:24:05.390 Richard Trotta: You, you have the conference to say alright, even if I'm overfitting. I know at least that the cross section is correct, cause it's not gonna go off as some crazy direction, if I but that's why it's so critical again. Just go back to the previous 2 slides, and we can maybe look at both of them. This is why it's so important for every iteration to 492 01:24:05.810 --> 01:24:08.019 Garth Huber: look at these plots. 493 01:24:08.210 --> 01:24:22.410 Garth Huber: these plots, of course the the iteration code will happily go and do the next step without looking these plots. But it's really critical to look at these plots for every iteration to understand. Okay? 494 01:24:22.570 --> 01:24:30.469 Garth Huber: And compare, say, to the previous iteration or 2 iterations, go. Are the ratios getting better, or are they getting worse? 495 01:24:31.430 --> 01:24:54.820 vijay: If they're getting worse, then you have to stop and think and check. If there's a bug in the code, or what's going on? Yes, exactly. If if we have good parameterization, it should improve. Also, if you have no bugs in your code, it should improve absolutely. 496 01:24:54.990 --> 01:25:07.430 Garth Huber: And it's more or less guaranteed, it'll improve, although sometimes progress is frustratingly slow, and and sometimes the progress is fast. And and sometimes you have to do some iterations, find things didn't 497 01:25:07.440 --> 01:25:13.140 Garth Huber: this wiggle that I want to get rid of is still there. So then you have to think on on changing something. 498 01:25:14.320 --> 01:25:22.849 Garth Huber: But if there's a bug in the code. And and II really have to to emphasize that if there's so many steps here where 499 01:25:22.880 --> 01:25:32.079 Garth Huber: inconsistencies can crop up, and then things do not converge. But if the code is bug free 500 01:25:32.180 --> 01:25:34.899 Garth Huber: then yeah, things should converge. 501 01:25:36.350 --> 01:25:53.199 Garth Huber: Now, just good. Go to the next plot, so we would show we would look at this plot every iteration. But then we had a more complicated script. I don't know if you've done this Richard, or or vj, so now, what we have done here just to so, you know, is each 502 01:25:53.260 --> 01:25:57.409 Garth Huber: roll is actually a separate T bin 503 01:25:57.750 --> 01:26:07.210 Garth Huber: at one epsilon. This whole page of plots of where we have 8 times 6, we have 48 plots here. This is 504 01:26:08.070 --> 01:26:17.969 Garth Huber: one Epsilon. where now what we have done is, in addition to just binning in T and Phi. We have separately binned also in theta. 505 01:26:19.720 --> 01:26:29.250 Garth Huber: And so you have here the the bins at theta equals 1, 3, 5, 7, 506 01:26:29.540 --> 01:26:33.230 Garth Huber: 9, 1113, and 15. 507 01:26:34.610 --> 01:26:37.800 Garth Huber: And we're just looking for in this case. 508 01:26:37.930 --> 01:26:50.620 Garth Huber: We only did this periodically, where we were running that the iteration wasn't say converging the way we would want. And so then we need to look things in more detail 509 01:26:50.810 --> 01:26:59.460 in this case specifically for the interference terms right? Because the interference terms depend on theta whether 510 01:27:00.850 --> 01:27:01.800 Garth Huber: you know 511 01:27:02.660 --> 01:27:25.719 Garth Huber: what to do. But we did not do this every time. In fact, we didn't even do this initially, we had gone through some iterations. And then Hanks basically said, Okay, Garth, can you write some code where you subdivide everything. And it was a lot of work, because you have to basically take all of Richard's scripts, say. And now add another dimension of binning on everything 512 01:27:25.890 --> 01:27:38.039 Garth Huber: and rebin all of the data in this extra dimension. And of course the Monte Carlo 2 so you probably don't have these plots. But just pointing out that 513 01:27:38.450 --> 01:27:41.060 Garth Huber: sometimes we needed to do this, too. 514 01:27:48.180 --> 01:27:52.080 Richard Trotta: Yeah, I mean, it would get. I would. I probably couldn't want it. There'd be 515 01:27:52.660 --> 01:28:17.730 Richard Trotta: easy enough to implement currently, I would actually say, but it would be the bidding scheme to get all messed up. It's straightforward but tedious cause. Yeah. Third dimension to all of your binning. So you have extra loops and and things. But again it was only in a diagnostic. It did not change any of the fitting steps, which is simply you wanted to bin the data and the Monte Carlo more finally. 516 01:28:17.790 --> 01:28:25.640 Garth Huber: so you could look so again. The the red fits here are not actually used in any way, but they're they're used to guide the eye. Right? 517 01:28:28.520 --> 01:28:32.450 Richard Trotta: Yeah, I can show this. Everyone has to. There is 518 01:28:33.880 --> 01:28:38.990 Richard Trotta: in the scripts as well. There's the Bending Directory here, and this is where 519 01:28:39.060 --> 01:28:46.280 Richard Trotta: all the bins are kind of calculated in the ratios. So you can look for these to check the loops and whatnot. 