PION FORM FACTOR KINEMATICS (Fall 1997 Run) =========================================== The run number blocks only convey information about the first and the last run that belong to a certain setup. For more detail, bad runs etc. consult the run tables! (DJM, JV 04/13/98) W=1.95 in all cases Q^2 = .60, P_pi= 1.856, -t_min=.030 E_el th_e' E_e' th_q epsilon Theta_HMS THETA_piq runs comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4464 38.40 .567 9.99 .3749 10.512 +0.522 pi+: 17251-17259 min. HMS angle pi-: 17292-17304 12.00 +2.0 pi+: 17260-17284 no pi- 14.00 +4.0 pi+: 17285-17291 pi-: 17311-17315 3.549 18.31 1.670 14.97 .7369 14.97 0.0 pi+: 16984-17016 pi-: 17141-17155 12.20 -2.77 pi+: 17017-17029 no pi-, min. sepa- ration angle 16.97 +2.0 pi+: 17030-17039 no pi- 18.97 +4.0 pi+: 17040-17043 no pi- Q^2 = .75, P_pi= 1.929, -t_min=.044 E_el th_e' E_e' th_q epsilon Theta_HMS THETA_piq runs comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4464 46.70 .488 9.57 .3059 10.513 +0.943 pi+: 17317-17318 test for low epsilon 2.669 36.50 .715 11.46 .4295 11.46 0.0 pi+: 16845-16854,16867-16871 pi-: 16960-16962 15.46 +4.0 pi+: 16855-16866 pi-: 16966-16971 3.549 21.01 1.590 15.45 .7042 15.45 0.0 pi+: 17054-17069 no pi- 11.45 -4.0 pi+: 17070-17082 no pi- 19.45 +4.0 pi+: 17044-17053 no pi- Q^2 = 1.00, P_pi= 2.048, -t_min=.071 E_el th_e' E_e' th_q epsilon Theta_HMS THETA_piq runs comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.669 47.26 .582 10.63 .3272 10.63 0.0 pi+: 16908-16927 pi-: 16952-16958 14.63 +4.0 pi+: 16928-16934 pi-: 16936-16951 3.549 25.41 1.457 15.65 .6469 15.65 0.0 pi+: 17094-17113 pi-: 17124-17138 11.65 -4.0 pi+: 17083-17090 no pi- 19.65 +4.0 pi+: 17115-17122 no pi- Q^2 = 1.60, P_pi= 2.326, -t_min=.150 E_el th_e' E_e' th_q epsilon Theta_HMS THETA_piq runs comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.007 56.49 .594 10.49 .2722 10.51 0.0 pi+: 17178-17207 pi-: 17225-17235 14.49 +4.00 pi+: 17209-17224 pi-: 17236-17242 4.044 28.48 1.634 16.63 .6263 16.63 0.0 pi+: 17377-17397 pi-: 17441-17459 12.63 -4.0 pi+: 17402-17423 pi-: 17429-17440 20.63 +4.0 pi+: 17346-17375 pi-: 17463-17474