520 01:28:46.320 --> 01:28:56.130 Richard Trotta: this one, for instance, this pretty much finds good initial T. B's based off of, you know, to make it equal statistics across each t bin 521 01:28:56.190 --> 01:29:06.200 Richard Trotta: So if you want to look at these, this is just nice for, you know, for good initial point, and then, obviously, your teams might change, depending on what you say later on. But 522 01:29:07.360 --> 01:29:11.300 Richard Trotta: hey? Any other questions? 523 01:29:12.270 --> 01:29:13.889 vijay: No, no, not from me. 524 01:29:14.480 --> 01:29:16.660 Garth Huber: Anyone else. Now, sir. 525 01:29:20.110 --> 01:29:31.149 Nacer: yeah, this is a really good introduction to the to the mess. Let's say, Oh, yeah, everyone's always like a little bit fearful of the Lt separations. It's a necessary 526 01:29:31.350 --> 01:29:35.880 Garth Huber: step. Hopefully, that better explained 527 01:29:36.040 --> 01:29:40.010 Garth Huber: things as, but it's maybe Alicia just 528 01:29:40.090 --> 01:29:46.819 should ask so again, because for the Bsa 529 01:29:46.860 --> 01:29:59.869 Garth Huber: right, we don't use this formula. But again, because we've been in T, so in principle, that means, of course, the data are different. The W. And Q squared are slightly different for every T bin 530 01:29:59.950 --> 01:30:11.639 Garth Huber: and that means when we compare to say partons, or whatever the date data compared to the model, we should evaluate the model at the same W. Bar. Q. Squared bar 531 01:30:11.980 --> 01:30:18.830 Garth Huber: as the data separately for each T. So are you tabulating yet 532 01:30:19.220 --> 01:30:24.529 w bar and Q squared bar for each t bin. You don't have a diamond cut, so they will vary. 533 01:30:24.840 --> 01:30:46.660 Alicia: Yes, I am tabulating it. When I sent you the kinematics to make the plot for the Q squared scan. Yeah, that's right. It'll it'll all change after the offsets, though, so it should change only subtly. But of course it's good to double check that there isn't an unexplained big big change. But yeah. 534 01:30:46.660 --> 01:31:02.560 Garth Huber: but yeah, II have been doing that, and I have a a script that does that that's ready to go. Very good. Okay. But yeah, for the cross-sections, it's it's absolutely critical. But again, in any comparison between model and data. It's also important. Say, theorists. 535 01:31:02.560 --> 01:31:26.300 Garth Huber: I don't know why fears are able to read numbers in a table, but the almost with rare exceptions, they they ignore this. And just to plot versus the central kinematics, and then usually have to write them, say, well, actually, for a better comparison. Here, let me plot it for you using the actual W. And Q squared, which vary every bin. 536 01:31:28.160 --> 01:31:35.500 Nacer: So just one last thing, Garth was, yes, please. So you had fits where you say you're obstructing from Verizon blue 537 01:31:35.520 --> 01:31:49.610 Nacer: formula that you're obstructing Sigma T. Sigma, l sigma Lt. And stuff. Yeah, in the here this exposure showing so you fit the same equation that this equation on the top of your fitting on the left 538 01:31:50.160 --> 01:31:56.609 Nacer: independently for each plot. Yes, and you fit it for each pot, and each pot extracts a different parameter. How is that? 539 01:31:56.930 --> 01:32:00.790 Garth Huber: Well, because, L, because all these cross sections have t dependence? 540 01:32:01.190 --> 01:32:10.500 Garth Huber: Yes, I. And I see that I understand. But how do you extract for each pot? Here you say you extract a different quantity extract? Sigma? Right? Yeah. You have 6 independent fits, right? 541 01:32:10.690 --> 01:32:13.190 Nacer: But he had fared the same function, exactly the same function. 542 01:32:13.310 --> 01:32:20.490 Garth Huber: Well, the the function is dictated by physics, so the function has to be the same. What will vary is LTLT. And TT. 543 01:32:21.140 --> 01:32:41.950 Nacer: Yes, there are free parameters that you extract. Actually you extract all the parameters for so all these block 6 plots, you would extract 6 times these parameters. You do not take any average. No, no, no, you don't take any average. 544 01:32:42.160 --> 01:32:53.489 Garth Huber: because that's your T dependence, which is important physics. So you do not average in any way. You now have your t dependence. So now in the next slide. You have 6 ls. 545 01:32:53.820 --> 01:33:00.739 Nacer: so if you go, yes. So if you go back, so let's say the first plot on the top left. 546 01:33:00.910 --> 01:33:02.860 Nacer: you extract there, what? 547 01:33:02.870 --> 01:33:10.740 Garth Huber: LTLT, and TT. Exactly so. And the second one, you extract all again, the 6 as well. But at that T. 548 01:33:11.940 --> 01:33:32.499 Garth Huber: Yes, yes. Then, okay, I got it. I got it. Okay, okay? And you can actually see sort of how it works in here. 549 01:33:32.660 --> 01:33:38.819 Richard Trotta: it's like I said, this one's a lot. But okay, so you read in these files, and then you pull this function here 550 01:33:38.970 --> 01:33:50.680 Richard Trotta: alright, and we're just gonna go through this function. But then this is recorded. It's worth just going through, because there's just a lot here. 551 01:33:50.880 --> 01:33:57.839 Richard Trotta: okay, I'm trying to make a good way to go through this alright first. I'll just go over to these ones since they're up here. Because they'll get called later on. 552 01:33:57.870 --> 01:34:23.929 Richard Trotta: So. And it's actually one thing I did kind of confuse me so maybe you could have some clarification on this card pretty much. He defines 4 equations, which are just, you know, like, we said, it's this equation, right? And so. But he defines the Rosales equation. And this is just for I think. Just make it clear for high and low, which is fine, but then he also has high and low on set. 553 01:34:25.010 --> 01:34:29.980 Richard Trotta: But the only difference between these 2 is that one is in radians, and one is in degrees 554 01:34:32.320 --> 01:34:40.090 Richard Trotta: no idea why you would do it that way. Very confused. Why, he's doing that as well 555 01:34:45.510 --> 01:34:52.150 Garth Huber: as long as it's being. Yeah, that's not needed. I would just comment out one of the sets. 556 01:34:52.440 --> 01:35:00.770 Richard Trotta: okay, yeah. Well, let me go through it. And then we can. I just want to bring that to your attention first. Well, before we go through this. But okay, so first, you're just defining 557 01:35:01.330 --> 01:35:22.300 Richard Trotta: you're grabbing from the you're grabbing from these 2 files behind low Epsilon files which has the unseparate cross-section. You're grabbing your cross section, your error, your model cross section, your epsilon, theta by you know everything I showed you before. I just print these out so you can check them if you and then 558 01:35:22.450 --> 01:35:35.850 Richard Trotta: pretty much down here, then you're creating these lists which save the you know, the bins that are in here because each one of these cross section values is gonna have a corresponding Q squared WT. Theta. 559 01:35:36.470 --> 01:35:42.940 Richard Trotta: and then from here you're just looping over all your T. B's right, and then 560 01:35:43.660 --> 01:35:57.970 Richard Trotta: this part is just applying a cut, but the cut itself is just making sure you're in the proper bin. So you know, if you're at, I equals 0. The first lesson, you know, whatever your first tin is. 561 01:35:58.070 --> 01:36:01.439 Richard Trotta: Okay. So then, this is where the code starts getting into 562 01:36:01.500 --> 01:36:05.380 Richard Trotta: a lot of stuff. So the first thing and this is right 563 01:36:05.540 --> 01:36:07.740 Richard Trotta: is he has here. 564 01:36:08.380 --> 01:36:26.590 Richard Trotta: He defines both the the this function here, right? This is the t this is a fit, this. So he's fitting it. And this has 4 inputs in the 4 inputs for this are just your Lc, in your interference terms, it goes from 360. Right. So this is the degrees, and this is the one that's in Radians. 565 01:36:26.750 --> 01:36:32.629 Richard Trotta: And up here he just grabbing the the pretty much the value from this from this 566 01:36:33.120 --> 01:36:38.669 Richard Trotta: function, or he's grabbing the values from the input file above. 567 01:36:38.710 --> 01:36:47.650 Richard Trotta: Yeah, I think the reason why has it, both? Because, indeed, the code he inherited from me. I had everything in degrees. I'm I. 568 01:36:48.150 --> 01:37:17.470 Ali Usman: Peter has written for simcity 569 01:37:17.530 --> 01:37:26.930 Ali Usman: as a a different like 5 definitions. And so it it. It is very, very important to 570 01:37:26.930 --> 01:37:53.960 Ali Usman: properly convert everything. Why would Peter wants to have a different 5? Definition should be standard definition of fine. So I think, Alicia can confirm, but I think, like some of the Monte Carlo, are not like. There's a difference between like I think the Newton Monte Carlo. And to see this Monte Carlo. Okay, either way, I would claim the correct. The correct answer is, you must calculate it identically how it is calculated in hc, Anna. 571 01:37:54.210 --> 01:38:02.149 Alicia: so that's the big issue. I don't remember if neutron and SIM cetus are different. But 572 01:38:02.400 --> 01:38:07.910 Alicia: data and Simc have different ranges for Phi. 573 01:38:08.830 --> 01:38:12.970 Alicia: So I had to convert to do the the delta 574 01:38:13.980 --> 01:38:21.809 Alicia: comparison. For the shape study, because one of them goes from 0 to 2 pi, and one of them goes from negative pi to pi. 575 01:38:22.850 --> 01:38:28.290 vijay: But if you run, Richard Simcity, Richard, is every con that convert this? 576 01:38:28.320 --> 01:38:53.579 Alicia: yes, yes, I am. I am using the recon script. Maybe it's in older version, somehow. I can. I can chat with Richard about that. But I am. I am using some version of the recon script, and even after that they're still different. 577 01:38:53.640 --> 01:39:10.299 Richard Trotta: Be completely consistent. After the recovery building, just from your initial momentum energy. And then just the data. Yeah, I'll send you a message later. And we can see what's up with that. Yeah. 578 01:39:10.960 --> 01:39:20.009 Richard Trotta: okay, so yeah, pretty much just like, I said, just going through. And this is grabbing your cross section values 579 01:39:20.480 --> 01:39:28.470 Richard Trotta: and then also your error for the cross-sections and the models setting in there. And does this. 580 01:39:29.020 --> 01:39:43.230 Richard Trotta: So then it creates this graph errors. It's kind of honest. It's a little hard to follow. So it grabs this T graph, which is called temp, one which is just grabbing. Looks like it really needs some comments in here. I know Bill didn't give you either. But 581 01:39:43.260 --> 01:40:01.569 Richard Trotta: yeah, that's what my goal is. That's kind of this meeting. So I can kind of get a better understanding of what's going on. Happy to have more meetings. My first question is, he creates these, he's grabbing these T Grapp errs which come from 582 01:40:01.630 --> 01:40:04.970 Richard Trotta: this end low. Let me jump in back and forth, but 583 01:40:05.080 --> 01:40:08.880 Richard Trotta: right? So the first vectors of these 584 01:40:09.130 --> 01:40:10.300 Richard Trotta: are your 585 01:40:10.420 --> 01:40:12.760 Richard Trotta: Q squared? And W, 586 01:40:13.750 --> 01:40:26.789 Richard Trotta: okay, so the can Max to the top of the file or something. Yeah, I think he's push. I it might be in my thinking he'd be grabbing these 3 values. Cause I think this would be your. 587 01:40:26.900 --> 01:40:32.310 Richard Trotta: This would be your v. 2, and then your v. 3 would be this. because your model doesn't have an error on it. 588 01:40:32.810 --> 01:40:37.030 Garth Huber: No, your model. Well, your SIM C. Has an error on it. Absolutely. 589 01:40:37.130 --> 01:40:47.349 Richard Trotta: Yeah. See? That's okay. So like in in this code, though, he only has the error for this. V. 3, which is the error in the data. 590 01:40:47.670 --> 01:40:51.629 Richard Trotta: So uncorp the the data unseparated cross-section. 591 01:40:51.670 --> 01:41:00.580 Richard Trotta: But the Monte Carlo. But the unseparated cross section already should have in it. 592 01:41:00.710 --> 01:41:15.450 Richard Trotta: That's why I thought I just was, yeah, I think that's that's because this is based off the the 4 transcripts which I think already has that in here. That's why this is 0. Because, yeah, because the on separate cross section should already again, in that block formula 593 01:41:15.480 --> 01:41:28.089 Garth Huber: you have 3 quantities, the 2 yields which? Well, yeah, the the Model Cross section in that does not have an uncertainty. It's just calculated at that point. 594 01:41:28.130 --> 01:41:34.090 Richard Trotta: and there's no uncertainty associated with at all, it's an exact calculation using those parameters. 595 01:41:34.100 --> 01:41:53.660 Richard Trotta: Yeah, that makes sense. But the but the 2 yields both have uncertainties, and you propagate that according. Okay, so then pretty much. This is just. He causes the tempo, but he's just using this to more clearly define your x and y, 596 01:41:54.440 --> 01:41:58.209 Richard Trotta: which your x and y is a 597 01:41:58.560 --> 01:42:10.139 Richard Trotta: again using t graph error here, and the error in y which is kind of redefining what you wrote up here. I think he just said that C, with pointers sometimes can get messed up 598 01:42:10.390 --> 01:42:20.660 Richard Trotta: and then he defines the average Sig sigma for low and high using the room means square in there, or the mean, and the room means worth there. 599 01:42:20.890 --> 01:42:23.380 Richard Trotta: And then. 600 01:42:23.780 --> 01:42:25.169 Richard Trotta: at this point 601 01:42:25.760 --> 01:42:36.980 Richard Trotta: he's taking this, which is another key graph error. So he's setting the more points right now, which is just the number of events in in 602 01:42:37.180 --> 01:42:42.440 Richard Trotta: You know of your data. then for each t bin 603 01:42:42.790 --> 01:42:47.049 Richard Trotta: putting, you know, just plotting in your average signal out, which is defined right here. 604 01:42:47.820 --> 01:42:52.099 Garth Huber: Just keep taking a table, I think of your 605 01:42:52.610 --> 01:43:01.529 Garth Huber: on separated cross-sections at low epsilon yup, and then you just repeat this for high as well. Yeah. So now you have a table, and then now you're gonna fit the rows and blue formulas 606 01:43:01.620 --> 01:43:08.850 Richard Trotta: to that table. Umhm. Alright! And this is where my, my next, my big questions come in. I don't know what this is. 607 01:43:09.410 --> 01:43:21.580 Richard Trotta: what what is what. So I assume this is him calculating the errors. But I don't really know, like he has a point to point systematic error. 608 01:43:21.750 --> 01:43:25.339 Richard Trotta: something he calculated outside of this, which he sets at 2.9. 609 01:43:25.710 --> 01:43:31.460 Garth Huber: Yeah. And and for that, we're going to have to evaluate that. Okay. 610 01:43:32.300 --> 01:43:39.270 Richard Trotta: So I guess I'm just trying to get an idea of what is going on at the time. So he's calculating which errors 611 01:43:40.270 --> 01:43:58.740 Richard Trotta: well what it looks like, what he's adding here in quadrature is like we're talking about earlier. You have your statistical uncertainties, which is presuming the first term, and you have your random systematic uncertainties, which is the second term. Okay, yeah, that makes sense for what we're talking about here. So then, this is just 612 01:43:59.180 --> 01:44:01.509 Richard Trotta: I don't understand what this term is. Then 613 01:44:03.090 --> 01:44:07.220 Garth Huber: a well, he's incrementing this variable 614 01:44:08.850 --> 01:44:10.780 Richard Trotta: in quadrature. Yeah. 615 01:44:10.990 --> 01:44:17.830 Richard Trotta: Okay? Oh, I see. Okay, that makes sense. He's just putting all the all the values for every event in there. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. 616 01:44:17.870 --> 01:44:23.250 Richard Trotta: Okay? So yeah, that pretty much that he does that for high and low epsilon. 617 01:44:23.700 --> 01:44:37.009 Garth Huber: And then, okay, so then, this is the the next one. So now he has this equation here equation. except it looks like it's being evaluated at some 618 01:44:37.560 --> 01:44:38.430 Garth Huber: angle. 619 01:44:39.920 --> 01:44:50.920 Richard Trotta: I have no idea what this equation is, I think this is actually, for this particular script is where my biggest this has been the hardest thing to kind of look for, because II know context of what this equation is. 620 01:44:54.460 --> 01:44:56.670 Garth Huber: Well, the Y is epsilon. Right? 621 01:44:57.420 --> 01:45:01.680 Richard Trotta: Yes. Is it? This looks like the rose. This looks 622 01:45:04.140 --> 01:45:09.079 Garth Huber: very similar to the Rosenblith formula, but what? Oh, 623 01:45:09.120 --> 01:45:14.209 Garth Huber: okay. But but this is again coming from. 624 01:45:14.450 --> 01:45:28.660 Garth Huber: Yeah, there was some. You can probably remove that. There was some correction we had to apply to the data. It should be documented in like Jogan's thesis or somewhere. 625 01:45:28.840 --> 01:45:31.120 Garth Huber: That this should just go away. 626 01:45:31.310 --> 01:45:41.340 Garth Huber: Okay, let's see, the problem, though, is, then this is used to to set all the rest of the parameters. Yeah, but but you should remove that formula or comment it out is, and then you should not need that. 627 01:45:41.450 --> 01:45:47.039 Richard Trotta: So which I guess my question is, what for me, try to use the normal equation for this. 628 01:46:01.200 --> 01:46:04.090 Richard Trotta: So this is how he's setting the parameters right. 629 01:46:04.240 --> 01:46:09.849 Richard Trotta: All the parameters off of this. And the promise, too, is what is this? What is this variable name. 630 01:46:10.500 --> 01:46:18.720 vijay: Is it just Fansan Fansan of this? Yeah. But why are these values of theta in there? 631 01:46:19.020 --> 01:46:28.199 Richard Trotta: Yeah, II really don't know. And it's I. This has been the the point that I haven't after converting this t-time. I 632 01:46:28.360 --> 01:46:29.670 vijay: there's the. 633 01:46:30.020 --> 01:46:34.579 vijay: This is phi right phi in in our case, and we are. Phi right? Cause? Phi. 634 01:46:49.390 --> 01:47:01.169 Garth Huber: so you need to. I mean, yeah, I think vj, is correct. This is the reason this formula. But you should probably put a 635 01:47:01.370 --> 01:47:11.349 Garth Huber: see out statement or something here just to confirm. So y is presumably epsilon, and X is presumably the 5 PIN number. 636 01:47:13.170 --> 01:47:24.200 Garth Huber: And so, of course, then you have to convert your 5 bin number into Phi, whether it's degrees or radians by multiplying by the appropriate binwits. 637 01:47:25.700 --> 01:47:26.680 Richard Trotta: Okay? 638 01:47:27.460 --> 01:47:32.790 Garth Huber: And one is fine. The other is 2, 5. That's why one is twice as wide as the other. Right? 639 01:47:33.430 --> 01:47:50.170 Richard Trotta: That makes sense. Modified your version for the appropriate 5 in width. 640 01:47:50.200 --> 01:47:52.310 vijay: I, yeah, yeah. 641 01:47:52.800 --> 01:48:06.969 Garth Huber: yeah. But you should add some comment here, II mean, it's kind of bad that Bill hasn't commented. Where this O 1, 7, 4, 5, 3 comes from. So if you could add a comment here when you modify this so that 642 01:48:07.280 --> 01:48:15.550 Garth Huber: you remember, but looks like Phi is in degrees, cause. It goes from 0 to 3 60. That's the 2 parameters after the equation. 643 01:48:16.290 --> 01:48:25.479 vijay: and I don't want the point. One and point 6 are, that must be that would be range in range. Yeah. Range in Ti guess. 644 01:48:26.640 --> 01:48:38.329 Nacer: Did it need to be a 2 dimensional fit? There was no way to do a simple one. No, because it's versus Epsilon. And Phi, right? There's 2 parameters in the resume of the formula, right? Both Epsilon and Phi. 645 01:48:39.950 --> 01:48:48.459 Nacer: And yeah, I guess you need to fit them together. You have to fit them together. Do not fix one and fit. No, because they are. 646 01:48:48.530 --> 01:48:51.120 Garth Huber: No, you you have to. 647 01:48:54.740 --> 01:49:07.180 Nacer: No, you have to avoid the complexity. The the idea was, go into. That's just to avoid the 2 dimensional. There's no way to get the interference terms 648 01:49:07.480 --> 01:49:08.860 Garth Huber: without. 649 01:49:11.060 --> 01:49:16.870 Garth Huber: Yeah. you should have high enough quality data that you have no problem doing that, though. 650 01:49:17.260 --> 01:49:19.410 Richard Trotta: Okay, well, that at least clarifies 651 01:49:19.480 --> 01:49:32.449 Richard Trotta: these random numbers. I have to try scratch my head over. Okay at this point there's the first fit, right? So you're just saying that fitting parameters which is going to be. 652 01:49:33.000 --> 01:49:37.439 Richard Trotta: The parameters themselves are persist, prefer Lt. And interference terms, then 653 01:49:37.550 --> 01:49:43.140 Richard Trotta: the Zeroth one, the first one, and then the third one third one. 654 01:49:43.560 --> 01:50:02.570 Richard Trotta: and then pretty much from here. It is pretty straightforward, just, you know, setting the points for each one of these and then doing the fits which I don't think there's really anything in here just except for the parameter limits, I assume. Well, but again. And so I think this gets to NASA's question. So so the way you sort of reduce that complexity 655 01:50:02.630 --> 01:50:12.050 Garth Huber: is so, first of all, because you can see that this some parameters are fixed and others are released. So I think you start off 656 01:50:12.110 --> 01:50:22.720 Garth Huber: by fitting only L. And T. Whereas Lt. And Tt. Are held fixed. Right? That's what says there, right? Is that print statement in line 2, 83, 657 01:50:22.780 --> 01:50:39.049 Garth Huber: fit L. And T. While Lt. And Ttr. Are fixed. So that gives you a good guess at Lnt. And now you once you've done that, then you do a second fit. Where now you 658 01:50:40.320 --> 01:50:43.579 Garth Huber: it's to only know the TT, 659 01:50:43.840 --> 01:51:11.209 Richard Trotta: which is the next figure one, and then finally, you fit all 4. So you do it in steps. Yeah. So yeah. So here you can see it's fix fit Lt, while other fixed and fit lnt again. You're doing this, and then you do. Tt, while fixing all these, and then you have your final Lt. Back and forth between those 2 sets of parameters. Yeah. And the idea again is just to you're doing it this way to a 660 01:51:11.600 --> 01:51:16.579 Garth Huber: avoid the fitting function doing something crazy. L and T 661 01:51:17.680 --> 01:51:23.630 Garth Huber: are bigger than the interference terms, so they should dominate the fit. So you fit them first 662 01:51:23.740 --> 01:51:28.980 Richard Trotta: and you fix them, and then yeah, and then you try to fit only the wiggles. 663 01:51:29.540 --> 01:51:36.150 Garth Huber: and yeah, and and you and Tt. Is bigger than Lt. So you first fit the TT. Wiggle. 664 01:51:36.400 --> 01:51:38.889 Garth Huber: and then you fit the LT. Wiggle. 665 01:51:39.250 --> 01:51:46.529 Richard Trotta: Yeah. And then the rest of the script is pretty much just at this point, just fixing the parameters. Now you have 666 01:51:46.700 --> 01:51:53.210 Richard Trotta: in essence, you should have. Your final kind of everything is now fit together. But you've 667 01:51:53.360 --> 01:51:56.850 Garth Huber: you've obtained your initial parameters. Yeah. 668 01:51:56.970 --> 01:52:07.099 Garth Huber: And of course, if you had really super high quality data and very fine binning. You would need to do this. But with the real binning and real errors. 669 01:52:07.340 --> 01:52:36.689 Richard Trotta: yeah, you sort of go through this process, and then this is kind of gives you just your fit status, and then there's different plots that come out fitting these. And then this all gets outputted, then to this new file right, which has just your separated cross sections, and it gives you your Sig Tl. And interference terms with the errors, and then it also gives you your chi-squared value for that particular bin of T and return your T team in W and D squared. Then. So 670 01:52:36.730 --> 01:52:44.839 Garth Huber: okay, so hopefully, I'd address your comment, which was a good one, naser. So you deal first with only the epsilon dependence 671 01:52:45.100 --> 01:52:53.419 Garth Huber: by fitting only L. And T ignoring the Phi dependence. And then you start, including the Phi dependence. 672 01:52:54.880 --> 01:52:57.179 Garth Huber: the larger term first. 673 01:52:58.840 --> 01:53:26.669 Richard Trotta: after having the overall epsilon dependence. Yeah. And that was, that's this step right here. Just okay. So that's that script. I think that was my biggest question was pretty much what these errors were in this. I don't know if there's anyone else from glancing over. This has any more questions. But indeed there is in there. That's an important point is that these random systematic concerns is hardwired in there, and you will have to. 674 01:53:27.790 --> 01:53:36.759 Garth Huber: you can do some initial fitting. But for the final fitting we have to include the real, the actual number coming from the experiment. 675 01:53:37.830 --> 01:53:48.699 Garth Huber: In line 2 46. So you should make a comment there, it's important, wherever this is that that's a hard wired quantity in this code, and that'll have to be updated. 676 01:53:50.890 --> 01:53:53.490 Richard Trotta: Yeah, I agree with that. Okay. 677 01:53:53.510 --> 01:54:10.130 Garth Huber: so for some initial studies and being Gary going, you can just use whatever was, was already there. But in re, for final results, we have, yeah, yeah. 678 01:54:10.400 --> 01:54:15.140 Richard Trotta: alright. So then, the next script corresponding now to this 679 01:54:15.270 --> 01:54:22.709 Richard Trotta: this part here, which is the generating the new parameters file as I said. Now, this one is 680 01:54:23.200 --> 01:54:26.730 Richard Trotta: this, one confuses me just because of the labeling 681 01:54:26.870 --> 01:54:31.390 Richard Trotta: so this one might take a little more looking at so pretty much. 682 01:54:31.460 --> 01:54:47.950 Richard Trotta: We have you reading this exit, which you just take it for me particle type. This is just your clarity. And then I put closest date that pretty much just means, whatever the previous iteration was. It's just it goes off a date. I thought it was more specific that way. 683 01:54:48.050 --> 01:54:53.230 Richard Trotta: And then here he defines. And this, this is my first. This is where you're determining the the 684 01:54:53.690 --> 01:55:12.720 Richard Trotta: the parameters for the next iteration. So my first question is, he calls these functions for safety L. And interference terms. But there's a bunch of different functions in here. These are the ones that weren't commented out. So is this just using these equations because it's a good kind of initial 685 01:55:13.330 --> 01:55:15.140 Richard Trotta: starting point, or 686 01:55:16.860 --> 01:55:21.059 Garth Huber: I don't know why this is quoted this way. I mean, it should be quoted. 687 01:55:21.360 --> 01:55:28.200 Richard Trotta: it should be like. So that was my, that was my thing to what you have. Right? 688 01:55:28.370 --> 01:55:37.890 Richard Trotta: Yes. But again he, Bill's version was, you channel right? Everything's completely different. 689 01:55:38.090 --> 01:55:54.379 Richard Trotta: It gets very complicated. Let me. Let me hold off on that, because here's I thought that would be the case. But then, in the code itself, right? So if I go to like Sig t 690 01:55:54.570 --> 01:56:02.289 Richard Trotta: I guess. Let me start through. Go through this first. So first, it just reads in what we just generate right? That separated cross section. 691 01:56:02.370 --> 01:56:09.059 Richard Trotta: So reads this in it also just reads in the previous iterations, parameters, parameterization that we had. 692 01:56:09.320 --> 01:56:17.779 Richard Trotta: And so that's what pretty much all this is doing is just defining vectors and whatnot. So then I look at Sig Sigt, which is the first one he has. So here's the fit for Sig T. 693 01:56:18.050 --> 01:56:23.570 Richard Trotta: And then this is where things get very confusing. So he has. He loops over 694 01:56:24.180 --> 01:56:26.210 Richard Trotta: all the events that are in here 695 01:56:26.280 --> 01:56:40.629 Richard Trotta: again. It's not events. It's not events, you're not feeding events. You're fitting your tea bins. I don't know why he does it over. W. Vector but I mean the same size. 696 01:56:40.810 --> 01:56:47.499 Richard Trotta: So what I'm confused on is he has a Q squared term. It then has a Q squared dependent term. 697 01:57:00.570 --> 01:57:06.279 Richard Trotta: I. I'm not really sure what he means by Q. Squared term versus a Q squared dependent term. 698 01:57:09.640 --> 01:57:12.720 Garth Huber: I don't, either, but I don't think you really care. 699 01:57:13.040 --> 01:57:16.190 Richard Trotta: So yeah, that was my my thinking. Is that what I could do. 700 01:57:16.320 --> 01:57:30.009 Richard Trotta: I mean, this this part of script is is, I just don't understand what's going on. Well, sure. But all you want is that it corresponds to I mean, I can send you again my Fortran version of this. 701 01:57:30.270 --> 01:57:35.099 Richard Trotta: It was just hard to match up, because pretty much 702 01:57:35.120 --> 01:57:36.730 Richard Trotta: just going through this right. 703 01:57:37.240 --> 01:58:01.899 vijay: If we have exact same occasion in the in the previous or earlier, then we don't need this. Q. Scott. Here, right is, it will added this queue queue score dependent. And if we have already in our then I don't think we need this again. That's that's right. I mean, he has a completely different parameterization than what you're starting with. So 704 01:58:01.970 --> 01:58:28.930 Richard Trotta: don't mix parametrizations. This has to correspond exactly to what is in Simc. Otherwise you'll have problems, I think, indeed, if I vaguely recall, he had a factorized model where he indeed had a separate factor. Q. Squared depends. That's what you're seeing here so pretty much the way, cause I mean, he calls us fit function right? Which is like I showed you up here. This is just the function that's you know, for T, right for sick. T. Is this function right here? 705 01:58:29.420 --> 01:58:56.469 Richard Trotta: Just wasting your time? 706 01:58:56.470 --> 01:59:01.600 Garth Huber: Yes, it. I mean, if you want to understand what he does, you actually have to pull up his thesis 707 01:59:01.600 --> 01:59:16.289 Richard Trotta: and see his actual. But if you're curious and what he had, and certainly probably wanna save this for Alicia. 708 01:59:17.180 --> 01:59:28.700 Richard Trotta: Yeah, this, hopefully, this should correspond to what is in his thesis. But that's a completely different parameterization suggesting, you guys fit with. Because this is you channel, and this is completely different. 709 01:59:29.730 --> 01:59:46.880 Richard Trotta: Cool, alright. So I can kind of just go the rest of code for everyone else. Then so pretty much it's the same steps, or it repeats the same steps, is what's going on with Sixte, except obviously pramstation is gonna be slightly different for each each component, but pretty much just like before you're grabbing from the values, from the 710 01:59:47.150 --> 01:59:49.639 Richard Trotta: grabbing the values from the 711 01:59:49.740 --> 02:00:17.350 Richard Trotta: You have your table 6 or whatever key bits I would assume. So yeah, cause that's your only dependence. Right? These should only depend on T. It's d sigma T. You remove the epsilon dependence. You remove the Phi dependence. 712 02:00:17.470 --> 02:00:19.820 Garth Huber: There is no other dependence. 713 02:00:24.870 --> 02:00:29.220 Garth Huber: Well, I mean, there's a Q squared and W. Dependence. I guess that has to be. 714 02:00:30.520 --> 02:00:31.959 Garth Huber: Yeah. Umhm. 715 02:00:32.680 --> 02:00:44.820 Richard Trotta: so and pretty much. It goes through here then, and you're just defining sort of like your models for the fit just to fit it properly, which is pretty much oops. 716 02:00:44.820 --> 02:01:09.070 Richard Trotta: what we see right here. 717 02:01:09.070 --> 02:01:38.629 Richard Trotta: Then it it does that. It pretty much plots 2 things, plus you know your cross section here, and then it kind of plots it again with your fit status and everything. Is. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he's unfortunately. Yeah, he, I see he's combined everything to one script. We had it separately, that the fit was one script, and then the plot was a completely separate script. But okay, which is how I normally like to set them up. So I'm probably gonna tear these apart at some point in future. But for now I just have them. How how he had them. 718 02:01:38.730 --> 02:01:39.660 Richard Trotta: Okay. 719 02:01:39.690 --> 02:01:44.730 Richard Trotta: how have you set yours up? Is it? One script or 2 scripts? 720 02:01:45.130 --> 02:01:52.999 Richard Trotta: Currently, everything's one script just just for these 2 scripts. No, I understand. I was asking. I was asking. I was actually asking, Vijay, okay, yeah. 721 02:01:53.460 --> 02:02:07.690 vijay: I have such a separate. Actually, I'm not like, including all thing together. Yeah, which actually prefer. So when you say, Richard, it sounds like you should just take a look at what Vijay 722 02:02:07.730 --> 02:02:24.829 Richard Trotta: normally. So, the rest of my script should say, guys, II put it pretty much anything that's a plotting script. I'll put it in plotting I'm probably gonna put these in a new directory label properly. Yeah. Actually, I didn't do that for the plotting script simply because I wanted everything that you use together in iteration in one spot. 723 02:02:25.000 --> 02:02:26.269 Garth Huber: But the plots 724 02:02:26.610 --> 02:02:43.949 Garth Huber: were then written into a default plotting directory, but all of the scripts that were needed to do an iteration, including the plots, were in one spot. Yeah, II kind of jump around just because in python it's pretty easy to kind of point where certain things are so in that sense is, you can kind of just 725 02:02:44.010 --> 02:03:12.209 Garth Huber: down here at the bottom 726 02:03:12.210 --> 02:03:27.979 Garth Huber: a new web R dot file, which is then read in for the next iteration. Yup, and you'll have to move a pointer or something, because this is read out in a 727 02:03:28.680 --> 02:03:36.320 Richard Trotta: put out in a directory. I see the curly brackets after the source, which is separate every time 728 02:03:36.480 --> 02:03:48.329 Richard Trotta: you want to run through this, too. There, so there's I mean, just so. People know pretty much like you have this, the whole main script which runs. And then, after step 8, it's just like 729 02:03:48.330 --> 02:04:09.429 Richard Trotta: 300 lines of code of just saving files. So it like copies. The simcity. You're literally your simcity root file. And it's his file to the cache, and that cache is based off the date. So it's pretty easily labeled. And then everything else like I said, all the Pdfs, the Json files root files, his files. 730 02:04:09.430 --> 02:04:23.829 Richard Trotta: anything you possibly think of, or I'll save in there. So you should have pretty much every piece of information you could possibly want in there. Okay, and I would claim it's really important. Ii know I'm old fashioned, but I would claim having actually a paper logbook 731 02:04:23.970 --> 02:04:29.840 Garth Huber: for keeping track of what you're doing when you start doing these iterations? Really? 732 02:04:29.980 --> 02:04:31.759 Richard Trotta: Employee? Yeah, that's good point. 733 02:04:32.180 --> 02:04:33.459 Richard Trotta: Alright. 734 02:04:33.590 --> 02:05:02.140 Garth Huber: I think that's it. From the scripts. I think that clarified the questions ahead of these. Well again. But I would suggest that you start by because he's already dealt with a lot of this issues, and there's no point. I mean, it's also good for more people to look at codes. So that you, you know, if you find a bug that helps the other person. 735 02:05:02.370 --> 02:05:03.720 Garth Huber: Yeah, good 736 02:05:03.970 --> 02:05:08.069 vijay: any other questions. Vijay, do you have questions? 737 02:05:08.300 --> 02:05:10.990 Garth Huber: No, no. Okay. Does anyone else? 738 02:05:16.230 --> 02:05:23.170 Garth Huber: Okay, very good. So Are we done the meeting? Then should I stop the recording. 739 02:05:23.530 --> 02:05:34.699 vijay: I think, but I don't know. Rich. I still want to do meeting with this or you clear with this error propagation. 740 02:05:35.070 --> 02:05:55.119 Richard Trotta: Oh, for about the heap and luminosity. Yeah, but because in the heap I just saw you. And so that you are just summing up live. But you need to this. Yeah. But I do this in all analysis.